Chapter 10-2

1668 Words

The warmth of the sun caressed his scales and heated his body as much as the anger coursing through him. Drago soared through the air with a deadly purpose. His piercing gaze swept over the land below him, searching for the cause of the unease building inside him. His lips tightened when he caught sight of the ship offshore. He swerved over the tall trees and down along the treacherous cliffs. Weaving in and out of the towering rocks rising from the sea, he flew closer to the ship. Reaching out, he slowed enough to grasp onto one of the large, black rock towers. He gripped the uneven rock face, clinging to it with his claws, and worked his way to the side until he could see the ship. Monster! he thought with distaste. His lip curled as the large ship touched down on the water. Each of t

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