Karma hitting back!

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"Daisy.. I am not used to dancing like this. Should we go to dinner?” Harris Said, the hesitation was clear on his face. He could not handle the aura of an Alpha female. I knew this, I clenched his hand and held him there. "Harris, You said, I was seducing you that night, right? Then why are you acting like a girl who touched you for the first time? You're not lying about that night, aren't you?" I asked him, he was startled even more. Just when last evening I was trying to shoo him away, he behaved cosy with me. I knew someone must have asked him to act because that was a poor act. Now I feel his hands trembling over my body, how did he just held me with the same hands. The message was very clear. "Why would I lie? Gideon is my son. I am just worried if you are hungry." He replied, I smiled creepily. I realised three pairs of sharp eyes staring at me as if they were ready to tear me apart. The gaze was so sharp that it already pierced through my skin, I didn't need to look at them, they were already coming closer to me. "No, I am not." I held his hand and placed it on my waist. Princes's eyes were stuck over me, I just felt bad for my step sisters. I bet any prince had not looked at them for once while they were dancing with my step sisters. "Austin, look at me. Tell me how my purple gown is, you haven't appreciated me." Clara complained to Austin. "You look great in this purple gown," Austin told her, his eyes staring at me without any blink. "See. I had not worn a purple but a yellow gown," Clara was almost about to cry. Poor Clara, Austin didn't even notice her hell-expensive dress. I smirked and wrapped my hands around Harris's neck. He appeared a little uncomfortable because of it. I was trying to make him more uncomfortable. The music became more intense and I danced to its tune. I grabbed Harris's hand and placed it over my hips knowing that it would burn Rowen, Austin and Ethan. Rowen left Cherry's hand and approached us within a moment. He just stood between us, trying to interrupt our dance. I ignored him and continued my dance. I was having a lot of fun doing this, he troubled me so much these days. “What do you want to show? what are you trying to do?" Rowen asked me quite angrily, his face burning like a fire. His gaze fell on my arm, which was tied to Harris's neck, my chest touching Harris's body. I held Harris so close to me and that irritated Rowen like hell. “Can't you see this? We both are dancing here. Just like the way you did with Cherry..” I said to him, Cherry appeared so frustrated and disappointed, that Rowen just paused their dance and approached us. She kept standing there alone. "Dance? Is this dance? The way you are sticking to him? It can't be termed a dance." Austin came forward, feeling as if he had kept his resentment within his heart for a long time. And Now he got a chance to say something, perhaps Rowen gave him courage and now he was not just taunting like before but asked me that. "Yeah! I am dancing with my baby's father. I want to dance with a man who slept with me that night. Am I right Harris?" I asked him, his face turned pale again. "Enough!"How can you be so sure that he is Gideon's father? We also slept with you that night. So how can you accept Harris?" Ethan asked, I was looking at their faces. The music has stopped completely and all the guests are watching us. Even the dance floor turned empty as everyone stood with the crowd. I focused on Ethan's question. "Because Gideon looks exactly like him. And after much thought, I have decided that Harris is Gideon's real father." I said. The three princes' faces turned painful. The pain in their heart appeared on their faces. "Oh really?" Austin's eyes turned glassy. "Yesterday I screamed that there was nothing between Harris and me but no one trusted me. You All blamed me for flirting with him and said many unexpected things, but when I behaved the same way, I can see how you guys went crazy. You could not digest the fact that I was flirting with him for real." I told them and they were stunned. They became speechless and stared at me with furious eyes. "I just danced with him today and you started thinking that I must be liking Harris." My breath and voice both became faster. My chest was making heavy up-and-down movements, anger was running in my blood. My tears dried and it turned into rage, I was no longer crying but ready to make others cry. I had enough regrets about my decisions and now I want people to regret what they did with me. "Daisy. What are you trying to say? Please don't create a drama here." Cherry looked around. The guests were already watching us. "It's our birthday. You are spoiling our day." She added. Her birthday was spoiled because of me, but I had no regret for that. "That night you drugged me right? You mixed a drug in my drink that I crazily seduce anyone I see around, I beg them to f**k me so that I would find unknown men to f**k me and your path would be clear. But how unfortunate was that, I was just f****d by your fiance and now they are my f*****g mate. Isn't it called Karma hitting you back?" I asked her, Cherry's face turned pale. She looked around, her face was full of embarrassment. She began stealing eyes from me and the princes. I had no drink but I was clear and loud, ready to expose everyone who came in my way. "If you guys think Harris slept with me that night, so I must reveal something." I opened my purse and took out a paper from it. I held it in front of three princes. "Harris was not even f*****g invited to the party that night two years ago," I said and everyone's jaws dropped. Rowen, Austin and Ethan stared at me with stunned faces, their brows furrowed because Harris had already described them that night. "What? How is this possible?" Clara walked ahead and grabbed the paper from my hand. She read the list and her eyes went to Austin. She could not believe whatever I said. "There must be some mistake in the list. Perhaps it was modified, I heard of a lot of software that modifies the entire list." Clara said while searching for Harris's name in it. Her eyes told how badly she was searching for Harris's name in the list. While coming to the party, Joshua already mailed me the list of invitees and that confirmed that Harris wasn't invited. Joshua sent me his real identity, and now I was ready to expose him. I grabbed the paperback from Clara's hand. "He is an omega from Pack Meteor, a rival pack of the Vampire pack. No members of the Meteor pack were invited to any party that was held at the Vampire pack house. I guess from almost ten years." I added, Rowen's eyes tapered at Harris. He knew better the rivalry of their pack than me, now I could see his hatred doubled while looking at Harris. Cherry walked ahead and interrupted me. "So what? Just like you entered that night, Harris too did it. Just because he was from the rivalry pack, it doesn't prove that he wasn't with you that night." Cherry clarified, my eyes lowered at her and my other step sisters. They were behaving like they were advocates of Harris. They did everything to save Harris. Perhaps Harris's present was beneficial for them, hence they were insisting that he spend a night with me that day. "If he had slept with me that night, why was he scared of dancing with me right now? He can't even place his hands around my hips." I smirked, and Princes’s face turned shocked. I knew it must be bothering them to hear that I placed his hand over my hips. Rowen's eyes turned darker, so scary that no one was ready to calm it down "Harris, Just tell me the truth. Otherwise, you know your enemy pack better than anyone else." Rowen warned him, Harris' face turned pale.
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