Chapter One- Finally The Honeymoon Phase

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Chapter Eighty Nine- Finally The Honeymoon Phase If you think about it, it's all a journey, you know, Except there is no map and you'll never know where you'll go, There will be good times, there will be bad times, The road is croaked and bumpy and only smooth sometimes, There will be moments when the night has nothing to say, And there will be blissful moments which whisper the good times are here to stay ~ I lost the moon while counting the stars ~ Blaire sighed with oozing contentment as the warm, sweetly scented water cradled her body and soused her skin with soothing decadence. She had never felt more relaxed, the stupendous weight of choosing her future had been lifted off her shoulders and she finally felt like she could breathe properly now that the Rawen ceremony was behind her. All her nettling worries had evanesced and for the first in probably all her life, she could presage a future she could look forward to with little dread, a pleasant future abound with pleasure, every sense of the word, the tiniest fraction of stress and all the happiness life has been depriving her of all these years. Excitement meandered through her blood, charging her body, wiping away any trace of the fatigue and debility that had subdued her for days. She was geared up and ready to create new memories in this more dulcet atmosphere with the last man she ever thought she would be open to loving. Saber and her were finally in a good place, which was a miracle to her because only a miracle could have rescued a marriage in acrimonious, ashy tatters like theirs. Being alone for more than a squeezed in moment of respite was surprisingly weird. She felt a bit destitute, she was so used to having someone with her at every breath, she was so used to not having time to listen to her thoughts and meditate without being poked by some unnatural pairs of eyes; she thought some alone time would be a delicacy, but the old saying "you only want it until you have it", was smiling upon her. As silly as it was, she missed Saber, she even found herself unable to keep her eyes from frequenting the door. She was hoping that he would come and check up on her, but three quarters of an hour must have been depleted with her marinating in the gorgeous smelling fragrances, so she had lost all hope of him gracing her with his presence. As revitalizing as the bath was, Blaire ultimately had to leave the tub and her biggest motivation was seeing her beastly, dragoncrite husband and finding out why he would miss an opportunity to bath with her when he never missed one back in Artelus, even during the unpleasant, acrid periods when she prayed for him to leave her alone. A lonely thought waltzed into Blaire's mind as she got to her feet and she begrudgingly entertained the idea of him having gotten frustrated to the hilt by living outside his royal status, without the many privileges and transported himself back to Amborwa. If he was gone, it was not permanently, but the duration of his absence being short was not going to lessen her displeasure and loneliness, she could not stay here all by herself, not even for an hour. Exhaling softly, with her delight ebbing away, she wrung the water from her hair and grabbed a towel to enswathe her wet hair until it dries, then she carefully stepped out of the oval-shaped tub and wrapped herself with the other crisp white towel. Then the struggle began, not knowing what to do next, credited to Selib's assistance conditioning her to not care to know how to carry out her daily routine on her own. Without Selib's guidance she felt dim- witted and she had to afford a moment to think of what she was going to do after she departs from the bathroom. Getting ready for the day should have in no way posed as a predicament, but here she was, feeling lost and unhinged. The quandary she was in made her aware of just how spoiled she was, she had fully adapted into the life of royality and the change was not only going to be heavy on Saber. Blaire tittered humorously, amused by how overdramatic she was being. Fine, she had forgotten how to dress herself, fine she did not remember the last time she helped with daily chores and fine, she did not know how to make even an omelet; difficult times were ahead, but she was determined to be the best, most functional wife to Saber rather than being an ornament. She was going to inure herself to the daunting challenges attached to learning and adapting to something entirely new. This was what she wanted and she was going to work hard to keep it. As much as she was aware of her solitude, it still felt perplexing for her to saunter across the large room and not find Selib waiting for her with one of her beautiful, flattering, filmy negligees dangling from her slim arms. She could not escape looking dull today, without the afterglow the beauty treatment Selib serviced her with offered her, she was going to have to wear her natural skin, which was currently not at its best. After a few puffs, hems and haws, Blaire left the dressing table and scuffed to the closet, which at first glance could be mistaken for an enormous, plain mirror mounted on the wall. Frowning upon her reflection and displeased by how pale she was, she opened the sliding door and much to her surprise, her eyes were met with nothing. In disbelief that such a spacious walk- in closet did not contain even a single article of clothing, she stepped inside and searched to the last corner and found nothing. So she had nothing to wear, she did not know that she had converted to nudism. "Oh well…" Blaire shrugged her shoulders and proceeded to leave the bedroom and finally go search for Saber. The Beast of Amborwa had exquisite taste, so she was not surprised at all by the enviably lavish, functionally beautiful interior design of the rest of the mansion. It was the intricate designs she awed at the most, then followed by the strategically placed pieces of art decorating almost every stretch of the free hallway wall. The paintings especially reminded her of her own, awakening her longing for the soft caress of the breeze which was ever present in her favourite spot in her favorite garden back in Amborwa. There was a lot she had left behind she was going to miss, that was bound to happen, but she could have never anticipated that it would only take her a few hours back in Bervon for her to be dealt with nostalgia. Saber was not going to know that she was already missing being in Amborwa, because this is what she had been telling him she wanted… needed. Blaire peered into all the rooms she strutted past and he was in neither of them. Until she covered the sitting room and heard some persisting, consistent sounds coming from behind the frosted glass wall. That was the only positive sign for another's presence she had received, so she had to investigate. It had to be him. Blaire walked over to the wall, the intention was to place her ear on it and listen before she could figure out how to get into the room behind it, but much to her astonishment, when she was within arm's reach of the wall, it shifted open like an electronic sliding door with motion sensors, leaving an opening where the wall used to be. Pleasantly surprised, she stepped inside the white haven; a very modern, yet in some concept traditional kitchen and was welcomed by another surprise of greater magnitude. Now the bustling sound and the sizzling sound could be explained. Blaire could not believe her eyes, the man she had never seen set foot even once in Seruna's kitchen, was cooking. Saber appeared to be in his own world as he seasoned whatever it was that was steaming from the rose gold cast iron pan with a variety of bottled spices and some fresh herbs. Blaire gaped, her wide-eyed stare fixated on him as he alternated between stirring the food in pan and chopping some fresh greens possibly to be mixed into a salad. A stranger for audience would have described him as a seasoned cook doing what he knows best and not breaking a sweat. That was mind boggling, if it were Larzzon, bare- chested, donning only coal grey sweatpants and manning the kitchen like a chef, she would not have such a hard time believing what was taking place before her eyes. Even HE could cook, it was embarrassing for her. Look at how well organized he was, he was even clearing up the counter, returning any remaining ingredients where he found them and here she was not even wanting to think that multi-tasking was his forte. "Wow." She exclaimed, exposing herself to the heat emanating from the stove. It was hot, no wonder he had decided to go shirtless, but the heat must have not had much of an effect on him because there was not a single bead of perspiration on his body. "What is this? I didn't know you know how to cook." She peered into the pan as he lifted off the lid and the steam from the simmering dish ascended the atmosphere. She couldn't even tell what it is, but it looked very scrumptious and smelled so as well. Saber looked askance at her, as though he was having a hard time figuring something out. He was, the fear of losing Blaire was now monstrous, and it was currently, as it had been ever since they arrived here, breathing down his neck, throttling him. He didn't know how to address her, what to begin with, with Blaire, a simple good morning could set her off or confuse her. It was inexplicable, but she was complicated, beautifully, intriguingly so. He had agreed that as long as they are here they can forget that they are royals so he was going to abandon the formal tone. "Hi." He cracked a small smile, that was the one word which did not make her stare at him strangely, in fact, unlike the "good morning", she smiled warmly and her vibrant eyes seemed to light up like a jovial child's. "Hi." The word flowed out softly as she nervously ran her fingers along the edge of the countertop. It was weird having such an exchange with him, especially in this kind of setting. "I see you're all better." He noted, his eyes scanning her from head to toe as he turned off the gas stove. Blaire looked ravishing and it did not help that she decided to strut into the kitchen with just a towel as her means of coverage. "You are just in time for your first meal, now that we have switched planes and are back in Earth, your body will return to functioning in a manner to suit your environment, so it is absolutely compulsory for you to eat- food." At that he retrieved a plate and some small bowls from the cabinet and swiftly began plating the food. Blaire's corrugated brows settled above her narrowed eyes, her face exhibiting pure confusion as she stared him- her beastly husband sure was full of surprises. "Wait… what do you mean now that we have switched planes it is absolutely compulsory for me to eat food? Was is not necessary for me to eat in Amborwa?" She asked and he subtly nodded his head and briefly looked at her before continuing to featly place the hasbrown or at least what looked like a hashbrown on the plate… she really couldn't be sure, she was that terrible and ignorant. Everything looked very beautiful, he was very meticulous about presentation, just like Seruna and Sadira, he was dishing her up gourmet meals. "No, not necessary at all, but I acquired Seruna so you could feel as normal as possible and not stray far from your routine, I know just how unusual you would have found it not having to eat. Selib must've made you aware that in Amborwa the process of taking in energy happens through the skin and that's what qualifies as eating." He explained and Blaire lightly nodded her head while fixing up on the glass base stool. Selib had exchanged her such knowledge, but she thought only native Acrites behaved like plants and took in energy through their skin and lost any form of waste matter to their environment through their skin. As silly as it was, knowing that he went through the trouble of acquiring a personal chef for her yet she didn't necessarily need one to live, made her heart flutter. "Am I the only one who doesn't know how to cook?" The rhetorical question passed as a plate and a bowl was placed in front of her. Saber's eyes urged her to dig in, so she took a first bite of his work and my the flavors introduced to her taste buds were sensational. A moan of delight left her lips and she couldn't have left a better remark. "When did you learn?" She had to ask. She was very impressed and Raine did always say that a man who knows his way around the kitchen and doesn't mind exercising his skills on you is husband material. "After we got here. It is not a hard process at all, it was surprisingly easy to figure out. And you do not have to stress yourself about learning, I am willing and prepared to make you breakfast and dinner and everything else you desire." There was a bit of pride present which Blaire gladly fed with her beatific smiles. She took a sip of the juice before directing her open arms up and gesturing for him to lean in. Her arms locked around his neck and she indulged in his fiercely alluring scent before she rewarded him with a kiss. "Thank you, I wasn't expecting this at all." She beamed as she pulled away and accepted the enchantment of his piercing eyes. For the first time ever she felt like a proper wife. It was almost too good to be true and she was scared. He was making her feel all fussy and fervid and her face couldn't help but become flushed, especially when he gave her that stare, like his eyes were professing his undying love to her. And his unblinking gaze remained on her as she ate until she had to stop eating and suck in her lips to repress the urge to brush. She playfully nudged him on the arm. "Stop staring at me like that…. You're making me nervous." "I am sorry," Saber immediately tore his eyes from her like a chastised child, "I can't help myself, the intention wasn't to make you uneasy-" "No, no, it's not that at all," Blaire quickly interjected before he could berate himself further, "I just look very crusty and dull today without Selib's touch." She told him and his eyes returned to her- the entrancing pale blue orbs were the first to refute. "You look beautiful, Blaire, so beautiful, you always do." He expressed so deeply, while gazing into her eyes, Blaire felt the words echo to her soul. It was inexplicable, she couldn't describe the emotions she was brimming with, she felt almost exactly like she did in the dreams. The mate bond, their connection and her feelings had blossomed to great height in just these few minutes, which was unfathomable. Overwhelmed by the ardent emotions, she avoided his eyes and focused on the dainty meal and side of fruit confection, but she could still feel his eyes burning into her. His deportment was different, it was as though he could feel the stronger connection as well. "Where are you going, my king?" Blaire's eyes followed him as he turned back and walked across the kitchen until he made the exit. My king. He loved it when she called him that. Just when Blaire was going to leave her seat and search for him, Saber returned to her with an item secured in his hand. When he handed it to her, Blaire immediately recognized it to be a box, a phone box and she gave him an opaque stare. "I know how much you have been wanting one." Saber only spoke curtly and proceeded to unbox the phone. Blaire was awestruck, he was really surprising her today, when she held the phone, when its sleek, cool body came in contact with her warm skin, she simmered with excitement which was neck to neck with her consternation. The brand was very popular, one of the best in the world and the latest model which was recently released and every time she saw it being advertised, she only dreamnt of one day owning it. Blaire examined briefly but she quickly put it down before she become more attached. "Are you being serious? This is like my dream phone!" "It is yours," Saber gave a prompt reply that promised her no deceit, "you deserve the experience. And if you wish to return to school tomorrow you may, your uniform is ironed out and ready for you." Another detail to astonish Blaire, it felt like she was having an other body experience, a phantamosgoric experience far from reality. Then it quickly came to her that time was a determining factor and not exactly on her side. Her smile did not fade as she stepped down from the stool and embraced him lovely. His body was unusually warm, he was emanating a dulcet amount of heat which tempted her embrace to linger. "You're so warm." She purred contently, nuzzling her nose in his chest. "My body is adapting." He drawled, then mumbled something under his breath that she didn't fully grasp. From what she did grasp, he was communicating with Slar in an impassioned manner. "Are you okay?" Blaire finally released him from her embrace and looked up at him. When he nodded his head, Blaire continued the conversation in the context of school. School, she missed school, she loved the environment, the prospect of going back was delectable to her mind; but there was one problem- "Months have passed, my class has long graduated, I'd have to wait for next year and will have to negotiate with principal Garla so I don't have to repeat an entire year." Blaire wasn't surprised by his slightly perplexed expression, he had never attended high school so he had not a clue what she was talking about. "Months have passed- in Amborwa. The concept of time is entirely different in this plane, I am sure only a few days have passed since your departure." Blaire stared at him incredulously, she couldn't decipher that theory, but she was in even more disbelief when she opened the phone and the date was just a day after her birthday. How was this possible? "How is this possible?!" She marveled at the unfathomable actuality. "So I've only been gone for like five days according to the people here! Wow!" "Time is a phenomenon, this universe is its own entity, so is our own." "I'm buffled, astonished! But… A normal school day requires nine hours of my day, so it'd feel terrible leaving you here for that long five days a week." Pursuing her aspirations was something she was ready to put on hold if it came at the cost of being away from her husband for a great deal of time. Her first priority was bonding with him and opening her heart to him. The thought alone ushered in some tension to her chest. She couldn't breathe properly when he looked at her like that, if she didn't know better, she'd say he was in love. His feelings were not going to bloom, metamorphosise overnight, it was just wishful thinking on her part. "I have some business here in Samout, all over Earth in fact. I could secure a position in one of the companies so you don't have to worry about me-" "Companies?'' Blaire cut in, confusion ripe in her tone. "Yes, I own a few here, am simply continuing what my father started." He explained in brevity and Blaire's thinking frown deepened. Surprises were particularly copious today. "I didn't know that. You're not fond of Earth so I didn't think you'd have any association here. Selib only told me of our dealings with the planets on our plane… what are we in the business of? What are our ties to Earth?" Saber inwardly beamed, he loved the fact that she regarded Amborwa as her own and acknowledged that they are a partnership. "Energy. Amborwa supplies energy to every planet in exist, love. Without Acrites many forms of energy would not be derived from the sun, the largest natural source. Light, chemical, electric, kinetic, nuclear, every form of energy necessary for live. Plenty of light years ago the sun's energy was depleted, apparently it was all absorbed into Amborwa's atmospheric arc, which is like a membrane serving as a barrier, surrounding our planet. Then it was replenished, but it was locked and nedded to be unlocked and extracted. The Acrites stole the energy and transformed it into every form of energy we have today. Because of that advantage, our universe remains undiscovered, Earthlings could never establish enough energy to explore space beyond their plane. It is complicated, involves complicated politics, but the main players know that their planet is at our mercy." Blaire only nodded her head as he explained, not that she found the details perspicacious and plausible. "Complicated indeed… and I don't feel like discussing this now, I want us to take things easy and-" She trailed off to attend to the towel which had gotten loose before it could fall, which reminded her, "I'm surprised that my uniform is available but I literally have nothing to wear.. I checked our closet, there's nothing, not even underwear." "We should do something about that. You can put on one of my shirts and we can go shop for some garments for you." "How come you have something to wear and I have to be prancing around in your shirt, huh? You are not fair, you want to be the only one looking good, yet you don't even have to try, you'd look great in anything." Blaire pouted in childlike fashion to sell her spurious discontent when she was just showering him with compliments. She really didn't mind wearing his shirt to the shops, the fitting was great: oversized and the fabric was always so delightfully soft and light to allow the skin to breathe- it would be a bit odd though, but she didn't care how others perceived it as long as he thought she looks good. "If only you could look through my eyes and see what I see." Blaire was glowing, the most radiant he had ever seen her, happiness was such a good look on her and he knew it in his soul that the sole purpose of his existence was to keep that gleam in her eyes bright and that beautiful smile on her face. ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■》■《■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 》 HERE IS THE FIRST CHAPTER OF LOVING A BEAST, REWRITTEN FIVE TIMES, WRITTEN IN SIMPLER ENGLISH BECAUSE SOME HAVE MADE IT SEEM LIKE I WAS WRITING A NEUROLOGY TEXTBOOK WITH ALL THE HARD LATIN/ GREEK SCIENTIFIC NAMES AND ALL.  REMEMBER: IF THERE IS NO "THE END", THEN IT IS NOT THE END! 
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