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"No, I want to hear more. What did you feel when I grabbed your butt? What does your heart say when I squeeze your n*****s that day? Or better yet, what was your reaction when I pushed my finger into your ass hole?" He asked while looking into my eyes. His eyes were dark and deep. Those devil smiles on his face gave me an indication that he was going to do something worse. I was baffled, was he asking the question or trying to arouse me with those words? "You know it better, You know how it feels to have your finger in my ass," I added, turning my head to Shelly and smiling. Our muttering continued in low volume that would not be heard by anyone else but us. Austin pulled his head up and kissed my neck. "I felt so tight, If your ass is this tight, I can imagine how tight your p***y would be," Austin said and the crimson hues covered my face. I was blushing instead of getting angry. "You have heard what you wanted to hear, now let me go," I said, trying not to get carried away. "No, say it. I want to hear it again." He said and I closed my eyes. "Your touch.. I felt.." I said, but my voice became soft. I didn't know how to express myself. He was so dominant. He was controlling everything, he was asking me to do what he wanted. He slowly pressed my butt, while kissing my boobs. He was teasing me now. "Please stop it." My fingers clenched around his hair tightly, Instead of taking it away from my chest, I pressed him to my chest tightly. "I will not stop kissing your breast until you forgive me." He said, I was stunned. This was the most childish thing that I ever heard. "You must be crazy. Who asks for forgiveness like this? If you feel guilty, prove it to me." I replied, even though I was horny with their moves, I want them to regret what they did. "I ask for forgiveness like this." He said, before I could answer him, A loud shout echoed in the hall. The voice was loud enough that it could vibrate even the lighting chandelier of the roof. "What's going on? Who is this? What you all are doing here?" Expectedly, it was Luna Betty. wearing a blue co-ord and lavish Louis Vuitton purse, it seemed she just come from the high profile kitty party. She suddenly came and her voice started with everyone around me. Her face was irritated, and her clenched fist showed that she was annoyed to see everything. "Daisy. Can I ask what this is?" Her voice was filled with hatred when she found Austin resting his head on my breast. Cherry, Clara and Catty followed her. The bags dropped from Clara's hand when she saw the scene. Her eyes turned red as if she was going to cry right now. I slowly moved Austin's head from my chest and walked ahead. "That's a photoshoot for Gideon," I told them, She gritted her teeth aggressively. Her eyes darted from my head to toe, and her temper rose high when she saw me in that gown. Her eyes tapered angrily. "Really? Then where is Gideon? Why is it not here in your photoshoot?" Luna Betty asked me, her girls were already watching me with hateful eyes. I neglected them and gestured at Jaslee who was holding Gideon for a while. "Isn't this more like a pre-wedding shoot? All I can see you in a wedding gown and that moon decoration is a trending pre-wedding photoshoot nowadays." Cherry pointed at the crescent behind me where Shelly asked me to sit. Even all the princes were in tuxedos. It looked like a pre-wedding shoot. Apart from a baby balloon, there was nothing related to the baby photoshoot. "What if it is? I don't find any problem in it?" I asked her. I knew this was going to trigger her, but one thing I was sure of was that they were behind calling Harris. "Problem?" Luna Betty looked around, the shoot was already stopped. They were so scared of Luna Betty that they were not even moving. She started chasing them away. "Why are you standing here? Just leave. I am the Luna of this pack. You guys are not allowed here without my permission." Luna Betty started shouting at Shelly and other photoshoot members. The way she started throwing everyone out of the pack, reminded me of my childhood. When entire pack members were threatened to be thrown out if they didn't obey their new Luna. They were burdened with the strict rules and regulations of the pack which it already become a prison for them. How anyone who opposed her was deported overnight. "This is my packhouse, no one is allowed to do anything here without asking me." All the servants of the pack were replaced, and some were thrown out of the pack on charges of theft how all the pack members have changed in so many years. Why? because Luna Betty couldn't win the confidence of the pack people. She has never handled a pack and suddenly became a Luna, mismanagement, and lack of financial knowledge. She has always been a weak Beta who needed protection even to step out. But it's not going to happen anymore. "Stop! I said, " Stop." I shouted everyone's heads turned towards me. Perhaps no one has heard my voice this loud. Perhaps no one has ever seen me this angry before. Luna Betty and all three princes stared at me with utmost shock. "What? What did you say?" She turned to me and asked me angrily. "No one will leave this pack until this photoshoot is completed, no one will come to step out," I told the entire team. I gestured to the makeup artist and she started fixing my makeup again. Luna Betty and her daughters started looking at me angrily. I didn't give a s**t to whatever they said a while before. I thought they didn't even exist there. Princes watching my face proudly, at least they could understand what I was capable of doing. "You are doing this foolish thing. You know that my three daughters are engaged to these princes, yet you are busy seducing these princes." Luna Betty came forward, her words were very harsh. These words could tear anyone's heart. I smirked at her. I was not a weak-hearted girl like her daughters, I was a strong-willed woman whose heart was turned to stone. If she tried to hit it, she would get wounded, not me. "They're my mate, and also the father of my child. I don't think there is anything wrong in seducing them." I said I was calm. Earlier, I did not feel like having this photoshoot. But now I want to complete it. That annoyed Betty even more, she exchanged glances with her daughters. "Then What is the difference between you and w***e. You are the mistress of three princes. You will never get the place that my daughters deserve. You are a slut who steals other girls' partners.." Luna Betty said angrily, I pushed the makeup artist aside and went to the walking Betty. "Do you believe your words?" I asked Betty, she started looking at me with a confused face. The argument reached its peak, and everyone else waited and thought if the photoshoot would continue or not. "Yeah! you are a w***e who snatched someone else's partner." Luna Betty repeated her words. I laughed sarcastically because I was going to f**k with those words. "So according to you, You are also a w***e, because you took my mother's place and made someone else's partner your own." As I said it, Betty's face turned aggressive. "What you said," She gritted her teeth and raised her hand to hit me. I grabbed it because it would slap me. "What happened, you feel bad seeing your karma coming back. This is karma that has come back towards you, for what you did to my mom and me. How the moon goddess chose them to be my mate, and we already have a symbol of our love. Accept your Karma, Gamma Betty." I said and her eyes widened. She was stunned to hear that, but her daughters and all three princes were more shocked to know it. No one ever knew that she was Gamma, but Maya had told me that before. I could see how my revelation had shocked all of them. "What the hell you're talking about? You know what you even saying?" She was baffled for a moment. I knew this because Maya told me that many years before. She was just brought into the packhouse because her mate bonded with my father. He stared at me with a satisfied eye, I could say he was happy with everything I did right now.
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