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CHAPTER 7 Erstwhile - in the past Origin: English 7 NICK'S POV EIGHT YEARS AGO My bedroom door opens wide all of a sudden and I had to hurriedly exit the porn site I was looking at and I quickly fixed my pants, pressing my boner down on the bed. Damn it mom, could you at least knock? I was almost on my peak. "Nick will you look after Tracy for me tonight?" She says while she was fixing her earrings and not looking at me. I exhale. "Mom, she's already twelve." I whined. She slapped my ass, "And you're older than her. Don't go anywhere tonight." I quickly pulled myself up from the bed with my plow covering my boner and my face fell. "But mom it's Friday and I'm going out to Alec's." "Goodness Nicholas you're already sixteen! At least be responsible here at home. You're always ou

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