42. Coordinates

1399 Words

Aspen was racing circles in my head, a mixture of growls and whimpers deafening my ears the closer we got to Brody and Colson. Sam had been mostly walking quietly with me. I could tell he was nervous, not knowing what to expect. I’m not sure how many times he’d witnessed someone be rejected, but the pain felt like someone was stabbing a knife through your heart and twisting. A wildfire of burning pain spread slowly through your veins as if you were being burnt alive. “Are you nervous?” he questioned, breaking the silence. Hell yes, I was, but I was more excited that I could finally close this chapter in my life, “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t, but I’m ready for this all to be over.” “That makes sense. Do you think the pain will be bad?” he asked, glancing over towards me.

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