Chapter 37 Liu Tingfeng's Move of Sword Skill

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Mu Qianmei and Liu Tingfeng sat at the dining table, full of delicacies, including rare birds and exotic animals, and seasonal vegetables. "It's no wonder that Incense Director Liu grows so fat. The living standard is too high!" Mu Qianmei couldn't help sighing secretly. They prepared such a feast only for Liu Xian, Mu Qianmei, and Liu Tingfeng. Three beautiful girls stood by to serve them. Liu Xian was good at the social engagement at the dining table. He spoke a lot and kept persuading them to drink. He appeared to be very enthusiastic. However, Mu Qianmei kept an indifferent attitude, eating slowly and carefully, coping with him calmly. She rarely took the initiative to speak. Liu Tingfeng sat aside and ate the food silently, without touching the wine glass in front of him. Liu Xian lost his patience gradually. He picked up the wine glass again, stood up, and said angrily in the drunkenness, "It seems that the two of you are not respecting me. I warmly invited you to come as guests. As the host, I have toasted you so many times. I bottomed up. But look at your wine glasses. They are not touched at all. Do you look down on me, or are you dissatisfied with me?" "If you respect me, just take the glass and drink the wine. Let's ignore the prejudice and remain friends, okay?" As he said, he stared at Mu Qianmei. "I don't understand what you have said. We know your kindness, but we can't drink it. Do you want to force us? Is this your way of hospitality?" Mu Qianmei put down her chopsticks and replied coldly. Liu Xian fiercely threw the wine glass to the ground. With the sound of "bang", it instantly turned into pieces, and the wine splashed and gave off the flavor, which smelt stronger. The tension was mounting perceptibly. He was even angrier and yelled, "I invited you and treated you with great hospitality, but you didn't show me any respect. Do you consider me a friend? In Litian City, you were the only two who dare to refuse to drink with me." "We don't have a common goal. There is no need to speak more. Goodbye!" Mu Qianmei said, pulling up Liu Tingfeng and walking to the door. "Haha...You have offended me. Do you still think you can get out of the branch of Beggar g**g? In this world, you're either my friend or my enemy. The branch is not a place where you can come and go freely." As soon as he finished speaking, four strong men rushed to the door and semi-surrounded Mu Qianmei and Liu Tingfeng, blocking their way. More people were standing at the door. Liu Tingfeng pulled out his sword "Changfeng", stood in front of Mu Qianmei, and looked at Liu Xian and these men in a cold expression. He would feel nervous and uncomfortable when people watched him and talked about him on the street, but he was very calm when encountering danger, just as when facing a beast in the forest. Mu Qianmei gently pulled Liu Tingfeng's lapels, signaled him not to act rashly, and then said calmly, "Do you even forget the purpose of Beggar g**g, as an incense director? People say that Beggar g**g handles the injustices and helps the suffering people in the world! Do you act like this?" "Haha... I don't have such great dreams. Everyone could live just for a few decades. Timely pleasure is the right thing to do. Hey! The two guys intended to assassinate me. Arrest them!" The four people in the room pulled out long knives, surrounding Mu Qianmei and Liu Tingfeng, and staring at them. The people outside also pulled out their long knives and blocked all the escape routes. Although they just showed off, there was somewhat danger in number. Liu Xian looked at the prey in front of him triumphantly as if he had won. He laughed evilly and said, "I think you should surrender. The swords and knives have no eyes. It's not good that they hurt you." According to the experience, little girls should kneel, beg for mercy, and reluctantly agree to him after being threatened like this. He would do whatever he wanted. Although he had got many girls with this method, it was the first time he had encountered a girl as beautiful as a fairy. Thinking that she was already his prey, Liu Xian couldn't help but show wicked eyes. Mu Qianmei coldly watched what happened. Through three years of diligent study and practice, she could use the fifth move of Dancing Butterfly Sword Skill, and the people in front of her were just like ants. She thought that they were not worthy of her moves. Besides, Liu Tingfeng would help. She just grieved and didn't expect that such a person could join the Beggar g**g she founded. Wasn't there a person having a conscience in the branch of Beggar g**g in the whole Litian City? Liu Tingfeng held the sword "Changfeng" and calmly stood still. He wouldn't readily use the Wind Floating Sword Skill because he never killed people. There would be many corpses if he didn't use the moves carefully. No one would survive. "Come on! Haven't you heard my command?" Liu Xian reproached loudly. The four men rushed to Mu Qianmei and Liu Tingfeng. Mu Qianmei used the moves of Flying Dragon Sticks before pulling out her sword "Yueying". "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" She knocked the four men over before they got close to her. Mu Qianmei showed dexterous moves of the sword skill. "Haha... That's great! You have a real skill. I wonder whether or not you can leave the branch of Beggar g**g and get out of the valley." Liu Xian didn't expect that Mu Qianmei had beaten four men before pulling out the sword. He couldn't do it like her. So he intended to consume their strength by dispatching so many followers before he acted. Anyway, Beggar g**g never lacked followers. Mu Qianmei walked out of the building with Liu Tingfeng. There were so many people outside, blocking all the routes. There might be five or six hundred people. Mu Qianmei stood at a higher place and yelled, "I'm asking you. Why do you join Beggar g**g? Do you remember? Because what you are doing right now?" "If so, you don't deserve to be the followers of Beggar g**g. It is what scamps and robbers do." Her words were full of anger and desperation. Some followers felt ashamed already. "Don't listen to her! They failed to assassinate me, so they intend to delude you. Hurry up! Take them!" Liu Xian pulled out his long knife while talking and stabbed Liu Tingfeng's back from behind. Although he was fat, he wasn't clumsy, as if he had been an agile monkey, with the vigor of attack. This move of his knife wasn't ordinary due to its speed, accuracy, and strength. It was a direct, quick move, which attacked the vital part and intended to kill people. As an incense director, Liu Xian had some skills. Liu Xian was a bully in Litian City before joining Beggar g**g. He was born in a wealthy family and lived a good life. He liked weapons and fights instead of reading books, playing bully with bludgers in the city. His family employed a teacher who taught him "Seven Star Knife Skill". With the skill of Seven Star, he held a long knife. Every move was going to kill. He soon became the leader of bludgers in Litian City. They did as they wanted, and no one dared to trouble them. He felt the danger until Beggar g**g came. Beggar g**g developed well. He didn't compete with Beggar g**g and just wanted to care about his business. But Beggar g**g disagreed with what he did, so the conflict was unavoidable. He didn't get any profit when having a conflict with Beggar g**g. Soon after, Beggar g**g defeated him. He kneeled, begged, swore to rectify his errors, and requested to join Beggar g**g. Beggar g**g gave him a chance and promised that he could join the g**g if he behaved well after serving as a beggar. After the probationary period for one year, he seemed to have changed and didn't make any mistakes. Then he joined Beggar g**g as he expected. He became the incense director with his contacts and basis in Litian City. Since the hall director was transferred due to the needs of other places, Liu Xian, the incense director, had the highest grade and managed the whole branch of Beggar g**g in Litian City. The head office had no time to care much about the branches. He got more and more unbridled and revealed his real purpose. He handed partial income to the head office on time, but he was good at accumulating wealth by unfair means. So the benefit snowballed. He kept most of the income and handed only a small part. The previous bludgers became his followers. Opponents had been beaten and harmed by him. Those opposing him the most vanished mysteriously. He became the local despot of Beggar g**g. Every time some people from Beggar g**g came to check, he concealed the state of affairs and made perfect preparations, so no one knew the actual condition. But he hadn't used the moves for a long time. He had to make a sneak attack when finding that the opponents were powerful. Liu Tingfeng would die if Liu Xian succeeded in the stabbing. Liu Tingfeng waved his sword "Changfeng" when feeling the danger. He showed the first move of Wind Floating Sword Skill, East Wind Blowing. The move turned to many quiet and soft sword shadows. This move seemed to be light but resolved the killing move, giving Liu Xian's body many cuts in a short time. His white clothes turned to many fragments, flying around his body, like catkins in the sky during spring. It was the first time that Liu Xian felt he was so close to death. He had a sense of fear. What was this sword skill? He finally knew that he troubled someone he couldn't afford to trouble. The followers who were going to rush to Mu Qianmei stopped moving, with their knives suspended. They were only fifteen steps away from Mu Qianmei. They were so lucky that they saw the sword skill existing in the legend. But unluckily, it was the enemy who showed this sword skill. Liu Xian sat on the ground helplessly, full of fear. His upper body was b****y and scary. There were countless cuts on his body. Liu Tingfeng didn't intend to kill, so the wounds looked scary but weren't serious. He could survive. Liu Xian would have turned into flesh pieces if Liu Tingfeng had had the purpose of killing. It was why Liu Xian feared. It turned out that he was so vulnerable when facing a real master. It was useless that they had many people. Who could resist this sword skill if Liu Tingfeng tried his best? It only resulted in more dead people. He feared and regretted very much.
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