Chapter 4

1599 Words
I found myself kneeling on the cold marble floor of the Alpha’s palace, in front of the Alpha himself, Jonas' father. Jonas stood beside him. The soldiers had brought me here. They told me that the Alpha, Alpha Henry, had summoned me. I struggled to keep my breathing steady. To say I was scared was an understatement. I was terrified. The Alpha never sent for anyone unless it was for something important. Alpha Henry was not an easy man to come by. I knew the reason he summoned me had something to do with what happened today in the woods. I wouldn't be surprised if Jonas had spun the narrative in his favour. He could be vindictive when he wanted to. The throne on which Alpha Henry sat was raised on a platform, making him appear even more intimidating. Two guards stood at either side of me. The Alpha had a cold look on his face. He looked at me like I was nothing more than dirt under his shoe. I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I stared at the floor, careful not to meet his gaze. As an omega, I couldn't dare look at a higher ranking wolf in the eyes, talk more of the Alpha himself. “Brianna Thompson,” Alpha Henry said firmly “You stand accused of attempting to murder my son, Jonas, the heir to this pack. Explain yourself.” My heart pounded in my chest. I looked at Jonas in disbelief. Jonas smirked. Was this some sort of joke? Jonas was the one who attacked me first! His son gave his friends the go ahead to physically and sexually assault me. How did I try to murder him? I struggled to find the right words to say to save myself. "I didn't try to murder him, your highness" I said "That's not true" "Are you calling my son a liar?!" Alpha Henry's voice boomed. I whimpered in fear "No Alpha. I would never imply that. It's a misunderstanding. I was only defending myself. Jonas and his friends—they attacked me. I had no choice.” Alpha Henry's eyes narrowed. His expression hardened. “Do you expect me to believe that my son, the future Alpha, would attack you without provocation?” I swallowed hard. “I swear, it’s the truth. They thought I spread rumors about Jonas and me being mates. But I didn’t. I don’t know who started them, but it wasn’t me.” “Lies. My son would not act without reason. You must have done something to provoke him. You must have disrespected him. Disrespecting the future king is a crime as serious as treason” “Please, Alpha,” I begged, my voice trembling. “I’m not lying. Jonas and his friends—they beat me. I tried to escape, but they wouldn’t let me go. I was scared for my life. That was why I used my claws to defend myself against them” “You dare accuse my son of such behavior? You insult my family, my pack. Do you know the consequences of such accusations?” Tears welled up in my eyes, but I forced them back. I couldn’t show weakness now. "I'm not lying, Alpha" I whimpered. Alpha Henry stood up. His tall frame towered over me. “You think you can come into my palace and tell me lies? You think I will believe a word you say over my son?” “I am sorry" “Your father was banished for less. You carry his blood. Now, I can see that his defiance runs in you too. Maybe it was a mistake to let you stay in this pack after what he did.” The mention of my father cut deep. The pain of his banishment was still a raw wound in my heart. I missed my father deeply. I hadn't seen him in years. Was Alpha Henry going to punish me too? “Please, Alpha, don’t punish me for my father’s mistakes. I’m not him" I whispered. “You claim self-defense. But the wounds you inflicted on Jonas are severe.” Jonas was obviously exaggerating the whole thing to put me in trouble. I only slashed him once. His wolf was dominant. His wounds would have healed immediately. “I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt him. I was scared. I didn’t know what else to do.” I said. “Jonas,” Alpha Henry called. Jonas stepped forward "Yes father" There were bruises and cuts on his face. His eyes glinted in malice as he looked down at me. was this possible? I didn't do that to him. He must have done it to himself just to put me in trouble. I only slashed his arm. “My son,” Alpha Henry said. “What punishment do you deem fitting for this girl who dared to harm you?” Jonas smirked. “Father, I think it only fitting that she learns her place. Let her become my slave. She should attend to my every need at school. I already have maids at home. Let her serve me whenever I want.” My heart sank at his words. My heart clenched tightly in my chest. The thought of being forced to serve Jonas, to be at his beck and call, was unbearable. I opened my mouth to protest, but the Alpha’s voice cut me off. “Very well,” Alpha Henry said. “Brianna, from this moment on, you will serve my son. You will attend to his needs at school as long as you are not in class. Fail in this, and your punishment will be even more severe.” Tears pricked at my eyes but I blinked them away, refusing to let them fall. “Yes, Alpha,” I whispered. Alpha Henry gestured to the guards. The guards grabbed my arms and pulled me to my feet. “Take her away,” he ordered. “Make sure she understands the gravity of her new position.” The guards dragged me out of the hall and through the palace corridors. Their grips were so tight that it hurt. I looked down, trying to hide my tears. I couldn't believe what just happened. Why was my life like this? Why did I have to suffer so much? The guards led me outside to a small, fenced area behind the palace. The stench hit me immediately—pigs. It was a pig’s pen. “No,” I whispered. “Please, don’t—” But the guards ignored my pleas. With a harsh shove, they threw me into the pen. I stumbled, falling face-first into a big lump of pig poop. "Clean it up!" one of them ordered "Don't leave here until you're done" The horrible smell filled my nose. I gagged in disgust, trying to push myself up with my hands. My palms sank into the muck, making it even harder to stand. I struggled to get up for what seemed like hours. I cried as I tried to stand. It was so hard. Suddenly, I heard a loud laughter behind me. I turned to see Lilith standing at the edge of the pen. She had a huge smile on her face. “Look at you,” she sneered. “Where you belong.” I wiped my face with my sleeve, trying to rid myself of the filth. “What do you want, Lilith?” I asked. I wondered why she was here. She stepped closer. Her smile widened even more. “Just came to see this. I couldn't miss the show. It’s not every day you get to watch someone like you get what they deserve.” I clenched my fists “Why are you doing this? Why are you always so mean to me? What did I ever do to you?” Lilith’s expression turned into a sinister one “You existed. That's more than enough reason " I stared at her" You're cruel" “Maybe,” she said, shrugging. “But I’m not the one cleaning pig s**t, am I?” I ignored her, turning away to get started on my job. The earlier I start, the earlier I can finish. As I began to gather the poop into a bucket, Lilith continued to taunt me. “You know, it was me who spread those rumors. I made sure Jonas would come after you. It was all too easy, really.” I turned to look at her in shock. What? “You did this? You set me up?” “Of course,” she replied. Her tone was filled with satisfaction “And there’s more where that came from if you don’t watch your step.” “You’re vile,” I spat. She laughed evily “I know this already. But I’m not the one covered in s**t. Remember that.” With that, she turned and walked away. Her laughter echoed in the night as she left the pen. I stared after her, wondering how someone could be so mean. What had I ever done to deserve this? I sighed, picking up the bucket and shovel. This was my life now. I was forced to serve and to be degraded. I had no choice but to endure it, to find a way to survive in this new, harsh reality. I looked at the huge pile of poop. I shook my head and let out a deep breath. From the sight of it, I knew I would be up cleaning it all night.
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