Chapter 9: To Hotel

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Andrew worked quickly. He immediately sent data about the identity of the woman who accompanied Hendi Wicaksana. The woman was the Head of the Secretary department who was in charge of a number of other secretaries to assist the task of Hendi Wicaksana. Emilia Sanjaya.   She had an office on the 25th floor that had a special digital key and forbidden for anyone to enter the floor without her permission. Emilia also held access to the laptop and login used by Hendi Wicaksana.   "Send people to extract information from Emilia and find out what they are doing there," Chan ordered curtly.   "Okay, Amour is on his way to the location," Andrew answered curtly. Amour was the code name for Aaron. He was indeed suitable for tasks related to the conquest of sexy women.   Chan smiled with satisfaction. He could focus on his duties at the office. So far he had managed to get a number of office employees' email lists that make it easier for him to target one of them to get phishing emails.   The first target for getting this phishing email was Chris. Chan wanted to know the data and findings that had so far been owned by internal audit. It looked like Chris wasn't a tech-savvy person, so it looked like this phishing email feed was most likely successful.   With a disguised IP address, Andrew sent a phishing email to Chris's email in the form of a notification that his account had been hacked and he needed to click on the email link to activate the virus quarantine.   In fact, the email notification was actually a phishing email, which when clicked, would provide access for Andrew to dig in Chris's laptop and get all his logins and passwords undetectable.   Only thirty minutes from the phishing e-mail was sent, Andrew sent a message to Chan cellphone.   [Worms are eaten by fish. Digger has entered the pond.]   Chan smiled. Andrew did work quickly. Chan asked Andrew to take data and analyze the contents of the findings in the past two years. Digger was the code name for Jason.   *** Aaron arrived at the hotel during the day and booked a room on the same floor as Hendi Wicaksana. With Jason's help, the surveillance camera at the hotel had been hacked so that Aaron could be free to act.   After placing the bag, Aaron went around and asked to be escorted to look at the meeting room for business reasons. The hotel Sales Officer happily accompanied Aaron to look around. In the Cendana room, a banquet officer was getting ready to make up the room.   "The size of this room is just perfect for my needs. The interior is also good. Is this room rented today?" Aaron asked as he scoured some furniture in the room to find the right spot to put the bugging device and mini camera.   "Yes, this room is booked from 6 pm until 9 pm," answered the Hotel Sales Officer.   "Can you provide dinner in this room?" Aaron asked pleasantries. He had found the right place to put the bugging device. He blocked the view of the hotel staff with his back, pretending to admire the interior of the room.   "Yes, but it can be subject to special costs for dinner," said the Hotel Sales Officer.   "Then I want a bid proposal for this room along with a food menu to choose from. I will ask my management to consider," said Aaron, smiling satisfied. He finished installing the bug and the mini camera without getting caught.   "Okay, I'll email it to you this afternoon soon," the hotel Sales Officer said.   Aaron shook hands and then parted ways with the hotel Sales Officer.   "Aaron, they're in the fitness room. This is the right time to slide into their room," said Jason from the communication channel.   "Okay, I'm on my way there."   Aaron bribed one of the room service officers in charge of the room’s cleaning on the 10th floor. He gave the man a lot of money to keep his mouth shut. He was happy to lend Aaron to have his access card.   Aaron easily infiltrated and installed a bugging device and mini camera in Emilia and Hendi's room. He could not find a cellphone or laptop. It seemed like both of them were quite careful.   Next target. Emilia Sanjaya.   Aaron followed down to the fitness room and saw Emilia and Hendi still there. He met Hendi in a men's locker. Hendi had just finished bathing and was taking things from the locker. Aaron did not see a laptop in Hendi's locker. Chances were, Hendi did not bring any laptop for the meeting this time, because even in his room there was no laptop.   Aaron kept his clothes in the locker and entered in minimal sportswear so that his muscles were clearly visible from the front or from the side. He looked for Emilia and found her running on a treadmill.   Aaron deliberately ran on the treadmill next to Emilia. He casually began to run next to Emilia while glancing seductively. It didn't take long for Aaron to get an invitation from Emilia into his room.   Aaron's fingers were very good at stroking Emilia's sensitive areas. Aaron made Emilia groan with pleasure while arching her body to enjoy the tickling sensation created by Aaron's fingers and tongue.   "Aaaah ... Amour again ... Aakh ... yes, there it is ... ah ... Aaah ..." Emilia sighed repeatedly with pleasure.   Aaron made Emilia enjoy the peak of orgasm many times until satisfied. Only this time Emilia felt a more pleasant sensation compared to having s*x with other men. Aaron was an expert at making women addicted to him. His technique was so great!   As expected, Emilia brought a laptop with her and kept it in the locker in the fitness room. Emilia took the laptop with her when she left the fitness area.   Aaron deliberately let Emilia shower first. When the woman showered, Aaron turned on Emilia's laptop and ran a brute force attack to get a login and password. After connecting the laptop to the hotel wifi, Aaron let Jason accessed the laptop.   "Amour, I'm in. Let's dig," said Jason.   Aaron heard the shower turn off.   "She’s coming," Aaron said curtly.   "Okay, I can continue later," Jason said.   Aaron hurriedly turned off the laptop and put it back in its original place. He took the vodka bottle from the minibar and sipped it slowly.   Emilia opened the bathroom door and Aaron looked at her while sipping his vodka.   "Hi, babe. Ready for the next round?" teased Aaron.   "I have to get ready for the meeting," Emilia said, but Aaron's hands and lips had explored her body. Her kimono towel was lying on the floor.   "Just a moment, dear," sighed Aaron in Emilia's ear in a sexy tone.   "Aaah ... Aaah ... but ... Aaah ..." Emilia wanted to refuse but her body responded to Aaron's touch with a lustful moan.   "Your voice is tempting dear ..." Aaron whispered more aggressively exploring Emilia's body.   Emilia arched her body while groaning louder, and surrendered herself to Aaron's caress which carried her flying high to the moon.   ***   Yuri was meeting that night until the evening. Chan had sent a message to Yuri to apologize but she was not replied.   Chan waited for Yuri until 7 pm but it seemed that Yuri's meeting wasn't over yet. Chan was decided to go home first.   At the apartment, Andrew was waiting for him with a report.   "They are doing a closed meeting. However, it is just an ordinary business meeting. The tap has been installed in the Cendana meeting room and room 1035, also in Emilia's room. Aaron has also managed to get Emilia's laptop login and password. Jason has managed to access Emilia's laptop. Do you want to listen to the recording of an ongoing business meeting?" Andrew asked.   Chan nodded. He sat and listened to the meeting that took place in the Cendana meeting room. There was no interesting information. It was just an introductory meeting with dinner for possible future investments.   "Don't let Emilia go. Make sure she gets entangled in Aaron's charm. Maybe she holds a lot of important data and access that we can use," Chan said.   Jason burst out laughing.   "Do not worry. When it comes to women, Aaron is the expert. Emilia was addicted to sleeping with Aaron. Do you want to see the recording?" Jason asked laughing.   "No need. Just save the recording. Someday it will be useful," Chan said grinning broadly.   "Aaron is really great in bed. No wonder women are crazy about him. He is good at making women orgasm. Want to see the scene of their bed, boss? It’s like, Aaah… Aaah… again… Amour… Aaah…”   Chan laughed as he waved his hand towards Jason.   "Aaron is great at installing camera angles. Take a look! This camera does not highlight his face. Only Emilia's face was visible. He also does not visible at the camera when fiddling with the laptop. All clean!" said Jason.   "So we have successfully hacked Emilia's laptop?" Chan asked.   "It's done, boss. It's just that the internet connection was lost because Emilia finished bathing. Later when she is connected to the internet, I will copy all the data there," Jason answered confidently.   "Good progress," Chan said with a satisfied grin.   "With pleasure," Jason answered with a happy grin.
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