Chapter 2

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BRIANNA'S POV The bell rang, signaling the start of the the school day. I stood at my locker, looking for the textbooks I would need for my first class. I tried my best to ignore the knot of anxiety in my stomach. My mom literally had to cuddle and rock me to sleep last night. The ache in my chest lasted throughout the night. It was the most painful thing I had physically experienced. I had never cried so much in my life. Was I really so worthless? Didn't I deserve to be loved? Why didn't Jonas love me? I guess I can answer the last question by myself. He's the Alpha's son. He'd rather die than be with an omega like me. I just wished he could reject me instead of putting me through all this pain. As I gathered my books in my bag, I couldn't help but over hear a conversation between two girls who weren't too far away from me. “Did you hear about Brianna and Jonas?"one of the girls said" They’re mates! Everyone’s talking about it.” My heart skipped a beat. I froze. Why were these girls talking about me? More importantly, how did they know that Jonas and I were mates? Jonas had warned me not to tell anyone about our mate bond. I didn't tell anyone, which is why I was confused. How the hell did they find out? "I heard about it" another girl said "Jonas has been pissed off all morning. He’s been looking for Brianna everywhere. Wonder what she did to make him so mad?” "I guess he didn't want anyone to know about them" Fear gripped me tightly. My heart started to pound loudly in my chest. My breathing quickened, and my vision blurred at the edges. Jonas was looking for me? And he was angry? I had to get out of here before he found me. I couldn’t face him, not after everything that had happened. I slammed my locker shut I turned to leave the building, but it was too late. Jonas stood in front of me, blocking my path. I gasper in surprise. His eyes were dark with anger. His jaw was clenched tight. “Brianna,” he growled. I took a step back in fear “Jonas" "I've been looking for you. You're in so much trouble" "Listen to me. I… I didn’t… I didn’t spread those rumors.” He reached out and grabbed my arm tightly “Come with me,” he ordered. “Jonas, please,” I begged, trying to pull away. “I didn’t do anything. Let me go.” He ignored my pleas. He dragged me through the crowded hallway. Students stared and whispered as they watched us. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. We reached the back of the cafeteria. Jonas finally released my arm. He shoved me hard against the wall, knocking the air out of my lungs. I coughed. For a few seconds, I was unable to breathe. “You couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you? "he screamed “Why did you tell everyone we’re mates? Do you know what this could do to my reputation?” “I didn’t!” I cried “I swear, Jonas, I didn’t tell anyone. I don’t know how the rumors started.” “Liar,” he spat. “You wanted attention, didn’t you? Wanted everyone to know you’re with me. You want to ruin what I have with Lilith. You're such a selfish bitch.” Tears filled my eyes “That’s not true. I would never do that.” “Then who did? Who else would start a rumor like this?” “I don’t know,” I whispered. “But it wasn’t me.” He stared at me for a long moment. I faced him head on, hoping he would see the truth in my eyes. “You need to learn not to mess with me,” he said “I’m going to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget.” My eyes widened in fear. I knew quite well what Jonas was capable of doing. “Jonas, please,” I pleaded. “Please don’t.” "Shut up!" he snapped "You think you can drag my name through the mud? You're gonna regret this" Jonas dragged me by my arm and led me further away from the school. We kept walking for a long time. "Jonas" I said "Slow down. Where are you taking me?" Jonas led me into the forest. His grip on my hand tightened. I winced in pain. The pathway in the woods was rough. The tall trees seemed to close in around me. I was so scared. I wondered what he wanted to do to me. And then, we got to a clearing. There, I saw Lilith, two of my male classmates and two other girls. Jonas pushed me forward, making me stumble a bit. I looked around them in confusion. "You're here" Lilith said "Finally. These girls are the two witnesses I told you about" "What witnesses?" I asked in confusion. Lilith smiled at me evily. The sinister look she had on her face sent shivers down my spine. In that moment, I knew I was in trouble. There was nothing I could do to get myself out of this now. "We're here to tell you the truth, Jonas" one of the girls said. "What truth?" I shrieked "I didn't spread those rumours. Don't you dare lie on my name" "Silence!" Jonas barked at me. One of the boys laughed "You should really learn to tame your b***h, Jonas. She's going feral" "She's not my b***h" Jonas said "She's nothing to me. She's nothing but a poor pathetic slave. That's all she'll ever be" I looked at the girls with pleading eyes. The surprising part was the fact that they looked at me with pleading eyes too. From their looks, I could tell they were forced to come here. We were all in the same position. We were all pawns in a game we knew nothing about.
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