
1469 Words
"What did you just say?" I dropped my fork and knife onto the plate, making a loud noise. Everyone turned to look at us, not just me, but both of us. I looked straight at Adrian's golden eyes, and he glared back with pure hate. "Did you fake your kidnapping just to get my attention?" "Haha, sometimes I can't believe how childish you are." "What did I do wrong? You've been chasing me for so long and even suggested a contract marriage. Was that all just to become a Luna? I don't want a Luna who's only after power. What I want is a girl I can love genuinely, not someone's puppet." "Huh?" My face showed total disbelief at Adrian's crazy statement. Oh, I had no idea he disliked me this much. Adrian had a thin smile on his face, mocking me. Then, he started to talk again, "I said—" "ADRIAN! THAT'S ENOUGH!" A sudden loud voice surprised us all, even Adrian, who stopped talking abruptly. I almost leaped out of my seat in shock. "F-Father ..." The red-haired man looked to the side and stared at George Belmont with a surprised face. George continued his sentence, "Tonight was a great time to connect with the main families of the Eclipse group, especially since Second Princess Hawthorn is back safe after the kidnapping. But you picked a fight and caused trouble! And you brought a human here! Adrian, you really!" Adrian's jaw tightened as he heard George scold him. He was ready to blow up. Standing tall at 6 feet, he faced his father, his face turning red. "Father, I—" "Ian!" Grace called, grabbing Adrian's arm and making him spin around. She shook her head subtly, glancing around. Adrian looked in the direction she indicated and saw the family giving him judgmental and sharp expressions. After that, Adrian glanced at me while I pretending to focus on cutting my meat. I struggled to hold back a smile, feeling satisfied as I watched him, that jerk, lose his face in front of everyone. "Tch," Adrian grunted in frustration, sat back, and kept eating. He sliced his meat a bit aggressively, but the dinner party went back to being calm. I could enjoy my meal without any more fuss from Adrian. A small grin appeared for a moment, brief enough to show how happy I was, before the smile faded and disappeared. Hahhh–that felt so good. If only every day could be like this. Unfortunately, I would not stay here for long, and I did not want to keep being here to see them. In two days, the Hawthorn family and I would return to the main Hawthorn mansion, and maybe come back here again for Grace's coronation ceremony–which I would never bother attending. Dinner was over, and each family member had left the dining hall. Adrian and Grace were among the first to leave, with Adrian pulling Grace's hand and leaving with an annoyed expression. Heh–I did not care what they would do later behind my back. I did not want to know either. "Bella, why didn't you go?" My mom tapped my shoulder, snapping me out of my daydream. "Oh, uhm—okay." "Bella—sit here for a moment. Uncle wants to talk to you first." As I was about to stand up, Uncle George called me, stopping my steps. I gave a quick glance to my mom, and she nodded. With her leaving, it was just me and Uncle George. I sat back down on my chair and looked at Uncle. "What do you want to talk to me about, Uncle?" Uncle George had a small frown and took a cup filled with wine, sipping from it before placing it back on the table. He turned to look at me with an unpredictable expression. "Uncle knows... how you feel, Bella." "Yeah?" I tilted my head in confusion. Uncle George took a breath before opening his mouth again. "Adrian... he's indeed a naughty and careless kid. Raised that way, he became spoiled and irresponsible, doing whatever he pleased. But Uncle knows he doesn't mean harm to you." "What... does Uncle really want to tell me?" "Uncle wants you to remain as Adrian's future wife and also become the Luna in our alliance, Bella." My eyes widened in surprise, but I quickly regained control of my expression. "What does Uncle mean?" "Bella," Uncle George said as he reached for my hand, giving it two gentle pats. "Only you could be the Luna in this alliance, not that human girl. Adrian might have a liking for that human girl for a brief moment, but he'll realize that someday he needs you to lead this alliance. So, please, Bella, be patient a little longer." Oh, I understand. Uncle George just could not bear the thought of his alliance falling apart because it was led by some random human girl. He asked me to swallow my pride and wait like a sitting duck until Adrian changed his mind one day and chose me again as Luna. It was like being held as a captive and told to sacrifice my future. Haha–not the father, not the son, they were all the same. Using others and putting their own needs first, no matter if it would harm someone else's future or not. My hands clenched tightly, wrapped in burning emotions. I really hated this. Should I always have followed all the paths laid out for me like a stupid donkey that can not choose its own path? All of this was disgusting. But, I just smiled a little, trying not to show my emotions on my face and turned towards Uncle George. "Thank you for your concern, Uncle. However, Bella can't make a decision now, please understand. And also, Bella is tired, so Bella wants to go back to the room and rest." "Ah... okay, Bella. Uncle understands, forgive Uncle for pushing you even though you didn't want to. Go back to your room, we'll continue this conversation another day." Uncle George nodded slightly, and I did not waste the chance to leave. I stood up immediately, bowing briefly to show respect to the current leader of the Eclipse alliance, then left the dining hall. "Phew..." I took a long breath as soon as the dining hall door closed. Then, I walked through the mansion hallway to get back to my room. Tap. Tap. Tap. The tips of my heels touched the white marble floor that covered the entire Belmont residence corridor, creating echoing sounds in the silence of the night. It was just me and my busy thoughts in the darkness of the night. "Mmmh... Ian... wait a moment." My steps abruptly stopped upon hearing a moan coming from one of the hallway turns I was heading towards. I felt familiar with this voice. "Don't fight, didn't you always like this?" My jaw tightened. It was Adrian. The voice was clearly Adrian's. "But... we're still outside, what if someone comes and sees--" "No need to worry, who would come in the middle of the night like this except ghosts or crazy people? Come here." "Mmmph!" I stepped slowly to the hallway intersection and peeked a little, before my eyes widened in surprise again. Adrian was not accidentally doing this, he was kissing Grace while glancing at me with a scornful look. He must have wanted to get back at me for embarrassing him in the dining hall earlier. I squeezed my fists in anger. He was disrespecting me, and it made me furious. My eyes turned red from anger and hatred. His dad asked me to forget my pride and just sit obediently, waiting like a loyal dog until the time came for me to be used as their pawn to work until death coming. Meanwhile, his son openly rejected me and made me humiliated, like I would never have a place in this world. I... did not know what to do anymore. My mom also would neveret me escape from this entangled fate. Everyone hoped I would stay as a Luna and wait patiently until the time for me came, but they never ever once consider what I wanted. Ssssssh–! “What the–” Suddenly, out of nowhere, a black curtain—better said, a black cloth—covered my sight and pulled me backward. Behind the black cloth, my eyes met a pair of bright green pupils under the moonlight. I was shocked when I found out who it was. My eyes widened. How could it be! "You—!" My chin was pulled, and I was brought closer until I could feel his warm and rough breath. He smiled softly, "We meet again, Princess."
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