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Cherry and Clara tried their dresses one by one, and ramped walk in front of their mom Betty and she approved them. I deliberately slowed my hands even though it was late just because my eyes were stuck to that gown, then Catty picked that Ice coloured gown and tucked it to her shoulder. "Mom, I loved this one. I would be wearing this one." As she caressed the surface of the shiny stones, a knot formed in my stomach. I was fed up with these baggy cotton clothes. For once in my life, I want to roam like a girl, not like a girl but like a woman. I looked at the way Betty tightened the corset of Catty to look her more slim, and attractive. It was my feminine urge to wear something like that. But I forgot my mom made Maya my caretaker and she won't be ready for it. "Yeah! This one is done!" Batty showed a green flag to them. Finally Catty chose one with an ice colour and a red one. I knew I couldn't have anyone, but I found one torn gown of Cherry. I knew ice coloured was not in my fate, but I spotted a yellow gown there that was quite old and torn in some places. Maybe a mouse even nibbled on it. But I could mend it and wear it." "Luna Betty, can I take that gown?" I went and picked up the gown in my hand. It was a bit dusty. "Why, what will you do with that?" Luna Betty asked, slightly annoyed. "To wear at the party," I replied, and upon hearing me, they all started laughing. I felt a bit embarrassed. "Daisy, even though your name is Daisy, your face looks exactly like fungus. You are not coming to the party. This party was exclusively invited by Vampire King. We don’t want to take you there and insult ourselves. " Betty told me, I was surprised when she said it. "What? But why?" I asked her, "Cause I said it. You have so much work to do, go and harvest some flowers and make three tiaras of them." Betty ordered me. I stared at her with sharp eyes, I picked up my bucket and was just about to leave when Clara grabbed my wrist. "And don't dare to tell it to anyone, especially Alpha Summit members or else you know." With a swift movement, she swapped her hand just below her neck and gave me a warning look that sent shivers down my spine. I went to the garden and picked the fresh flowers that smelled good to make tiaras for them. How ironic that I was never able to make one for myself. I came back to my room and I handed those tiaras to them. Maya arranged my clothes and put them back on the racks. "It was embarrassing that I was not allowed to go to the party,” I told Maya, she was weaving a sweater for the cold season. For me, the party never meant a beautiful dress and men, unlike those girls but unlimited tasty food, no work for a day and just roaming here and there. No restrictions and scary eyes of Betty because she would be too busy flaunting her richness to other ladies. So party day would be a special day for me. That's the reason I love parties. "Yeah! She told me not to bring you there." She said, My eyes turned big. When everyone else talked about the party, I was not allowed to go. "Why? Isn't it compulsory for all the members of the packhouse to attend the party? How can we find our mate if we stop attending the parties? Wasn’t this rule for every member?" I complained. I saw Omega Jaslee was getting ready for it, so why I didn’t? "Because your step sisters don’t want you to be there,” Maya explained in short words, but I understand everything. It must have happened because of the last party. I have seen them refusing to sit with me at the same table as the pack meets. They were forced to pretend that I was their sister every time at any party, and they had to forcefully adjust themselves to me. Sharing their food and walking together on the rampwalk. "I promise I behave like I don't know them. Please tell her to allow me”. I insisted on Maya, she kept the half-weaved sweater back in the drawer and shook the dirty bedsheet, changing into a washed one. She held the pillow but I grabbed it and stopped her. "Why are you silent?" I asked again, I missed those delicious pastries and almost a hundred types of sweets. Multinational cuisines and mouth-watering new dishes, just its imagination began my mouth drooling. "Because I am already silent, how do you think I can convince her? Do you want me to speak in front of her?” Maya asked me, I pressed my lips. In all chaos, I forgot that Maya was pretending to be mute for those years. "It's my sixteenth birthday tomorrow. How beautiful it would be if I attended some party. I will consider it my own." I said, but she shook her head. I was going to be sixteen years old tomorrow, and even though I got my wolf three years ago, I haven't found my mate yet. "Alright! I am not dying to attend it." It was more like sour grapes for me. Clara already warned me not to take the word out. I tried to get the party matter out of my head and I pressed my lips and grabbed my bag to get some homework. The first day of my school went worst, thanks to them. At least I can finish my homework and secure a good grade. As I turned the first page, a flash of those three guys appeared in front of my eyes, The way their door sync opened, and how well maintained they appeared. Mighty all at once. I never felt this attracted to anyone before, even if they were rude I found them hot as hell. 'No! No! Don't think about them. They are jerks.' I told myself, and again turned the first page. "When I asked Rowen's hair he could simply have refused to give. But..." After what they did today, I should never think about them again. They think themselves so high, full of arrogance. It's better to stay away from them but how the three were completely different yet they are complete in their own way. 'Ethan looks cute by the way.' I thought. 'No!' I slapped my forehead, I can't think about them like that, and they all are jerks. My ass was still aching as he deliberately slipped me. I again tried to concentrate on the book, but that cute guy's face didn't allow me to think about anything. I threw the book on the bed and sat down. "Shall I apologize to him?" I muttered to myself, It was way my fault that I was trapped in Cherry's words and asked a hair for him. It turned the page and began sketching them. I slowly moved my pencil. The black lead slipped on the white texture. "Don't you want to sleep now?" Maya turned her head to me, I was still drawing under the lamplight. "Do you have much homework?" Maya asked me when she found me so engrossed in my work, that I didn't turn my head to her. "You have finished your homework, right?" She asked me, "Almost, just a few chapters left," I answered her, by midnight four I sketched them. It was a small initiative gift and an apology for that hair incident. I put those sketches in the bag, excitingly. Wondering tomorrow they would be so happy as the sketch was so realistic. My eyes were heavy but still imagined they would appreciate me for it. Lying on the bed, I just tossed in the bed. Staring at the broken ceiling fan in my room whose noise was too horrible at midnight as if it would fall time while I was sleeping. The damp wall whose wallpaper was torn down. My room was a store room before the arrest of my mom, but after that, Maya moved here with me. It was a little suffocating here as we don't have many windows for ventilation. But it's good that because of these features no one entered here and it was my hideout place. When I arrived back at the school, while parking my cycle, my eyes gazed around searching their cars. I just wanted to mend what happened last evening, as Maya told me not to hold grudges against anyone and not others let hold any grudges, That's for your benefit. Plus they were going to be a king in the future. "Hello," Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned back. Ashley, my classmate and a stout girl with Down syndrome came with a broad smile on her face. She looked older than me, perhaps around twenty-five, but she came to talk with me and I was happy about it. "You are in third year?" She asked me, her voice was quite friendly. I nodded, I recalled the last time we both had empty seats beside me as no one sat beside me. "Yeah.." We both headed to the classroom, My eyes were rolling around to find three princes. The lecture started and I opened my book, their portrait I was hiding between the pages. Ashley found me staring at those photos. "Are you not coming to the party?" She asked me, I widened my eyes in surprise. I never knew they had birthdays tomorrow. "Their birthday party?" I curled my lips. She nodded, I didn't know that the party was held by them. Perhaps that's why Luna Betty was so peculiar about her daughter's accessories and dress. "Yeah! They are turning sixteen tomorrow, Their parents held a big party in the palace." She said, her eyes getting bigger while expressing the big party. She began blabbering about how the party would be. I pressed my lips. I remember when I was three I celebrated my birthday with them, our moms arranged a lavish birthday celebration. That was my last birthday which I celebrated that’s why I remember it, after that, I never cut a cake in my lifetime, forgot about celebration. "Are you going too?" I asked her, and she nodded. She was from Starlight Pack, one of the weakest packs in the suburb. I felt bad as I was not going to attend it but everybody would be.
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