CHAPTER Twenty-Five

1052 Words

  Hunter   I ran and ran and ran.   I did not know where I was going, What I intended to do but only ran further into the deep forest.   The regret and pain had attacked me on every side.   What I had done?   I was supposed to mend her, put her back together and heal the damages I made to put her smile back. But I f****d everything up once again.   The awakened beast within me and I myself ruined all of it. My lack of control and the rage that had always won over me, made me lose everything once again.   I hurt her without even knowing how much damage I was causing.   The flashes of her tear-stained face were passing through my vision every now and then and every time they did I was being given another reason to hate myself.   How could I not notice that she was not lying? How cou

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