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After over a week of thinking things through, Reina finds herself back in Hanneau, sitting in the middle of the living of the Sou household. Mitsuei went after lunch to take care of some business in Moulen. Kiyoko claimed that a member of the local police had come to meet him for some purpose that she, too, had no idea about. As for Kayomi, she has school and will probably be back around the same time as Mitsuei. So to say the least, she was alone in someone else's home. Reina gradually decided to take some time off from teaching since she can’t concentrate well with all the thoughts running inside her head. After the war, her mother Helen established an educational facility for the poor people of Moulen and Haran. A place where education is free. The school located in Moulen charges fees that can be pretty much expensive for people who only have farming for a living. Only sons and daughters of businessmen and government officials can attend. Kayomi is currently attending that school in Moulen. However, when she was younger, she also spent some years in their school in Haran. She stayed there until she was old enough for their school. After all, they only accommodated ages from five to ten years old. Reina purposely chose this time of the day. It has the highest probability that both Mitsuei and Kayomi will be home. Going to Hanneau during nighttime is out of the question. Her father forbade her of staying late outdoors after the incident last time. She wishes that Kayomi will arrive first as she intended to talk to her first before finally deciding. For her, it’s important to gain her trust and know what exactly is on her mind. She didn’t want to walk on eggshells when she decided to take on the offer. She hasn’t been sitting for long in the house when she heard the door creak behind her. For some reason, she begins to feel uneasy and nervous. She gets on her feet and stands at the corner of the sliding door. Just then, she sees Mitsuei lining up his sandals with the others on one side. “M-Mister Mitsuei, good afternoon,” Reina greets with an awkward smile. “Miss Asai,” Mitsuei acknowledges with a nod. Mitsuei looks worn out. Perhaps the business he had to attend didn’t end well. Of course, he has the same scary expression, and him looking battered only made him more difficult to approach. On top of that, he is an unsociable man who hates crowds and would often avoid people on purpose. As far as she knew, he has a few people close to him whom he considers friends. “Miss Kiyoko said I can wait inside. She also brought some tea leaves earlier. Would you like me to brew some for you?” Reina offers clearly while seemingly on the edge. She is worried if it was a good idea to stay in a house alone without his consent. Mitsuei glances at her with the same nonchalant expression. He lowers his head to take a step ascending from the foyer. However, before he could hide his expression, Reina caught a glimpse of his lips lifting a small smile. “I see you already made yourself at home.” Reina gasps on realization. She did act like she owned the residence and lived there all her life. She feels embarrassed all of a sudden. She only wanted to make him feel better but her words came out wrongly. “I apologize for my impudence. I -- I just thought of pouring you tea because you seem exhausted from all-day work.” Instead of responding, Mitsuei hands her the bag that he has been carrying since he came in. He walks past her and continues with his steps. In confusion, she peeks in the bag containing what seems to be sweets. Reina recognizes the wrapping. It is the rice cakes that Maya also frequents in Moulen since Miki is dying to get one of their sweet cakes. They have various fillings like chocolate, red bean paste, or sometimes seasonal fruits. “I’ll brew the tea instead, so you prepare the table for our snack,” Mitsuei appeals as he walks towards the kitchen. Reina immediately complies, following behind Mitsuei since the dining area is adjacent to the kitchen. In fact, the rooms are only separated by a sliding door. She goes to the kitchen, asking Mitsuei for plates and utensils. He points at the drawer to his right where all the ceramics and silverware have been kept. As soon as Reina is done setting the table, she hears the water boiling indicating that tea will be done in a minute. True enough, Mitsuei soon emerges from the kitchen carrying a tray with cups and teakettle. The oozing earthy aroma from the tea envelops the entire room. Reina is thankful because somehow, it calms her nerves. She was getting fidgety earlier and it worries her if she can actually pull this through. Mitsuei sits opposite of her and pours her a cup before getting one for himself. The silence between them is uncomfortable and Reina can’t help but doubt the choices she had made up to this point. Kiyoko is nowhere in sight. She told her that she only helps when needed in the house, like the laundry or sometimes cleaning. The meals that the family eats also come from the inn next door. Someone will just deliver a tray or on some occasions, Kayomi also prepares the food. After all, Kiyoko originally serves as the manager of the inn hence, she doesn’t spend most of her time in the detached house. “I take it you already have come to a decision since you came here on your own. Am I right?” Mitsuei states without sparing Reina a glance. Reina gulps, stopping midway through her drink. She begins to grow weary of the situation. Her heart beats faster than before. Being alone with Mitsuei is nerve-wracking. She has tons of questions on her mind. Will it be fine with the man himself? He went through a loveless marriage for years so does he willingly accept their setup? Or what really is their setup? What compelled him to assume responsibility? Questions that she sure will be unanswered because she is too afraid to ask. “Before that. I -- uh -- I want to talk to Kayomi first.” “Kayomi? Why?” Conveniently before she could think of a reply, they heard the front door slide open. “Father, I’m home! I can see that we have a visitor today…” Kayomi's voice trails off when she realized that Reina is their guest. She is sitting in the dining having tea with her father. Their eyes are directed to her. Reina can’t miss the sudden changes in Kayomi’s expression. She looked so bright before but then she looked down as soon as she spotted her. Something is amiss with the young girl. It only confuses Reina since they didn’t have any problems before she went home from staying overnight at their house. “Kayomi,” Mitsuei calls the girl’s attention. “Reina wishes to speak with you.” “Me? Why?” Kayomi awkwardly smiles as she sits across Reina. Somehow, Reina can tell that Kayomi is bothered. Her eyes didn’t once meet hers directly. Or if by chance they do, she will immediately look away as if purposely avoiding contact with her. “Mister Mitsuei, have you ever told your daughter about what you said to me the day before I left your home?” Mitsuei only nods in agreement. Reina turns her attention back to Kayomi. The look on her face vaguely changes. She keeps biting her lips as if stopping herself from saying something unnecessary. “Kayomi, please look at me. If you don’t like what your father told you, it’s okay to tell, alright?” Reina encourages. Kayomi sighs and briefly closes her eyes. She takes a deep breath after gathering up her courage to meet the eyes of the people before her. “Anything that you say is important,” Reina adds with a gentle smile. She didn’t want to scare the girl or intimidate her. If she was to join this family, she wants it to be wholeheartedly. Kayomi presses her lips firmly. She feels like crying after seeing the look Reina is giving her. In all honesty, she got upset about her father’s sudden decision. She has nothing against Reina. Truth be told, she is a truly wonderful woman. It would be a waste if had she stayed with her uncle. But then, she is fearful of the future. And it scares Kayomi. She can either imagine a happy family or a family similar to her previous experience. If they begin to act like a real family with the new baby, will they forget about her? Her father will surely take his role seriously. Not because it is the right thing to do, but that’s how he is. A righteous man. Every night she dreams of herself being left alone in the background. On some nights, she relives the times with her mother. She fears being neglected once again. She barely experiences the love of a mother and a family. She was forced to grow up fast because of her upbringing. Her father was mostly away since he only started the business while her mother hardly paid her attention. Someone who isn't her father or blood related, though, is assuring her that her words count right now. All her life she is told to only nod and never ask questions. Pretty difficult for a child who loves to speak up. “Kayomi?” Reina calls out again since the young girl. She seems to be lost in thought for a moment there. And after Kayomi’s brief silence, to their surprise, she starts tearing up while stifling a sob. Reina panics, inching closer to the girl as she continues crying. She takes out the handkerchief in her pocket and wipes the tears off her face. Mitsue looks dumbfounded for a moment. He sighs and calls Kayomi’s name again. “Tell me what’s been bothering you all this time?”
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