Chapter 6

1122 Words

Chapter 6 I tried to do as Haraldr asked me. I tried to meditate on the rune Fe, but nothing I did forged any feeling of connection within me. I tried just sitting on the rug in front of my fireplace, the rune on its card resting on the floor in front of me, my eyes sort of focused on the flames of the fire as I settled into a deeper and deeper meditative state. But after more than an hour of that, I gave it up. Nothing was happening. I ate a little lunch of toast and apple slices with honey, then went upstairs to see if taking a nap would help. I told myself this was because Haraldr had specifically mentioned dreams, but mainly it was just that after two nights of little sleep I was really tired. When I got up again some time later, I felt rested, but had no memory of dreaming about a

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