A night with Rowen : Part one

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I was roaming in our backyard. I was feeling much better than the packhouse. The smell of night lilies had calmed down my overthinking mind. As soon as I breathed fresh air, all the traces of metallic air. After staying there for a while, I started going back to the pack. Then I looked at a small room at the exit of the backyard. My eyes lowered, and I tried to remember which place was. It had a small wooden door with no lock. Perhaps there wasn't anything valuable inside it. I opened the door and suddenly everything flashed like a movie scene appeared before my eyes. "Mom... My horse is a broken mom.." I was crying while sitting in the corner playing with my toys, a wooden horse and colourful rings. I approached Mom, realising she was too busy to listen to my cries. "Mom.. see my horse is broken. My horse is no more.." I brought the horse to my mom. I pulled her frock, She was streaking the brush on the canvas, so much immersed in her favourite hobby. "Daisy," Mom sat down while holding a brush in her hand, her forehead and face had few streaks of colour. She held my horse and joined its neck back. "See, It mended. I told you nothing is impossible." Mom told me, and I began laughing, staring at her face. I stepped into the playroom, where I used to play when I was small. Mom asked Dad to provide a playroom for me as my playroom was no longer mine. So Dad made one for me here. I held my toys, thinking they were still beautiful. It was so durable that even Gideon could play with it now. I went to the dusty canvas on the corner, where my mom had her last painting, A Dancing Girl. It was half painted, Her hair and dress still needed to be finished. I stared at the dried colours in the palette, I moved the canvas aside and started searching for colour. When Luna Betty occupied the pack house, she threw everything, perhaps she wasn't bothered about this room. I held a brush, dipped into a brown colour and started stroking on the canvas. Slowly trying to fill the colours in that painting. I used to complain that my mom was lost while painting but now I can understand why? It was a great ASMR. I was lost too, but then suddenly the room filled with the echo of the footsteps. I saw the shadow of someone coming there. I was scared if Luna Betty saw this, she would throw it away. My fingers gripped around the brush tightly. But the door opened and I was relieved to see that it was Rowen. I took a deep breath. "You didn't sleep yet?" He asked me with a concerned face. His eyes darted overall in the room. I shook my head. I continued painting the hair of that dancing girl. He came and stood behind me. "Have you made it?" Rowen asked me. I shook my head. "It's my mom's." I added, "I am just completing it." I said and dipped the brush again in the colour. "Oh. She must be a wonderful painter." Our voices echoed in the silence of our room. Dim golden light fell on the back wall, fell on the painting. I was so lost and suddenly Rowen held my hands and started moving the brush slowly. His touch was sending the currents within my body. He was so close to me that his warm breath Was hitting my neck, I felt like he was getting closer with each moment. "What do you think about this painting?" Rowen asked me curiously. I started it with lower eyes. "She is Isabella, visiting her mate. It was autumn and also a time for their mating." I told him, my focus was on his knuckles which moved with my hands. "So Autumn is the season of mating?" He asked me, I felt him getting even closer to me, and I could feel the vibration of his voice on my neck. It was distracting me from everything. "Yeah.." I nodded. "They wait for autumn," I added, trying to focus on the painting, But I couldn't. "Autumn is already here. There is something we need to finish." He said, and his lip kissed my neck. The high-voltage current began running through my veins. My hands paused, His body leaned on me, and my butt felt the hardness inside his pants. My breath started getting heavy. "Rowen.." I said I was still nervous. "Don't stop me, I want you to be completely awake when I am going to f**k you tonight. I want you to feel how it feels when I am inside you. That night you were unconscious, but today I want you to look into my eyes when I am f*****g you." He said while kissing my neck, I closed my eyes. I wanted to feel the feeling when his tight d**k would be inside me, I turned excited too. He left my hand and wrapped it around my waist. I just thought he was going to hug me from behind, but then he untied my nightgown, and my gown just slid down within a moment. The brush fell from my hand. I was completely naked in front of him. My boobs were freed from that tight nightgown. My butt was exposed and he could see it. "Rowen.. You are too fast.." I said, I was embarrassed, he didn't even give me a hint. His hand started moving from my waist towards my clits. I felt his other hand pull his shirt and he unbuttoned his pants. "It's not that fast yet." He said and his hand began playing with my clit. I felt a tingling sensation around my p***y. I was getting wet, soft moans began leaving my mouth. His face was buried in my shoulder and his hands were playing with my c******s. I felt his fingers moving within the deep folds of my p***y, as if he was exploring something there. I bit my lower lip. "Can you feel how hard I am down?" He whispered below my ears, My entire body filled with goosebumps. I nodded. "It's too hard," I said, he pushed his hips and his d**k reached my ass hole. I was nervous, about what would happen when he put his boxers down. His hard d**k hardened even more, It was shoving between my ass from his boxers. His bare chest was bumping into my shoulder. "Your boobs are getting bigger. I was barely able to hold it with my single hand." He said and grabbed them from behind. I knew it was full of milk as I hadn't breastfed Gideon since morning. So it became fuller and bigger. So it was obvious that he wouldn't be able to hold it. He began circling my n*****s with his fingers, I held his hair and my eyes closed. My n*****s started getting hard, his fingers held my pink and soft n*****s. "I always wanted to have these two tiny pinklets into my mouth. Today my wish was going to be fulfilled." He said and began massaging my boobs as if he was a professional boob massager. the adrenaline rushed into my veins due to his actions and I had surrendered myself to him. "So what are you waiting for? Isn't it yours?" I asked him, I was dying to have my n*****s in his mouth. I want him to suck them, drink the milk in them. And with the pain I had been holding since morning, I knew he was the only one who could relieve them. "Look at me." He turned me to face him, My face matched the hue of my gown. His eyes darted on my face and then slowly gaze moved down. He held my neck and kissed my lips. His hands slowly pulled me closer, my body began responding to his every touch. "I want you to hear three things before I start it." He said I stared at him with intoxicating eyes. Didn't he was desperate to f**k me, then what happened to him. Why did he stop in the middle? "What?" I asked him, and his hands grabbed my neck, We both were naked and he brought something in between. "First thing: You should remember that I respect you so much." He said, I was surprised. Why did he bring this up in the middle of this "Yeah but why are you telling me that at this hour?" I asked him, "Because I was going to f**k you so disrespectfully." He said That shocked me a little bit. Disrespectfully? I was in such a state that I was going to accept everything even if he wanted to abuse me and spank me. "Tell me you want it?" He asked again. "Yeah. I agree." I told him, I was so desperate and couldn't wait for it.
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