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Stephanie stood by the window in her room and looked outside, the view was beautiful. She has always loved the sea and since the wedding preparations began, Mike rented an apartment for her near the beach so she can relax and it was helping. The apartment was her escape zone, she would come here just to avoid the drama in her house. Her parents would talk about her rushing things. She was marrying Michael and people made it look like she was committing a crime or a sin. She has been planning this wedding for weeks now and she was not going to change her mind just because her family think it is rushed. When she first started dating Michael, she never thought she was going to end up marrying him. She always thought it was just a fling and that they were going to break up one day. Michael has always been considerate in their relationship and he was the mature one. That was expected though considering that he was five years older than her and out of college while she was still in her first year. They started dating six months ago when Michael was still in college and she was still in high school, senior year. "You know my love, spending a whole day by yourself is not healthy." Stephanie turned to look at Mike as he came to join her where she was standing. "I just needed time to myself and being with people while I rest is not a good idea. What are you doing here?" She hugged him and pecked his lips. "Baby? Do I need a reason to come and see you?" He took her hand and guided her to the couch next to where they were standing. He sat down and made her sit in his lap. "No you don't, I just... I wasn't expecting to see you here today. When did you get here?" "I just got here. I wanted to just stand there and admire your beauty but I didn't want the faraway look on your face. What's wrong?" "Nothing. I just can't believe I'm getting married. My parents think I'm rushing things, not to talk of my brother. Do you also think I should wait before I marry you?" "If I thought we were rushing things I wouldn't have proposed to you. It doesn't matter what others think, what matters is what we think. We are the ones getting married, not them. "Your parents are just saying that because to them you'll always be their little girl and I think they just want to be with you for a while before you decide to get married. "As for your brother, I think if it was up to him, you wouldn't get married at all. He's your twin brother and he wants to be with you every time. "I don't think I'll ever wish for Michaela to get married too." Stephanie chuckled. "She's not a baby Mike, she is your twin sister. If you can get married, that means she can also get married." "I know, I just don't think I'll ever get used to not having her around." "Or she can just get a houseband." She smiled at him sheepishly. "Houseband?" "Yeah, a husband who will stay at home with her, you know, live with your family?" "Live with us? How?" "I thought you are smart Mr Thompson. Don't make me regret ever calling you a genius." "I am smart, I just don't understand why my sister's husband would stay with us. If the motherfucker can't take care of her then there's no need for her to marry him, I won't allow it." "I didn't mean it like that but I think it's the best idea. You don't want your sister to get married because you don't want to be separated from her and I think if she marries someone who will stay with you guys then all your worries will go. "It doesn't matter if he can take care of her or not, what matters is if they can make each other happy or not." Marriage should also have love. Stephanie knew that but she wasn't going to say it out loud because she didn't have the energy to fight with Michael over that. She always avoids conversations about love because she doesn't want to tell him that she doesn't feel anything for him. Sure she cares about him but love, she has never loved him. There is only one person she will ever love in her life, even if he didn't love her back. Being with Michael is the right thing to do. She's been telling herself the same thing for the past six months. Michael makes her happy and he's a catch. He's very handsome and comes from a good family, something her parents really appreciates. Even as a child, she knew she had to marry someone from a good family when she grows up and her parents made sure she never forgot that even for a second. It's not like her parents make decisions for her, but they always say they want what's best for them. They love her and her brother and she knows that. They've never neglected them and they make sure they have the best of everything all the time. She has never done anything to disappoint them and she never wants to wake up one day and finds out that she did something to disappoint them, unlike her brother. Chris is a good person but he is not an ideal son. He's been in and out of trouble since he was young and Stephanie never understood him. It's not like he lacks anything, in fact, he has everything someone his age needs or wants but he is hell-bent on making a name from himself in the crime industry. When he was shot, she thought he was going to change but he never did. On the contrary, he was angry and he vowed to punish everyone that was involved. That led to... No, no, no, she wasn't going to think about him. He wasn't part of her life and she didn't have time to think about him. "Love? Are you okay?" She heard Mike's voice pulling her out of her thoughts. "Yeah, sorry... woolgathering. You were saying?" She tried to focus on what he was saying so that she wouldn't start thinking about him again. She has tried to avoid having thoughts about him for years and she usually succeeds but it seems like today is not her lucky day. "I was saying that even though I want my sister to be always by my side I don't want her to marry a douche. A fool that she will have to feed all her life." Stephanie could see that he hated the idea of his sister taking care of her husband instead of her husband taking care of her. She didn't really know her sister-in-law but she couldn't picture her as someone who would marry for love so she decided to keep her mouth shut. "I think we should let your sister decide for herself, she's a grown-up." And from what she knows about her, she wouldn't appreciate someone making decisions on her behalf, even if that person is her twin brother. "Why are we talking about my sister again? We're getting married and we still have a lot to do." He's right, there's little time left. "I actually came here to take you out for lunch, you've been busy lately and I know you only have a little time to rest." To be honest, she hadn't slept more than two hours ever since the wedding preparations started. She wants everything to be perfect. If she can't marry the man she loves, at least she should have the perfect wedding, something she would always remember in her married life. "I wanted to cook for you but my mom called. She is inviting us for dinner and she is going to cook." "You were going to cook for me?" "I've been taking classes, at least you won't end up in a hospital after eating." Stephanie couldn't help but laugh at that. "I'm serious. My cooking skills are getting better by the day but compared to my mother's cooking... I'm afraid you would start comparing the two once you taste what she will prepare for us. "I think it is best for me to think of another day to cook for you." Stephanie didn't trust his cooking skills but she wasn't going to disappoint him. "I can't wait to taste the food prepared by your hands." She smiled at him. They talked for a while and then made their way to the restaurant where Michael made the reservations. It wasn't full which was a relief to Stephanie, she isn't a fan of crowds. She has always disliked crowds ever since she was a child. She also didn't go out much. She would spend most of her free time at home or with her friends, indoors.
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