Twenty one

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  Shelly rushed out of the room escorted by a female officer.      Sabrina immediately approached Luca.   "Are you okay? But what were you talking about? You want to marry Shelly and provoke Adrian?" said the girl while helping Luca sit back on the chair.   "I just threatened them back. I never wanted things to turn out like this, but Shelly didn't give me a choice, if she kept pushing, then I'd have to unpack everything."   "What do you mean?"   "Why do you think Adrian is so angry with my words?" Sabrina was stunned silent. Shr shook her head in disbelief.   "So ... so Adrian and Shelly had a love affair?"   Luke nodded.   "How come? How do you know all that?" asked Sabrina once more.   "Like I said, I know where Shelly lives and I see Adrian in there often."   Sabrina covered her mouth with her hand. She really did not think that Adrian had betrayed Kanaya.   "I have to tell this to Kanaya. She has to know the truth, that Shelly is actually Adrian's lover," she said as she hurried, but Luca's hand held her back.   "Do not!" he said, shaking his head. Sabrina looked at that young man confusedly.   "She is your best friend. Are you going to destroy the marriage just like that?"   "But, Luke, they've gone too far. They've slandered you."   Luke kept shaking his head. "Calm down! Everything will be fine!" ***    Kanaya looked at Adrian for a long time. The two of them stood in the courtyard next to the office. Not many people pass through the place.   "Why did you get angry? You even fought with Luke," the woman said after a moment of silence.   "Shelly is a good girl. How can I stand idly by when a villain like Luke intends to marry her. Her life must be ruined."    Adrian's words made Kanaya silent for a moment, she then nodded.    "Fine, I trust you, but I hope to control your emotions!" Her husband nodded in agreement. ***   "So, Miss Shelly, what are your plans now?" Kanaya asked. She really felt sorry for the girl's fate.   "I don't want to marry him. I just want him to rot in prison." Luke laughed and clapped his hands.   "All right, Miss Shelly. Good acting. You'd better end it all now! You want me to go to jail, don't you? Then bring evidence to back up your statement. Because apart from the truth that I did strangle you, I don't admit anything else. Here you said that I am terrorizing and chasing you, also if indeed we slept together and you got pregnant because of me. Bring evidence for all that! Because otherwise I will not rot in jail, but you, because I have solid proof of who you really are, Miss Shelly , " said Luke while looking at Shelly sharply.    The girl's face grew pale. "I'm not lying," she said weakly.   "You're really going too far, Luke!" Kanaya scolds loudly.    "You're wrong, Kanaya! You just believe Shelly's words. Kanaya, come to your senses! You're not this kind of person. Is it just with the girl's tears and Adrian's words, you immediately believe blindly. Which senior detective I admire ? You know very well without evidence, we can't make someone a suspect," said Sabrina emotionally.    Kanaya is silent. She then looked at Shelly who was still sobbing. Was it true that this girl had lied and deceived her? All Adrian's words had made her believe that Luke was indeed guilty.    "I already admitted that I did strangle you. It was wrongdoing, because I was upset that time, but have you forgotten what happened after that?" asked Luke again.    Shelly was silent for a moment. If Luke said about the kiss, then Adrian would be furious. Not only can she not get her revenge to Luke, she will actually lose Adrian who believes so much in her lies.    "I ... I will find and bring the evidence," said Shelly finally, then rushed out. ***    Luke is finally allowed to go home after that. Sabrina ushered the man out.    "What if she finds evidence?" the girl asked anxiously.    The man beside her shook his head. "No, because she doesn't have one." ***    Shelly was really upset and angry. Everything she had planned now fell apart. The man named Luke was completely out of reach. It's too dangerous to mess with that man.    'He must be no ordinary person. Apparently, he's an even greater liar than I am.'    "Are you ok?" asked Adrian. The girl nodded.    "Oh yes, your pregnancy. Are you really pregnant?"    Shelly smiled and nodded again. "Right, and this is your child." ***    Kanaya sat pensively on the chair behind the wooden table. She then quickly got up and walked over when she saw Sabrina enter the room after dropping Luca off.    "I know you still believe in Luke, but I still doubt that man," Kanaya said to her colleague. Sabrina shook her head.    "Luke's a nice guy. Shelly just wanted to slander him. And I'm sorry, I think your husband is involved in this too."    "Adrian? Why did Adrian slander Luca?" Sabrina was silent. She wanted to say everything, but couldn't. She didn't want her best friend's marriage to be ruined.    'And poor Kayla, she's the one who will be the victim of her parents's separation. However, what about Shelly's pregnancy? What if it's Adrian's son?'    "What do you think?" Kanaya's question awakened Sabrina who was lost in thought. Luke was right, she couldn't tell Kanaya. She did not want see the sadness on her partner's face for her husband's betrayal.    "You know the reason too. Adrian may have misunderstood Luke," Sabrina finally said. Kanaya shook her head in disbelief. She still believed Luca was a person with bad intentions.    'I have to keep trusting Adrian. He is my husband.' ***    Reina gasped at Luke's story about what had just happened to her.   "I've told you so many times. It's all too dangerous. Sooner or later, they'll have their suspicions on you," she said quickly.   "It's all because of that girl named Shelly. She's the one looking for trouble with me, because I don't want to accept her as a lover."   Reina sat beside Luke. "Tell me where does that woman live?"she said impatiently.   "What would you do?"   "I'll teach her a lesson. She won't be able to do anything more."    Luke smiled a little. "You calm down. Now she won't be able to do anything. SHe will self-destruct, we don't need to take care of such a person."    Reina was silent for a moment. "Okay, you're right, but you still have to be careful anyway."    Luke just nodded. ***    "How is the condition?" Kanaya asked after Adrian came home. The man had just returned after dropping Shelly off.    "She is still in shock and feels guilty. She should have recorded when Luke followed and terrorized her. If she had done that, now Luca would have been behind bars," said Adrian.    Kanaya just nodded. She didn't want to ask anymore. Worried that Luke and Sabrina's conversation that had been she overheard from behind the door was true. It was her husband who had a relationship with Shelly.    'I can't doubt it. Adrian is my husband, I have to keep trusting him. There's no way he's in a relationship with Shelly.'

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