Chapter 105 Which One Was More Powerful, Wanbo Casino or Zhizun Casino?

1938 Words

Five days later, Zhizun Casino finally posted a public announcement. "Because most of the bettors bet that the Beggar g**g loses, the amount of bet received has reached the maximum payout range of Zhizun Casino. So we will no longer accept the bet that the Beggar g**g loses." As soon as the news was sent out, many people regretted it immediately. Why were they so unlucky? As a result, the betting craze suddenly dropped. Occasionally, one or two people would go in to bet that the Beggar g**g won or both sides lost. However, the number of people who were concerned about it had increased. Many people still came every day to pay attention to whether Zhizun Casino would post new notices, and they looked forward to new changes. "Why hasn't the strongest Wanbo Casino held a bet party

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