I slept like a baby. The bed I slept was as soft as nothing I've ever experienced before. There was nothing like rolling as I slept. I slept more peacefully than I've done on ages. I rose up from the bed. There was nothing like a back ache. I feel really refreshed. * I took my bath, wore a blue skinny jean and red tank top. Pairing it off with white sneakers. "I look really good," I checked my reflection in the mirror before I walked downstairs to eat my breakfast. "How was your morning sir?" a Maid dressed in the signature block gown and black apron bowed when she saw me. I looked back, confident I didn't hear any footsteps behind me. When I didn't see anyone, I turned to face her. "Who are you talking to?" I look back to be sure I didn't miss my boyfriend( as if). "You're th