
1776 Words

CHAPTER 16 Petrichor - the scent of rain on dry earth Origin: Greek 16 After visiting their mother's tomb, it was almost twelve noon when we left there and I'm terribly starving right now. The car paved way to the gravel road and I saw us arriving on the pathway of this old looking house. Tracy seemed so excited to be here but Nick was just quiet after we left the cemetery. "Starving Savannah?" Tracy gazed at me over the rear view mirror. "A little." I answered. "Don't worry. Nick is here. He knows how to cook." She says before unbuckling her seatbelt. When they stepped out of the car, I did too. I pulled my blouse down to cover my showing skin above my garter and then finally stared at the white colored house. Vines were creeping on the corners of the house and I see a patio swin

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