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  Kanaya want Sabrina to arrest the people who that night had ganged up on her. The young girl smiled. Her senior colleague was really reliable and could keep her promise. It didn't take long for Kanaya to catch the thugs.   That woman also deliberately asked Sabrina so that the young girl could join in catching the criminals who had hurt her. Of course Sabrina didn't refuse. She wanted to avenge them, but the intention was reversed. The grim-looking criminals knelt down begging for mercy. Sabrina couldn't bear it, especially seeing that they were also injured and battered like her.   "Your boyfriend is really crazy. He want to kill all of us," said one of them.   Sabrina frowned. That big person before her thought the person who helped her was her lover. However, her curiosity is also growing.   'Who exactly is that person? He can beat the thugs and overwhelm them, as well as frighten them. He's definitely not a random person. I must be able to find him.' Kanaya who was standing beside Sabrina smiled.   "Don't worry, we will find your hero," she said as if reading that girl's mind. Sabrina just smiled a little in response to the chatter of her senior colleague. ***   Sabrina and Kanaya then returned to the hospital and checked the CCTV. Unfortunately, the recording on the monitoring camera is not very clear. The blurry image made it difficult for Sabrina to recognize the person who helped her. However, for some reason she felt the figure was familiar and they had met before the incident.   Kanaya then let Sabrina back to the office. There was a call from where they worked asking them to come back soon, because someone wanted to see them. ***   The old man's eyes looked panicked and frightened. His shaking right hand gripped the stick tightly, as if it was the only hope of life. Thin gray hair looks wet because the sweat does not stop coming out. Every time, he looked around, as if afraid that someone was watching him.   The door was wide open. Kanaya and Sabrina rushed in. Their questioning gaze shifted to the elderly male guest. Their captain was sitting opposite the old man guest.   "They are detectives who handle the murder case of your colleague. Kanaya, Sabrina, he is Mr. Iwan, his friends, Mr. Jaya, Mr. Harjo, and Mr. Santoso as we all know have become victims of serial murders. Yesterday, he also accepted this."   The middle-aged man who had been the head of the detective agency for years gave Kanaya and Sabrina a piece of paper. The words 'DIE!!!' stated in it. Brownish red in color. Sabrina and Kanaya stared at each other for a moment. The letter was exactly the same as the one the three victims had previously received.   "This is all because you haven't caught the killer. Now ... now my life is in danger," said Pak Iwan angrily. His hand gripped the stick tighter.   "Sir, we...."   The old man raised his hand to stop Kanaya's words.   "I don't want to hear any more excuses. As long as the killer isn't caught, I'll stay here," he insisted.   "But ...."   "Your superiors have also agreed. This is all because of your incompetence."   Mr. Iwan then stood up. A bodyguard immediately came to his aid and escorted him out.   "Sir, how can that be?" Kanaya protested to her captain. "It's impossible for him to stay here."   Their leader took a deep breath. "There is no other choice. His life is in danger."   "But our place is a detective's office, not a shelter for people, nor do we have person to do that," said Sabrina. She also didn't agree and didn't like the chatty old man staying in their office.   "You guys take it easy. I'll take care of that matter. You all focus on catching the killer as soon as possible." ***   Mr. Iwan located in a side room that has been laid out and cleaned. Even so, he complained a lot. The good life that he has lived so far certainly cannot be felt in a place that he thinks is cramped and cramped.   "What kind of food is this?" exclaimed the man while throwing the rice wrap that was given by officer to the floor.   "I'm not a prisoner! I'm a guest in this place. You should treat me with respect, not like this," he shouted angrily.   Sabrina shook her head in annoyance. The old man was really ungrateful, instead he continued to complain and grumble ever since. If he really wasn't happy here, shouldn't he have looked place elsewhere?   The girl was about to approach and vent her anger, but Kanaya shook her head to prevent it. "Leave him alone! We have more important things to attend to." ***   Adrian received a message from Kanaya that tonight she could not go home. Work matters must be completed. Even though he was annoyed, Adrian's feelings turned happy when Shelly contacted him. A beautiful young girl was waiting at her home. Without another thought, the man immediately got ready.   "Aunty, if someone asks, say I'm out of town on an work assignment," he ordered the maid.   "Please take good care of Kayla!" The middle-aged woman just nodded. Closing the door after the employer left and headed for Kayla's room. That small girl was sleeping.   "Poor her, at such a young age, his parents were never together to accompany her to play," she said to herself. ***   Luca was walking slowly after buying food at the stall. His eyes accidentally caught two figures making out in the courtyard of the house. He just snorted, then shook his head.   'Again the two of them!' he complained as he hurried.   Feeling someone was watching, Adrian immediately asked Shelly go into the house. He looked around and saw the figure of Luca who was laughing away in a hurry.   'He is again!!! Is he spying on us? Just watch out if he ever complains to Kanaya!' he said slowly. ***   Sabrina is checking the serial murder case file. Also written threats received by the victims. Beside her, Kanaya also did the same. Suddenly, there was a scream and the atmosphere turned noisy.   "What happened?" Sabrina asked one of her men who was passing by.   "Pak Iwan is unconscious. His face is blue with foaming at the mouth. The guards said he had a seizure before he was unconscious."   Kanaya and Sabrina were taken aback. They rushed into the room and saw the medics carrying Pak Iwan to the ambulance that had just arrived.   "Let's go to the hospital! We have to find the cause of Mr. Iwan being like that," said Kanaya quickly. Sabrina just nodded and go with her. ***   "Poison?" Kanaya exclaimed unable to hide her surprise. The doctor, the middle-aged man in the white coat nodded affirmatively.   "Fortunately it wasn't too deadly, so his life could still be saved," he explained again.   "But how could that be? Who would be so brave...?"   "The poison was not given on the day he was found, but it had been days before. The dose was small, but was given continuously. The levels were also continuously increased. The poison had accumulated in large quantities and the conditions were stressful for him, so the poison was instantly activated."   The doctor's long speech made the two female detectives ponder for a moment. That meant that this had been planned for a long time, even before the man had reported to them and asked for protection, his death was already confirmed. ***   Sabrina went to Mr. Iwan's house. She wanted to find out about the people who fed the old man medicine and food.   "I just make and serve food as usual," said the maid.   There is nothing unusual about the other workers. They have worked with Mr. Iwan for decades. If they had any hatred or grudges, they would have finished him off long ago. They also have no motive to do that, because their entire family life is also financed by Mr. Iwan. There are no new workers at the residence.   That meant there was only one left, which was the medicine the old man had taken. Sabrina immediately went to Pak Iwan's usual place to buy medicine.
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