Chapter 12

988 Words
The place was a mess, bodies were being hauled onto a pile while the surviving members of the pack were being escorted away. They had come to figure out some arrangements for an alliance but instead were faced with a pack wanting to take down the Lycan Alpha, there were a lot of this these days. With the Alpha getting older and in transition to pass on the role they were in a weak point it had become dire to branch out to the surrounding packs and make sure things would remain at ease unfortunately this run didn't turn out to be the case. “Drag the bodies over there” Valen barked orders at the men pointing at an empty spot on the field “we will deal with the survivors once we return home” was it pleasant to have to do this of course not but Valen knew it was necessary when a pack won't back down and threaten to go against the Lycan Alpha, he has his duty to challenge it. After giving some more orders Valen sat on the steps of the main house, a tall grand it was surely once a nice place but the fight had sent it into disarray. He rubbed at his face trying to wipe off some blood but it only smeared, spreading the red thick substance to mix with the dirt that was across his body but he paid no mind to really. “You alright?” Jaxon questioned as he slumped down beside him on the step between a few panting breaths. “Just wondering how many will be like this” Valen groaned rubbing his dirty hands over his face then through his short sweat-covered hair “we anticipated hesitancy but finding packs wanting to fight to take over... If too many turn--” “What are you worried about?” Jaxon chuckled slapping a hand on Valen’s firm back “have you seen yourself? You could take out an army by yourself” he further teased. Granted Valen had been training since he was a child to take over his father’s role as commander and ensure the safety of the Lycan Alpha and Luna that was his duty and was never a hard ask considering they were his family. “I just want to ensure it's safe and everything is taken care of especially with Kaia’s ceremony coming up she will officially be introduced as the future Luna” Valen explained to be faced with a sceptical look from Jaxon “don't look at me like that” Valen sneered quickly turning away from the now smirking man. “Is that the only reason you want to protect her?” Valen wouldn't usually allow anyone to speak to him in such a way but in the almost four years he has known Jaxon something about him had made it easy for Valen and Jaxon to become close friends. “Of course” Valen stiffened under the topic. He was struggling not to think about Kaia but he always failed because every waking moment the blonde would be haunting the back of his mind, those large blue eyes seared into his memory. Valen reminded himself over and over how it must be wrong he couldn't be her mate, he was not good enough for her. She deserved someone like his cousin, refined and elegant, his cousin was lazy but Valen always thought Actaeon had much for going for him than himself, he was raised to be a ruler alongside her. His father's words ‘know your place’ would always remind him of where he should be. Valen knew his place fighting, defending, bloodied in battle and shouting orders at his warriors... Kaia deserved more than that and perhaps she would eventually see it over time that he wasn't good enough for her. “Nothing to do with the fact you are her mate?” Jaxon questioned a single eyebrow raised interest at the topic. “Shut your mouth” Valen growled, “don't say such things so loud.” “It’s true though, Val. Deny it all you want it's true” Jaxon explained as though it was so simple. “She deserves better” Valen grumbled “you aren't in a place to say anyway. If your mate didn't deny her first you wouldn't have her.” Jaxon snarled “Pryce was always mine.” “Easy” Valen shook his head at Jaxon’s defensiveness “I'm simply saying perhaps the Goddess makes mistakes sometimes. Clearly, the Goddess did with your mate and her first mate. Perhaps my situation is no different.” “When I first saw Gatlin Pryce, even in school she was something special. That only grew when she turned eighteen, when I finally recognised her as my mate there was no denying it” he chuckled “but I already loved her the rest of it well... It was overwhelming, to say the least,” Jaxon explained leaning his elbows back onto the cement step behind them “she said it wasn't like that with Onyx, the bond is strong between us and despite my mistakes, I could never deny or look at anyone else the way Onyx had. She is all I want” after a moment Jaxon stood a serious look on his face which was always odd from his usually joking behaviour “if you can turn away from Kaia then yes maybe it was a mistake but if shes seeping into your every waking moment and you can barely breathe without her... Then I guess you know your answer” with a pat on his shoulder Jaxon left Valen alone once again with his thoughts. Valen let out a long sigh over Jaxon’s words that seemed to echo within his mind because deep inside Valen knew after what Jaxon said he knew it was the latter.
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