Chapter 36

1050 Words

CHAPTER 36 It had been three days already. Three days of f*****g torture for Dave. Everywhere he looked, he could see her face staring at him, haunting his every thought. It had become unbearable. He wanted to see her. “Sir?” A voice jolted him back to the present and took him away from the wonderland he had found himself in. He groaned and sat upright in his chair realizing that he was in a meeting and not with Cassidy. Annoying. That was where he should be. Not here listening to a bunch of grown men crone about their works and how they wanted to make it better. That wasn't his business. “So what do you think? Is it fine?” Someone asked him and Dave suddenly realized that everyone was staring at him Wait. They asked him a question? He had been In this meeting for a few minutes only

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