4: the fire

685 Words
As if him being that close was not disturbing enough, I found myself closing my eyes as soon as his face was only a few inches caway from mine. Park went ahead to land his lips on mine and I lost control of my life. I spread my lips apart to permit him access. He took that advantage, slipping his hand around my waist. I lifted my back from the bed a little so he could hold my back. I put both hands around his neck and moaned. It was a spark I had never felt. I knew I had so many questions to ask but at this moment, I wanted to rip my clothes off and feel his hand everywhere. The thought was stimulating and was cut off when he pulled wway as though he had just realised what he was doing. I opened my eyes, panting to catch my breath. Like nothing had happened between us, he turned around to leave. I jerked to my feet and ran up to him, "whoa, hold up." I held his shoulder to stop his movement and felt intimated when he turned around. I had never felt so short in my life. "Um…" I began, losing my thoughts. I quickly regained myself and frowned, "what the f**k is wrong with you? Why did you bring me in here? I swear, once I get out, I'm getting your ass arrested, you f*****g son of a b***h. You thought it made sense to leave me here by myself and then you came out here to kiss me? What do you take me for?" He shifted his lips into a partial smirk, looked away and stood like some supermodel posing for a magazine. "I'm so scared." His sacarsm mocked me. "You are staying here until we find something to do about you." He assured me, turning around to leave. "What?!" I gasped, hurrying after him, "you can't be serious. How is this my fault that I saw you? You are making a terrible mistake by doing this. f**k, what does this have to do with kissing me?" I raised my voice. When I saw that there would be no response birthed from him anytime soon, I switched to an apologetic voice. "Okay but at least let me have my phone, Alex would be worr…" I never got to finish the sentence because he walked out of the room after slamming the door and clicking it shut. I put one hand on my forehead and the other on my waist, "I need to figure this out." I groaned. I began to look around the enormous room. There was no way this could be my reality. If someone would have told me I wouldn't be going back home after yesterday, I'd have punched them hard in the face. I strolled over to the drawer in hastened steps and pulled it open. It was empty except for a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "Eww." I scoffed, remebering my old boyfriend and his cigarette addiction. Giving up with a sigh, I returned to the bed with the cigarette pack and lighter still in my hand. I thought of a way out of this and apparently, there wasn't any. I began to flicker with the lighter's control absent minded as I tried to make a solution for myself whilst refusing to accept that this was going to be my new reality. I set a pillow on my lap and stroke it, pretending it was Bowen. "My poor baby, he is probably wondering if his mom is drunk somewhere." I sighed. I was so lost that I had no idea I had struck the lighter closer to the tip of the pillow. I gasped at the fire that grew on the pillow, stood to my feet sharply and tossed it onto the bed. "Oh my God!" I shrieked as the bed sheets caught on fire as well. "Help!" I ran to the door, banging hard as the smoke alarm gave off a loud siren. Follow my ig: @faithodulesi and sss @authorfaithodulesi to interact with me :)
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