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Monday mornings are the ones that most people hate, a new day of the week, more like a new beginning and that meant working. Dom is one of those people that hates Monday mornings. The weekend has been something that made him forget about some of his problems. He got to spend time with his friends, but the truth remains, good things usually last for a short period. The truth of the matter is that he got a chance to be out, forget about his family, especially his father. He loved his father so much, but he hated the fact that he always finds a way to ruin his days. Being ignored by someone you love is the most painful thing you’ll ever experience in life and it can kill you emotionally. Dom wanted his father to realize how much he loved him and wished that he could try maybe to spend some time with him, but his father never seemed to realize any of that. He was always concerned about his duty as a state governor and ended up forgetting about his responsibilities as a father and a husband. Dom thought about his life, those days when all his friends will wait for their fathers to come to pick them up at school, but his father never came. When his friends talked about their special weekend away with their families, playing games with their fathers, he wished that his father maybe would take him out one day. He even wished that maybe he had siblings to play with. His best friend Chris was the only source of happiness he has - apart from his mother with who he had an on and off relationship - though the kind of life they lived was not a good one, he always knew that in him he had a brother in all, someone who will stand by him in good or bad times no matter the circumstances. Though he wished that their relationship was way more than that, maybe a brother-in-law relationship, but that was never going to happen no matter how hard he tried. Chris’s twin sister Stephanie was all he wanted in a woman. When he was still thinking about his f****d-up life he heard a knock on the door before he could ask who was in the door Chris called out. “Dom open up man. I know you’re in there.” He opened for him. They hugged. “Hey man, how’re you doing?” asked Chris. “I’m good man. You know how it is”. “Any problem?” “No, why?” “You seem a little bit tense. Something happened?” “Nothing happened man, I’m just thinking”. “Ok then, if you say so. I have news that I want to share with you, but I don’t know how I should react to them”. “Is it good news? Maybe I can deal with some, it will help enlighten my day somehow”. “Stephanie is getting married.” He blurted out. “What?!” Dom asked, shocked, and disappointed at the same time. “Yeah man, I was also shocked as well when she told me, but it's true.” He said trying to read his best friend’s reaction to the news. Chris too didn’t know if he should be happy or what. His sister was still young, and she knew that too. “But she’s only 19!” “Exactly what I told her, but she is so madly in love with the guy in such a way that I can not disappoint her. I’m her twin brother and I have to give her all the support she needs.” “I don’t know what to say, man.” He said, still shocked. “Yeah man, it’s on the 25th of May.” “That’s like two months away from now. Isn’t too early?” “I don’t know really but what I know is that she is getting married to Michael Thompson.” “Mike? Of all the men in the world, your sister chose to marry that jerk? Is it the lack of taste in men or what? There are so many guys out there who would love to have her as a wife, but not Mike. That guy is a no-no, he’s a douche. Besides I don’t think that he is going to take good care of her.” “And then, what’s up with you?” “Nothing, I’m just saying that your sister deserves someone better than Mike. That guy is something I don’t even know how to describe. Your sister has a horrible taste in men I must say. There are so many guys out there waiting for her. Guys who will treat her like a queen and a princess at the same time. Someone who will appreciate her and everything about her. Someone who will respect her always. I surely don’t think Mike can do any of that. Besides, I think it’s too soon.” “And you think you’re one of those people who can treat my sister like a princess or a queen?” “It doesn’t matter if I’m one of those people.” “Dom, you’re not answering my question.” “I was about to make coffee… You want some?” “That doesn’t answer my question, Dom. I don’t want your coffee, what I need is your answer to my question.” “I know whatever I feel for your sister will never be acceptable to you, so it doesn’t matter.” “I want you to listen to me Dom and listen very carefully. You’re my friend but you’ll never be good enough for my sister. I don’t want my sister to marry a gangster like you.” “So, you want to tell me that you’ll rather your twin sister marry someone like Michael Thompson? Is he better than me, your best friend?” “I want you to know that being my friend does not give you a free pass to have feelings for my sister, let alone think about marrying her. I hope we understand each other.” “Yes, man.” He said, sounding a little bit bored. He didn’t want his friend to see how his words hurt him. From the beginning, he knew the feelings he had for his best friend’s sister was going to get him into trouble, he just never anticipated it to be so soon. He should just accept the fact that he was born with the type of bad luck that will never allow him even a second of peace. “You know I came here to share the good news with my friend but right now I don’t know if I want to be here. I’ll come to visit you once you calm down and erase those stupid feelings you have for my sister.” He left just like that. “I don’t have any idea of what to do now. I never realized being in love can be the most difficult path one has to endure. I love you Steph and I’m willing to wait for you, but your brother is making it difficult. The most difficult thing is that now I must accept the fact that my best friend prefers Mike to be the one to marry his sister other than me. I must think of something to convince Chris to stop this wedding. Even if it is the last thing I do.” While still talking to himself, his mother entered the room. “It looks like my son is not here. Anything the matter?” “Nothing mom, I’m just thinking about my life and how messed up it is.” “Your life? What is it about your life that you’re thinking about?” “A lot mom.” “And who’s this girl that has stolen my son’s heart?” “Mom. Don’t tell me you were eavesdropping. It’s bad manners.” “My own son teaching me about manners. Well, well, well, what has this world turned into?” “Mom don’t be overdramatic. I’m just saying it’s not good to eavesdrop on people’s conversation. To answer your question though, no one has stolen your son's heart." "Don't patronize me, Dominic Burton. I was once a teenager like you. I know that look on your face. the words 'I'm in love'  are written all over your face. You love her, don't you?" "Yes, mom I do. I love her so much." "Who's she? Do I know her? Where is she from? Is she pretty?" She started bombarding her son with a lot of questions. "Mom, easy. We're not going anywhere. You're asking way too many questions." "Just answer me. Is she going to the same college as you?" "No, she's going to another college. Yes, you do know her. She's from this city too. She's pretty, no scratch that, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's perfect. I will never have her though. Besides the fact that she is the daughter of a top business tycoon, she is Chris' twin sister. It will never work and I think the faster I start to realize that, the better for me." "Nonsense! If you love her like you say you do, you'll never let her go easily. Fight for her if you have to, but never let her go. You're a Burton, and Burton men are no cowards, never have been, never will be. Don't make it start with you, I didn't raise a coward. I raised a brave child, one that I'm proud to call my own." "Thanks, mom. I really appreciate it." "Anytime sweetheart. You know I'm always here when you need to talk." She planted a kiss on his forehead. She left the room, leaving him thinking about her words. He supposed he must fight for her just like his mother said. He was not a coward and he was not about to start being one.
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