Chapter 23

2001 Words
- Main Hall , The Emperor's Study Hall , Great Xia Dynasty In the grand and carefully decorated Hall, there is only the aged Emperor with grey hair, the secret known only by the Emperor's trusted Royal Physician, Chi Kong. A friend the Emperor met before He became titled Crown Prince. The Emperor is sitting on the main seat while beside Him there is an old man wearing common clothing checking the Emperor's pulse. The old man's face doesn't look that good as He is touching the Emperor's pulse. " What is it? Has My condition worsened? Tell Me all of it. " the Emperor speak with indifference yet His hands trembled for a moment. " My Dear Friend, the situation is not going well. You can't focus on the court and the war anymore let the new generation to handle those matters, if You have a full rest then You might live on more then Your current conditions. " Chi Kong said in a sad tone with His eyes soft and sadness appearing on them. The Emperor sighed and speak, " Kong, You know the people outside and inside this Grand Empire is only holding back against the Crown Prince because of Me and the Third holding them. But when I pass the Imperial Throne and stopped the matters profiting them. Only Zian'er can hold out. I trust the Crown Prince will be attacked from all sides by then and the requests they all make will hurt The Crown Prince's ruling capabilities. " Hearing the point of view from the Emperor, His Friend finally the renowned Physician can only sigh and let the Emperor's hands go, packing His items to His medical box preparing to leave. When suddenly the Emperor asked. " Kong, be honest how much more time will I have? " the Emperor turned His head expectantly to the ceilings, only to hear the worst outcome " My Friend, if You keep on this current lifestyle of Yours, the probability is only two months. And that is already the maximum We can do. " Hearing those words the frown on the Emperor's face becomes deeper and His eyes have indiscreetly showed a trace of sadness The Emperor have been pretending to be healthy as He can see His Oldest Son is still not yet capable to shoulder the Imperial Throne. ' It's a pity, I think I wont even be capable to see My Grandsons born for Zian'er. He is scheduled to come back in three more months, I don't think there is any chance I can live that long. ' the aged Emperor sighed looking at the Southern Border's view. " Your Imperial Majesty, the Crown Prince asked for a meeting. " a high pitched voice shouted softly behind the doors to the study room. Hearing the Crown Prince is coming, Chi Kong stands up and tried to talk so He can give the both of them some time but the Emperor just shake His head and nodded to the chair He sit before. Seeing His friend act so, He followed His friend's suggestions. " Tell the Crown Prince to come in. " the Emperor ordered and the Eunuch outside complied and leave to inform the Crown Prince of the Emperor's orders. , within a few seconds the sound of footsteps can be heard once again. " Don't knock and announce just come inside. " the Emperor mentioned and the door opened revealing the Crown Prince with a dark gold robe, the Crown Prince seeing there is another man beside His Imperial Father tried to remember who the person is since He never see the Man. The Crown Prince was just about to greet the two man, when He see the Emperor just nodding His head and pointing the seat beside the old man. " Aigoo, don't need to try that hard. The ones knowing My identity is only Big Brother Lin and the Zian'er. Now You also know of Me. " the old man laughed intimately , while the Crown Prince is not surprised by the man's identity known by His little brother. He is surprised with the calling the old man calls His Imperial Father. " This Man is Father's friend since Father is still a normal ten year old prince. Someone who have been with Your Father's whole life and have saved this Father of Yours life a lot. " the Emperor introduced the both of them to each other, one old and one young. " This Old Man's name is Chi Kong. " the old man simply introduced Himself but the Crown Prince doesn't dare to despise or disrespect the man. " Alright, sit down and let Us all start. " the Emperor suddenly started. " Kong, tell My Son about My conditions. " the Emperor said with a determined voice, yet both the Crown Prince and Chi Kong can see the Emperor's trembling hands. The Emperor being so serious makes the Crown Prince confused, when Chi Kong said the next sentence though the Crown Prince understands. " My Friend, Your Imperial Father is sick. A sickness that is unable to be cured. In two months at most, He will die if He still sticks on the current lifestyle He have now. " Chi Kong said and crossed His hands while His voice trembled at the end of the words He said. " What?! Who else knows this matter? " the Crown Prince shouted in panic yet in a few seconds He can control His emotions and facial expression because He realized the reason. " Father, Am I really that useless? First the Third Brother shouldering everything, then now You. Let Third Brother take the Imperial Throne instead if I can only be a big burden to the both of You!!! " the Crown Prince shrieked and His tone wet with sadness and His whole body being strained to the extremes, but the Emperor just looked expressionlessly to the Crown Prince disappointment on His eyes. The Emperor speak a secret that only the Empress, the Third Prince and Chi Kong know of. " He doesn't want that position. Because He loves everyone and cares everyone except Himself. " - Main Hall , The Emperor's Study Hall , Great Xia Dynasty The Crown Prince's expression darkened and He sighed while He tightened His knuckles, Chi Kong seeing the Crown Prince's control of emotions clapped His hands and Smiled to His Friend. " Brother Lin, sometimes I really envy Your Family... First there is the Third Prince then there is the Crown Prince. Why don't You tell them about the Su School of Thought's capabilities first? " Chi Kong praised and mentioned, when the Emperor heard His friend's words He frowned. But the Crown Prince's expression brightened up when He hears Chi Kong's last words though. " What does Mr. Chi have in mind when Sir mentioned the Su School of Thought? " the Crown Prince asked even though something that His Imperial Father doesn't mention means the worst possible outcome. " There is a flower going by the name Jaded Tear, there is only three flowers left in this World. Two owned by the Su School of Thought and the last one is in the abyss. This Old Man doesn't really understand the reason why Big Brother Lin doesn't buy from the Su School of Thought tough? " Chi Kong explained and the Emperor's face darkened considerably. " Fa-Father? " the Crown Prince asked softly only to see His Respected Imperial Father shake His head. " They want Your Third Brother to marry their saint's only daughter. His freedom for 100 years bought with the Jaded Tear Flower... Father can't do that to Your Third Brother it's unfair... " the Emperor sighed. But the Crown Prince feels even more frustrated, in one side it's His Father and on the other side is His Little Brother. Both of them too precious for His life, He can't sacrifice anyone of them. " There is actually a way. " Chi Kong talked, but the Emperor even doesn't know the plans His friend have The Crown Prince is very interested in Chi Kong's plans though, before the Crown Prince could speak there is a shadow that appeared beside the three of them. " So this is why Father's been hiding from Me... " a sad voice resounded from behind the study room's many bookshelves. Hearing the voice, everyone looked shocked and there they saw from behind the bookshelves the Third Imperial Prince Lin Zian. " Son? ( Brother? ) ( Boy? ) " the three of them sounded shocked and they all paled. In a single look Lin Zian understands their thoughts, " I will be back in a week, I have My plans to conquer the Southern Lands within a week. So I will conquer the Su School of Thought for the flowers. Wait for at least half a month. This is a temporary body projection I can use for a limited time. See all of You next week. " - Southern Gates , Capital City , Great Xia Dynasty = In the year 1999, the Grand King of Great Xia comes back from the Southern Borders. With victory and the capability to conquer the Southern Lands, making the before hand Southern Borders a part of the Great Xia's Lands. Age 23, Two male heirs and seven pregnant ladies. The Third Prince's victory bring a joyful and celebratory mode to the common and nobles. The nobles even cooperated together to spread their joy in contributing free grains. All the common people, nobles and even the prince's come to the Southern Gates to wait for Lin Zian's arrival in His planned victory parade. When the people watching on the high tower see the dust kicking up from a far, they all signaled the people below the walls to prepare. When Lin Zian's procession come, the gates opened and there is everyone lined up in respect to accept Lin Zian's procession. - Main Hall , The Emperor's Study Hall , Great Xia Dynasty There is the Emperor in the main seat, the Crown Prince in the right seat, Chi Kong seating on the left seat, the Prime Minister beside Chi Kong and Lin Zian sitting beside the Crown Prince. Everyone on the left and right being separated by a table each person. " This report is the one I want everyone to see and understand. " the Emperor pointed at the documents beside the chair they are all sitting. Chi Kong opened the report first, seeing the numbers inside though He stopped looking and trying to stay as silent as possible to not be noticed by the others. When the Crown Prince, the Prime Minister and Lin Zian saw the reports though. Their eyebrows furrowed, especially the Prime Minister not believing the traitorous subjects have hidden so deeply inside the Great Xia Empire's Court. " This is absurd! There is many whom are friends even with Me and the Imperial Family's Prince's! " the Prime Minister shrieked in indignance. Even Lin Zian can only shake His head and helplessly say " It seems, My addiction to battle field have given these people different ideas? Is this normal though? Even the ladies in side the court's minister's have been working with these outsiders? " Lin Zian's expression is sad and dissapointed. While the Crown Prince's expression changes again and again. From anger to disappointment and it went on and on. The Emperor seeing the situation also only can sigh helplessly, " They all have forgotten Me and Zian'er's presence. " saying those words the Emperor can only helplessly touch His greying temples. " Don't worry Father, this Son knows how to depose of these traitorous subjects! " the Crown Prince said and everyone's smile brightened up a little. " The people in this list must have connection so they can make a move that impacts the very chains inside the Great Xia's Grand Empire's structure. So what We need is a bigger chain then theirs! " the Crown Prince said His piece. Lin Zian thinking carefully only finding two organizations, the Su School of Thoughts and the Crimson Phoenix Pavilion. They are both organizations that have the capability and people to do so. Thinking further on, Lin Zian talked about the two organizations to the other four people inside the room with Him
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