Chapter 20

1719 Words

Chapter 20 As I walked home I toyed with the idea of taking my sketchpad to the well and seeing what I could draw. But it was already dark, with clouds rolling in from the west, blotting out the dim stars above. Soon it would cover the moon, and there would be nothing but streetlight to draw by. Maybe that would be enough. I would be looking in a magical way, not strictly a visual one. But it was also getting colder by the minute. I didn't mind it so much so long as I was walking, my nose buried in the zipped-up collar of my parka, my mittened hands deep in my pockets. But sitting still? And drawing? Which I couldn't exactly do in mittens. I could probably manage it in my thin driving gloves, but being thin those gloves didn't offer much in the way of warmth. What if I sketched fast?

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