Not who I expected him to be

1227 Words

I looked at Kamara as if now seeing her for the first time. Gone is the girl who acts like a diva whenever we're around. "You know my name?" she looked at him in wonder. Her eyes shinning like a girl who saw the stars close. She looked like a little girl who was had a star handed to her. "Of course, Bin talks a lot about you." "Oh," she blushed "he does?" I bet she must be in cloud nine this instant because she's talking to her life long crush. "Yeah all the time. He always talks about how pretty, intelligent and witty his little sister Kamara is. Back then, I doubted him, but seeing you made me realize his words did no justice to you." He winked at her. Looking at him as he expertly lied just to make her happy and comfortable made me realize I must have judged him hastily. The d

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