8. Psycho?

2057 Words
Sleep was lost somewhere, out of reach. Questions were running in mind, disturbing me. Where are we? The room isn't the same. Sheryaar has to explain everything but before that, I've to take a shower. I'm stinking, man! I got up from the bed, clutching my head. My head was spinning like a fidget spinner. I stood there for a few moments to relax my mind and then rushed to the bathroom. My body relaxed as the warm water ran down my body. After taking a shower and changing into comfy tank top and sweat pants, I made my way to the lounge in the search of my husband. Though I'm angry with him for snapping at me still I care about him, especially after the attack. The shiver of fear rushes through my body, whenever the dreadful moments of mysterious attack play in my mind. I don't know why they tried to kill us but Sheryaar seemed to know all this because the way he handled the whole situation, without any sign of fear on his face, is doubtful. He was behaving like he was used to it. Sheryaar is hiding something from me but what it is? I was drowned in my thoughts when the main door opened and two tall and muscular men, wearing black suits and sunglasses came into the view. Attackers? Panicking, my feet dragged me backward. My back hit the vase and it shattered into pieces on the ground. Hearing to the noise, they turned their head in my direction. Their eyes bearing a dangerous look. Air stuck in my throat and legs trembled uncontrollably. "Sheryaar!!!" I screamed his name out, closing my eyes. My body lost all the strength and I fell on the floor, hugging my knees in a protective gesture. Fresh tears were drenching my shirt. Sheryaar came running from somewhere and kneeled in front of me. "Shhh, love. What happened.?" He asked holding my face. "Sherry..." Fear was ruling over my senses and words were out of my reach. "Yes, baby I'm here. Tell me what happened?" His hands were removing the damped hairs from my face. I was squirming in his strong arm like a feather in the Strom. I turned my terrified gaze, in the direction where the tall giants were standing. When their eyes met with mine, I instantly buried my face in his neck, clutching his shirt in a tight grip. Sheryaar turned his head in the corner from where my terrified gaze just returned. "Get the f**k out of here!!" He shouted and both beefy figures disappeared from the view like as they weren't standing there, terrifying me, just a few moments ago. Seriously... "It's okay. I'm here with you. They were just security guards, wifey. You are safe." He told and I lift my head up to look at his handsome face. "Security guards?" The words escaped my lips in a whisper and he nodded his head. His nod relaxed my terror-stricken body. He wiped the tears with his thumbs and made me stand on my feet. "Are you okay now?" He asked holding my hands and I just nodded my head. "Where are we?" I asked wandering my eyes here and there to observe the surrounding. "We are at our farmhouse, in France." "In France?" My forehead wrinkled in confusion. "Hmm, We weren't safe there." His reply was short. His hand was clutching mine in a tight grip and his eyes focused on our intertwined fingers. He said nothing but kept starring. He was drowned in deep thoughts. Long and deep breaths were moving his diaphragm in a protruding manner. Steel like grip tightened on my hand and soon my hand was aching and I bit my lip to hold myself back from producing any sound. His features were deadly intimidating and his eyes blazing with anger.  His sculpted jaw clenched and the vein on his temple was throbbing like it is going to explode. What is the reason behind his wrathful expression? Should I ask him? I don't think so. There is already a Strom forming inside him, which I could see through his fury filled eyes. What if my questions trigger him and he snap at me again just like he did, a few hours before. I don't want to provoke his inner beast. He doesn't even care about me when he switches to beastly mode. What he is actually? A psycho? Or someone with mental issues.? Whatever he is, but surely not a normal individual. Dangerous peoples with their guns trying to attack but he drives the car like he is playing a game and knows very well what to do. He even made me inhale something and I lost my conscious. He has his own helicopters and God knows how many buildings.! We were in Italy and now in France! What's going on. Yeah, I admit that we weren't safe there and he has a lot of money that he could use to fly, from one state to another by using his private jets or helicopters. But he could have told me that what's going on instead of drugging me. I'm fully sure that it wasn't chloroform because I was blacked out for about a good 12 hours. His grip was becoming unbearable for me and a moan escaped my lips overcoming my restraint. My voice brought him back and the lava, that was boiling inside him, ceased. His steel-like grip became soft as silk and his furious features replaced by a concerning look on his handsome face. "Did I hurt you?" He asked examining my hand and I shook my head. "Sheryaar, What's the problem. Is everything okay?" I placed my hand on his chest in order to relax his contracting muscles. "Nothing. I'm just worried about you. Are you Ok now?" His hand caressed my cheek and I closed my eyes, feeling his touch. "I'm Ok now. You said that you'll tell me about the attackers when I'll be fine and I'm all fit now. Look." I said spreading my arms and then spinning my body to convince him about my fitness. A smile appeared on his face and he carried me in his arm, with so much easiness like I was as light as a feather. "So, my love is all fit now. Huh? He asked burying his face in my neck. His breath was tickling my skin and I giggled like a child. He sat on the couch and made me sit on his lap. I tried to get up but he gripped my waist. My cheeks heated up and I squirmed to free myself but his grip tightened. "Sheryaar.!" I tried to produce a threatening voice and narrowed my eyes to look dangerous just as my beastly husband looks, whenever he is Angry. His grip loosened and I got up from his lap. Haaa! It worked. I stood there with my face up, in a proud gesture. I just frightened him. The Beast. So I'm dangerous too. Just like him or even more than him. I was busy in my daydreaming when he grasped my hand and threw me on the settee, swiftly but carefully and engaged me with his muscular body over me. All the strength vanished like smoke in the air. "What was that wifey. Huh?" He asked raising his eyebrow. A playful smirk was embellished on his face. "Wha- Wh- What was What.?" I stuttered and he laughed. "Oh so now the wild lioness is gone and the frightened kitten is laying under me. Huh?" His voice filled with amusement. "You were trying to mimic my voice. Didn't you, the little lioness?" He asked teasing my neck with his nose. I didn't reply because he was right and I'm not going to admit it. "Do you have any idea, how much it was arousing, seeing you all beastly and commanding. Nobody has dared to raise their voice in front of me and my little kitten is roaring at me like a lioness. Roar my name again." He whispered the last part, l*****g my earlobe. "Sherry.." I whispered like a kitten and he leaned in towards my lips. "Hey hey, my innocent eyes are burning. What are you both doing here? Don't you have your bedroom for all this?" Dramatic whining reached my ears and I pushed Sheryaar away, slipping from his grip. Armaan was covering his eyes with his hands. What is he doing here? "Oh, my innocent eyes. Don't you think it is inappropriate to make love, openly? Man, You've got a large bedroom but you are doing all this here, on the small couch. Oh, the poor, innocent couch." He said looking at the couch with pitiful eyes. "Shut up!" Sheryaar scolds him but that doesn't affect him and he sprawled on the couch putting his feet on the table. His feet remind me of his fall in the bathroom. "Mmm, how is your foot, Brother?" I asked him looking at his feet but there wasn't any scar or something. He was pretty well. "My foot? You could have asked me how I'm but nope, you are asking about my foot. Seriously?" He said with a wrinkled nose. I was confused by his reply. "He is Ok now, the wound wasn't deep," Sheryaar said and Armaan was looking at him like he had grown two heads. Bewildered. "Wound?" Armaan asked with a confused expression. "Yeah, you fell in the bathroom and hurt your foot," Sheryaar said reminding him. "Oh yeah in the bathroom, when I was dancing and slipped. The blood was oozing from my foot and I called Sheryaar for help. He came running to me and I was fully n***d at that time. So Sheryaar first gave me the towel to cover my body and then dressed my wound." He told the whole story with a smirk on his face. Sheryaar took a deep sigh and hold my hand leading me to the bedroom. "He has lost his senses," Sheryaar said shaking his head. "Enjoy your time, lovebirds." Armaan's voice echoed in the lounge. ______ "Sherry" I whispered because the silence in the room was comforting and I didn't want to disturb the soothing rhythm of silence. Sheryaar was starring at the ceiling and I was lying there, with my head on his chest and arm over his waist. "Hmm." He hummed in response. "Who were the attackers?" It is the right time to ask when he is all calm and cool. "They were my business rivals. They wanted to get a deal but we approached the authorities first and got the deal. That act infuriated them and since then they are forcing us to leave the deal. Their attack was just for terrifying us." He explained. "They are doing this all for just a deal! Why don't they just give up? They should find something else. Why they can't let others live, peacefully and happily. Why can't the peoples spread peace and love instead of terror and hatred." My heart was aching with sadness after hearing the reason behind the attack. "You're too innocent to understand the world. Baby" he said. "We should inform police about this," I suggested. "Police is just for the layman. They are above the police." He said. "So will they kill us?" I was worried. "No. We are safe. Don't worry. I'm here with you." He said kissing my forehead. "Why did you d**g me?" That question was bothering me. "Because you were all frightened and terrified. So I thought, it would be good for your health to keep you away from the mess." His voice was calm and full of concern. "Ok now sleep. Tomorrow we're going to Beijing." He told me. "For our honeymoon?" Words just rushed out of my mouth before I could have pondered over them.  A smile appeared on his face and I bit my tongue. "Eager for our honeymoon. Don't you, little lioness?" He put his finger under my chin and made me look in his eyes. I said nothing. "We're going to Beijing because I've to attend a meeting but I promise, I'll take my little lioness to our private island, where nobody will disturb us." He said kissing again my forehead. "You have a private island too.?" My eyes widened. "Hmm, and You're going to wear a bikini there." He said. "What! No never.." How could he think that? "And what if I force you to." He challenged. "Then I'll cry," I replied instantly. "Drama Queen." He muttered and hugged me tightly, bringing me closer to him. I closed my eyes, hearing his steady heartbeats.
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