Chapter 7

1585 Words

Chapter 7 The first thing Carly realized when she woke the next morning was that she was not alone. Coarse, black hair that tickled her cheek and nose was her first clue. The second was the warm arm wrapped around her, holding her against a very hot – as in the smoking sexy, melt in your mouth kind of hot – body. Correction, Carly thought, afraid to move. A very hot, smoking sexy, melt in your mouth, bare-naked body. Carly cracked her eyelids open, curious to see if her assessment was correct. She carefully lifted her right hand from where it was resting over Drago’s heart and moved it down to the covers that were draped across his stomach. She paused and glanced up to make sure he was still sleeping. Yes! His breathing hadn’t changed and his eyes were still closed. A delighted grin cu

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