Idée Fixe

2598 Words

CHAPTER 23 Idée Fixe - an idea that dominates one's mind especially for a prolonged period; obsession Origin: French 23 "Please tell me you'll come?" Here comes Tracy again, begging me to go along with her and her friends. I love Tracy but I don't love... I don't like, at least, most of her friends. It's a mutual feeling though and whenever Penny is around, all she'll ever do is to retaliate me. She gets to my nerve like I how I get into hers. She hates the way I dress. She hates every thing I do. She hates me being around the same place that she's around. She hates me. She loathes my entire being. Penny is just so hateful. And I'm sure as hell that she's just jealous of me because I am way better than her. She looks like a prostitute with those kind of clothes on her. And I look li

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