Meeting Him Again

1259 Words
"Mmm...," I mumbled as I started to wake up because the sunlight rays were peeking inside my eyes, making me squint a little. "Mmmh… Rory, close the window. I want to sleep five minutes more." I rolled to the side with my back to the window, pulled the blanket up to my neck, and felt the warmth enveloping my body. "Rory?" I asked again, still feeling the hot sensation of sunlight burning my back. I squirmed, trying to find a comfortable position without getting burned. Shrrrriekkk. The sound of the window curtains being dragged closed and the light dimming made me stop squirming and smile a little. "Good, it's more comfortable now. Thanks, Rory. You can go out now," I mumbled as I drifted back into a deep slumber. "Heh—" A stifled laugh came from a man standing next to her. He was still holding the window curtains and gazing at the girl’s face as if she thought they were in a master and servant relationship. The man intentionally stayed awake all night to observe the girl’s movements. However, little did he expect her to sleep soundly until morning and almost noon without any intention of waking up, completely unaware that she was in someone else's house. SHRRRRK! He pulled both window curtains, letting the sunlight flood into the room, brightening the entire space. "Ack, it's too bright!" I squinted in my sleep and covered my eyes with the back of my hand. I then sat up spontaneously, trying to reach for the curtains to close them myself but failed because I could not see anything and had to open my eyes. "So bright, why did you suddenly open the window? You know I'm sensitive to light...," I complained, intending to scold Rory for teasing me to wake up. However, I found someone else there. A man was standing, leaning against the wardrobe with crossed arms, staring at me as if I were an intruder who entered someone else's house without permission and casually bossing him around. Fvck– "R... Rory... where are you?" I stuttered, stepping back and tightly gripping the edge of the blanket until I realized it was not mine. "Waaah!" I immediately jumped out of bed and looked around, examining the entire room before I remembered I was not in my own room but in an abandoned castle in the middle of the forest. 'Right, last night I escaped from home, chased by those damn Hyenas, and I entered this castle to hide. I accidentally fell asleep due to exhaustion...' I was talking to myself in my mind, recounting all the experiences from last night on how I ended up here. I quickly crossed my arms in front of my chest and glared at the man. "W-who are you?!" The man raised an eyebrow, as if not believing that an intruder in his house was acting like a victim. He stepped towards me, leaning towards me with a cold expression. "I should be the one asking that, Miss Wolf. Are you forget about who am I now?" His deep baritone voice, which made my ears slightly twitch, demanded an explanation. However, his greenish jade pupils made me realize who he was. My eyes widened in surprise. ‘T-The killer from last night? How on earth did I end up in his house?’ 'Then … my house? You mean, this is his house? This ugly castle?' I almost blurted that out loud, but seeing how the cold expression looked at me with annoyance, I shut my mouth tightly and shook my head slightly. "I-I'm just staying here because I was chased by Hyenas. I'm sorry, I'll leave right away. Please don’t kill me." I had to leave immediately. "Do you think I’m going to just let go my prey?" As I was about to leave, the man's hand suddenly blocked my way, stopping me in my tracks. I turned and locked eyes with those jade gem-like eyes. His messy black hair also gave the impression that he didn't take care of himself much, but for some reason, I felt that the man was very attractive. "W-What?" ‘Sh1t, he’s so handsome. Why must a cold-blooded killer like him have a handsome face like this? World such an unfair place.’ 'No, Isabella. You just met him for the first time. Don't be fooled by his handsome face. My future husband is an alpha, and I'll be his Luna. I can't possibly fall for an unkempt guy like him.' I tried to stay rational and control my emotions. I stared back into those deep green pupils with my ruby eyes, shining under the sunlight. “You need to.” I said. Suddenly, the man pulled a small grin, making me shiver slightly. "Why?" The man asked, letting out a small laugh, his lips lifting on one side as he tilted his head, as if examining my face closely to make sure his memory wasn't wrong. "W-what do you mean?" He smiled thinly, but I could sense that there was something off about this black-haired man. The wolf inside me screamed that I had to get away from him if I wanted to stay safe. "Pffft. Just kidding. You want to leave, right?" the man asked. I nodded before explaining again, I could not just let go of this chance. "Yes. I apologize again. I just wanted shelter and found this place. I didn't know it was your home." "Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's up to you." The man pulled back his hand, making way for me to leave. He then sat in a chair in one corner of the room. He leaned back, putting one foot over the other. The man then played with the dagger in his hand. "Um, can I go now?" I asked, shooting an awkward glance at the man. He tilted his head and smirked. "Oh, you wanna stay here? Seriously?" "N-no. Thanks, I'm leaving now." I quickly shook my head, grabbing my shoes from under the bed before darting out of the room, hoping the mysterious man would not change his mind. I could not stay here too long, I felt he was a bad guy. "Darn, why do I have to deal with stuff like this? All I wanted was to go to my family's villa down south and relax until my mom found me a new Alpha to marry!" I bit my lower lip as I descended the stairs and left the castle. The sun was rising high as I stepped outside. I needed to head to the south as soon as possible. Before I walked away, I glanced back, up at the castle tower. The man was staring back at me from the window. We locked eyes for a moment, and the more I observed, the stranger he seemed. His jade green eyes were like those of a predator watching its prey. He kept staring without blinking, as if he had been waiting for me for a long time. Everything about him was strange. He was not human, I knew the distinct human scent, and he definitely wasn't a werewolf. So, what creature was he? A monster or perhaps a fairy? No, I had not heard of fairies in Forks for decades, and a monster could not be as handsome as he was. Not wanting to get involved further with that man, I lifted my dress and quickly walked into the forest, leaving the abandoned castle and the strange man behind. "I hope I will never meet him again."
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