
1396 Words
  A mid age woman walks into to a room. Her expression changed as she walked to room with closed door. A hysterical scream erupted from her mouth when she saw a pool of blood coming from under the door. People came and immediately opened the door. On the bed lay Mr Santoso's corpse, bathed in fresh blood.     Kanaya was preparing breakfast for her little family when her cell phone rang loudly. "I'll be right there," that woman said as soon as she picked up the phone.    Adrian just glanced at her, then immediately told Kayla to hurry. As usual, dropping that little girl off at school was his job.    Kanaya sat pensively after the two people she loved so much left.     Adrian's attitude was really cold to her. That man even just walked away, without saying goodbye or kissing her forehead as he used to do. Maybe she should really quit her job once the case is over. ***     Kanaya and Sabrina headed to Mr. Santoso's house, place where Mr. Santoso's body was found. The main room in the residence is now full with the presence of officers who examine witnesses and look for evidence.     Bed and items in room is taken and examine for autopsy.     After checking everything, the two female detectives rushed out of the room. They then approached the middle-aged woman who first arrived and saw blood seeping out of the room.     She still looks a little shocked. Even so, she told them that earlier when she entered the house, the atmosphere was quiet and there was no one guard. Kanaya immediately approached one of the guards and according to them, they were all asleep.     Sabrina who checked the surveillance camera found nothing. All data on that camera has been wiped clean. ***     The journalists were busy reporting the death of Mr. Santoso. Reina's eyes were glued to the news she was watching. She repeatedly turned to Luke who was whistling happily.    "Luke, I want to know, is it true that you didn't kill those people?" Luke just shook his head.     Reina stood up and rushed over. "Luke, I hate them too, but I don't want you to kill them all."     Luke was silent and looked at Reina seriously. "I didn't. You have to trust me, Rei. Even though I hold a grudge, I'm not a murderer."     "But, Luke ...."     "What I've happy about because they are cruel people who is trying to control me and now they all die." Reina was silent and nodded.        Previously Luke was controlled by people to commit crimes. Not wanting to be involved any crimes anymore, the two of them were forced to flee. ***      Adrian stared at Shelly's face for a long time, which looked so beautiful. In contrast to Kanaya who often looks as it is. In fact, his wife is often not dressed up and wear any make up. Shelly is like a soothing oasis in a boring married life. ***      Kanaya and Sabrina analyze the revenge-motivated murder case from the beginning. Hoping to find a clue. Sheets of photos and documents lay scattered on the table. The sound of the cell phone ringing is quite loud. There was an incoming message and Kanaya's face changed when she saw it.     "What wrong?" asked Sabrina. That woman who sat beside her just shook her head slowly and put on a forced smile. Sabrina looked at her curiously. She was sure something bad had happened to her partner.      'Why is Adrian do that? In a relationship with another woman?' said Kanaya in her heart. 'Is it all my fault that my husband cheated on me?' ***      Adrian was surprised to see Kanaya had gone home when he entered the house. Usually the woman works late at the office or comes home late at night, especially when there is a murder case being handled. As far as the man knows, the serial murder case of high-ranking men is now his wife's responsibility.      Kanaya sat alone in the living room. The lights are intentionally dimmed. In the past, they thought it was a romantic thing, but now it makes the atmosphere of the house even more gloomy.      "You are home early" said Adrian quietly.      Kanaya nodded. The woman then took out her cell phone and showed him something. Photo of him making out intimately with Shelly. He don't know where Kanaya got the picture from.     "Why would you do this to me, Adrian?" asked the woman with teary eyes. ***      Sabrina's vehicle drove at a moderate speed, crossing the deserted road. The girl's mind was a little restless, thinking about the current case and about Kanaya. Something must have happened to Kanaya. Usually, Kanaya could think of things that could help them find the culprit. However, now the woman was just silent and permit to go home early. She don't know what message was on Kanaya's cellphone, but it made Kanaya less focused on the murder case their investigate      BRAAAKK!!! A loud crash was unavoidable. Sabrina was silent in shock. Thinking about a lot of things, she lost her concentration and hit the car in front.     The girl breathed a sigh of relief that she was fine. She wanted to go out and apologize to the owner of the car that was hit. Might as well compensate.     'After all, it's all my fault!'      However, suddenly from inside the car, some scary-looking people came out. Not only that, two other cars also stopped nearby. From there also came out people carrying clubs and sharp weapons. ***     Luke knew he had to go home soon. Otherwise, Reina must be anxious. Not worried that something might happen to him, but worried about the people who might run into him and he make trouble with them. Anger welled up in his heart, Reina always treated him like a patient or a repeat inmate. He wasn't a cruel person, but it wasn't easy to get rid of something that had been instilled in him since childhood. The crowd of people attracted his attention.     In the road where was deserted, the long-haired girl bravely faced the people who surrounded her, but still they won in numbers, the beautiful girl would definitely lose soon and might die and never be found.      'That's none of my business!' said Luke. 'I can't get into trouble.'     He was about to hurry. However, when he saw the girl once more, he immediately recognized. It was the detective who was looking for him. A smirk appeared on Luke's face. 'I must not waste this opportunity.' ***     BUGGGHHH!!! A heavy blow hit Sabrina's stomach. She looked down as she winced in pain. Blood dripped from the corner of his lips. The thugs who beat him laughed loudly.     "We kill her now!!! Too bad we have to obey our boss' orders and can't enjoy her beautiful body," said one of them while chuckling as if regretting it.     "It's not too late!!! We just take her away from here, then we can enjoy her together. We just cover everything from our boss," said another. Everyone nodded in agreement. Their lewd gazes were fixed on Sabrina.      The petite girl spat while snorting harshly. She stared at her opponents boldly. "You will never be able to touch me!" She shouted angrily. ***     'What a girl!' Luke exclaimed while chuckling in admiration. The man enjoyed the fight in front.     Once again a punch landed on Sabrina's face and head. The young detective fell unconscious. The gangsters approached while laughing heartily.     'Now it's my turn,' said Luke quietly.     Loud applause made the criminals turn around. "You guys are really awesome! To gang up on a girl who's all alone," Luca exclaimed as he walked closer. Comes out of the hiding place where he witnessed everything that happened.     "Who are you? How dare you interfere in this matter!!!" snarled one of them while brandishing the bat he was carrying.     "You better get out of here and forget what you saw! Otherwise, you'll die here!"     Luke smiled disdainfully. "I'm already here, so there's no way to just leave, and about you guys, you want going to make me die here, I think you're wrong. I'm the one who will make you die in this place!"      Hearing that, the people immediately heated up.     "Arrogant youth!!!" shouted one of them while ready to attack . Luke just smirked at his opponent.
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