Chapter 35 Said Goodbye to Sword-Free Mountain

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In the early morning, there was fog, making the whole sword-free mountain enveloped by the clouds, like a fairyland. Mu Qianmei and Liu Tingfeng were kneeling in front of Ye Suifeng. The spring breeze blew, and the morning dew was cool. "Master, who will take care of you if we leave? I think Tingfeng should stay here!" Mu Qianmei choked with sobs. "Why do you think I need someone's care? Don't cry! Parting is usual in life. Feng couldn't stay with me for his whole life. Little Butterfly, you can take him out to experience. Only when entering all corners of the country can he grow up!" "I rest assured if you take him. Your sword skills haven't succeeded, but you could use the fifth move of Dancing Butterfly Sword Skill, and Tingfeng could use the third move of Wind Floating Sword Skill, which is enough for you two to protect yourselves. When I dominated all corners of the country, I just used the fourth move of Wind Floating Sword Skill." "You will develop only during actual combat if you want to progress. The progress will be slow just by depending on the practice alone." "Feng not only progressed in sword skills but also learned reading and general knowledge from you. I hope both of you could take care of each other and help each other at any time and develop together." "The last point, you never tell anyone that I live on the sword-free mountain. I feel like studying the skills of swords quietly. Stand up and prepare for leaving. It's not dark." Ye Suifeng stretched his hands to hold them up. "Master, I don't want to leave you. You bring me up. I've never left you. I feel like staying here, taking care of you." Liu Tingfeng stood up, full of tears, and said emotionally. "Feng, you've grown up. A good man should be ambitious. How could you stay in the mountain? You are innocent and need to learn more from all corners of the country. You must remember that you shall trust your senior apprentice-sister at any time and assist in her business. Do you get it?" "Yes, I do. Master, please take care of yourself!" Liu Tingfeng said sadly. "Alright, you use these two swords very smoothly and have some feelings on them. You can keep them. Feng's sword is named 'Changfeng', suitable for Wind Floating Sword Skill. Little Butterfly's sword is named 'Yueying', suitable for girls. You're supposed to love them. Don't make the swords leave you, okay?" Ye Suifeng took the two swords and handed them to Liu Tingfeng and Mu Qianmei. "Master, thank you!" They took the swords and said together. "Red Shadow!" Mu Qianmei yelled to the horse nearby. Red Shadow ran over. Red Shadow had grown up in three years and was handsome, robust, and high in body shape, with bright red hair. Its neck had a long mane. Its blue eyes were brilliant. Mu Qianmei said goodbye to Ye Suifeng, "Master, we're going to leave. We'll come back to see you whenever we have time. Please take care of yourself." "Don't say it! Just go! Everything has a fate. You shall focus on the business. I'll send a message through homing pigeons if I require something. Take care!" Ye Suifeng walked towards his training room while talking. He entered the cave in a moment. Ye Suifeng left. Mu Qianmei and Liu Tingfeng looked at the cave with tears in their eyes, and they bowed three times and then jumped on the back of the horse. They were reluctant to part. Mu Qianmei asked Liu Tingfeng to sit in the front, and she sat behind Liu Tingfeng. They rode the same horse and walked down the mountain. Ye Suifeng stood in the shadow of the stone chamber, seeing his loving students leave, without any free and easy feeling as just now. He said in a complex expression, "Feng, I hope you won't become a person with resentment if you know your background! Well, the affairs of the world are inconstant. You will know about them sooner or later, so you need to settle them by yourself!" Ye Suifeng didn't move a little until they disappeared in the corner of the mountain road. His mind was wandering. Mu Qianmei and Liu Tingfeng sat on the horse's back quietly, with the grief of parting. No one spoke. They had walked for a while. At the foot of the mountain, they turned around and stared at the familiar sword-free mountain for a long time. This mountain had recorded their hardship and happiness. They practiced, played, chatted, and lived here. Mu Qianmei had been living in this mountain for three years. She turned from a little girl to a young lady in these three years. How many three years could life have? Liu Tingfeng had been living here longer, for sixteen years. It was his home. Ye Suifeng served as his teacher and his grandpa, raising him and teaching him the skills. He was the most intimate person for Liu Tingfeng. But now they were going to leave. Stones, trees, flowers, grasses, birds and beasts in the mountain, with which he grew up, were blessedly familiar! How could he be willing to leave? "Tingfeng, let's go! After we handle the affairs, we'll come back to see Master!" Mu Qianmei said in a soft voice. "I feel so bad when thinking that Master stays in the mountain alone. But he insists that I should leave, so he must have some reasons. Let's go!" After these words, she turned around and patted the rein. Red Shadow galloped away, carrying them further and further. Mu Qianmei thought of the message that required her to go back. "Why is it so urgent? Is it necessary to let me come back in a short time even though they knew something about my birth? Unless my family is in danger." The very thought made Mu Qianmei get nervous. She just kept the little girl's residual memories since she had this body. The little girl's consciousness had never revived. She controlled this body all the time. The little girl's family was her family because they shared the same body. "Anyway, I shall treat her business as my own." Mu Qianmei decided. They were close to Xichu Kingdom, so they were going to Xichu Kingdom. Xichu Kingdom was located in the west of Yugu Continent. They tramped over hill and dale all the way. There were mountain flowers in full bloom. The mountains were green. Water was blue. Birds were singing, and flowers were fragrant. All these were attractive. But they were not in a mood of enjoying, and they only focused on keeping going. They ate some food that they carried or picked some wild fruits if they were hungry. They sometimes slept in the mountain at night. Liu Tingfeng caught some animals or fish and made a fire to roast them. They drank the cool stream water if they were thirsty and filled the water bag at the same time in case they got thirsty on their way. They didn't feel hard because they had been used to life in the mountains. They thought nothing of the violent beasts in the mountain. With their skills now, no animal could hurt them. They hurried on with their journey and finally came to Xichu Kingdom's capital, Litian City, on the third day. Litian City was a place closest to the sky, with high terrain. But it was in the valley, instead of the top of the mountain. Litian City was mountainous, established nearby the river and mountain. A large river passed through it, like a jade belt. The houses were built along the valley's slope and planned not as neatly as those in the plain. Most of the unique buildings were overhead wooden stilted buildings, which were exquisite. With green mountains and rivers, the city had beautiful scenery, pleasant weather, and unique custom. In Litian City, an exciting coming and going of people indicated the prosperous environment. Pedestrians on the street wore national clothes. They were ethnic minorities and spoke the national language. Mu Qianmei and Liu Tingfeng didn't understand and just felt fresh. They pulled Red Shadow and walked on the street. One was calm, and the other was nervous. Mu Qianmei had seen the local conditions and customs of many places in her previous life, so she wasn't so curious. But it was the first time for Liu Tingfeng to go down the mountain. He felt curious about everything and couldn't help looking everywhere and asking Mu Qianmei many weird questions. "Why do they place the things at the roadside?" "They are setting up a stall and selling!" "Why do many cows, sheep, and horses gather there?" "That's a livestock trading market. The cows, sheep, and horses are going to be on sale." "What's a string of red balls inserted in the shelf in front of that man?" "That's a stick of sugar-coated haws. It's sweet and sour, very delicious! How about buying one for you?" "No, thanks. Senior apprentice-sister, why do they look at us?" "Because we are non-natives. It's normal for them to feel strange. Don't be nervous!" . He would ask about everything that he didn't know. He didn't see almost all of these things, so he had many questions. Mu Qianmei replied patiently. After walking for a while, Mu Qianmei was going to look for the branch of Beggar g**g. They had a hard time finding someone to get that the branch of Beggar g**g in Litian City located in a valley of the southern suburb of Litian City. Mu Qianmei didn't inform them in advance, so she didn't look for people in Beggar g**g. She felt like investigating secretly to check the development of Beggar g**g in these years. She would check whether or not there were some management problems. They walked forwards slowly after knowing the location. Unexpectedly, she would find a severe problem during this secret visit.
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