
The Alpha's Sacrifice

weak to strong

Killian Delaney is the first surviving male born to the Black Moon Curse, but cast out and left to die. Taken in by a seemingly nice pack, a beautiful young woman catches his eye, but she is the Alphas daughter. Soon Killian realizes not all is as it seems. Shifting into a wolf is prohibited, but with disaster on the horizon, Killian will have to make a choice. Can he sacrifice for this new pack or will he come up with a different plan?

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Nuala’s POV Whoosh, Splash! I inhaled sharply when the water hit me. Drip, Drip, Drip. The ice-cold water trickled off of me and onto the floor. My small bed was now completely soaked. I started to shiver uncontrollably. Goosebumps formed over my entire body. “Get up,” A deep growl came from my father. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “I don’t need apologies. You need to do your duties. We have someone new coming to the pack and you need to find a place for him to stay.” My father said in the same condescending tone. “Yes, sir,” I spoke with a shaky voice. He turned and walked out of the tiny room I had been given. We had a large castle, with many large rooms. The only reason I didn’t have one of those rooms was that he was ashamed of me. I wasn't anything special, just the daughter of the Alpha. My twin brother was the golden boy, everyone adored him. He was older than me by twenty minutes. I guess I deserved it. I made too many mistakes and caused too many problems. I continued to shiver, but I had to get moving or I could get a worse punishment. I wondered about the new person coming to the pack. Would he be nice or would he be just like all the other werewolf guys I knew? Killian’s POV I can’t believe I will be eighteen soon. When I turn eighteen, I will get my wolf and I am pretty excited about it. I haven't been part of a pack, so it’s not like it’s something that will make me better for my pack. That’s right, I have no pack. I’m not even part of a rogue pack. They don't think I am good enough either. I know it’s weird, right? Well, if you knew my predicament, maybe you wouldn’t think it was so weird after all. I will get a wolf, no matter what though. The part that I like, is that I will have someone else to talk to. Up until now, the only person I have had to talk to is Sinead. She rescued me when I was a baby. She told me everything that had happened and how she found me in the woods. I was left to die. Who would leave a baby to die, right? My parents, that’s who. Maybe some wouldn’t blame them, but I don’t think I could ever forgive them. Sinead couldn’t let a baby die though, so here I was living in a small cottage. I wasn’t even given a name; Sinead was the one who named me and she knew who my parents were, so she gave me their last name. Not that I cared to have their last name, seeing how they tossed me away like I was nothing more than trash. My name, thanks to Sinead, is Killian Ronan Delaney and I think the name suits me just fine. Sinead had another cottage within the protective shield provided by Rion, the Conjurla of the Night Moon Pack. She wasn’t always able to come to visit me because it was dangerous, but she came when she could. When I was younger, she never left me. She had come up with an excuse to leave the protection of the pack. Now that I was older, I was on my own most days. I was excited about meeting my wolf. I just wasn’t sure if my wolf would be excited about meeting me. My own father didn’t want me and my mother had let him just throw me away. My twin sister, however, was kept, even though she was affected by the curse too, she was at least salvageable and wanted. I sighed and pulled myself into the chair beside my bed. I looked at myself in the small mirror on my desk. My short hair was slightly wavy atop my head. Personally, I liked my hair short; it was easier to take care of. My hair was so dark it was almost black and my eyes are dark blue. Sinead said my eyes were unusual in the fact that they were such a deep blue. I studied my features in the mirror. I was thin and my face angular, I didn’t quite have a square jaw, but I was still maturing, I suppose. I turned side to side. My skin wasn’t really light brown, but it wasn’t beige either. More like a bronze, I guess. I wasn’t really worried about my appearance, it’s not like I was trying to impress anyone, being on my own most of the time. I did work out now and then. Sinead had said I should try and maintain good body strength, especially in my arms and torso. Without warning, Sinead burst into my room. Her sudden appearance made me jump. Her amber eyes lit up when she smiled at me. She walked across the worn wood floor and stood on my blue rag rug. “Jeez, Sinead, ever heard of knocking?” I asked her, knowing full well that she did. She only gave me a sideways glance at my remark. I was clothed, so it didn’t matter. My room, however, was a bit of a disaster. I had clothes strewn across the floor that I had been meaning to pick up but just hadn’t gotten around to it yet. I also hadn’t made the bed yet. My room was small with just enough space for the bed, my dresser, my desk, and my chair. I had decorated the room with some dark blue curtains that hung over the small window above my bed. I had a dark blue quilt as well. Sinead never seemed bothered by whatever state my room was in. I just liked to have it clean when she came in. “I came to tell you some good news, Killian,” Sinead told me. “What’s the good news?” I asked, curious because she seemed really excited about it. “I found a wolf pack that will take you in,” she announced. “Really?” I asked in disbelief. “Yes, really I wouldn’t tell you otherwise,” Sinead answered. “And they know about my situation?” I asked, still in disbelief. “Of course, they do. I made sure to tell them everything,” Sinead responded to my question. “The best part is that they are having a pairing ceremony in a couple of months.” “How is that the best part?” I asked, slightly disappointed. Pairing ceremonies have become more popular since my great Grandmother Adeline had one. Apparently, it hadn’t turned out so great for her, but she eventually did find her mate. The ceremony had found so many mates for others that many packs began to hold them and it became a tradition. “You might find your mate,” Sinead said. She was always an optimist. “No one is going to want to be mated with me. Women only want their mates to be an Alpha or Beta. I am neither of those things. I am not even part of a pack, even the rogues shunned me.” I said sadly. “Killian, I am sure that your mate will love you no matter what,” Sinead assured me. “I really don’t think so, Sinead. My own family and pack didn’t want me. Why would anyone else?” I asked, being realistic. “Well, you will be eighteen soon and you should be out with other werewolves. Your birthday is just before the pairing ceremony. Think of it as a big birthday celebration for you. There is no harm in trying and this pack did say they would take you in.” Sinead tried to convince me. “Well, I guess if they are willing to take me in. I will go to meet them. I just can’t believe they are going to accept me into the pack.” I said, still in complete shock that a wolf pack would take me in. “Why are you so shocked? I have been searching for years to find a pack that would take you in.” Sinead said to me. “Yes, it’s no wonder it took so long. I mean who ever heard of a werewolf who couldn’t walk?” I asked, not really looking for an answer. Yeah, that’s right. I am the first surviving male born to the Curse and because of that, I can’t walk.

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