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"Watch the dock, kiddo," Dad said as we pulled up in the ancient troller boat that I was quite sure broke several EPA laws. I hooked the rope on the tie out and jumped from the boat to the dock. My family had been fisherman in New England for the last two hundred years. My dad wanted me to take over the family business once I graduated high school. I wasn't really keen on the idea myself even though I knew plenty of female captains. I had grown up on the docks, and I knew almost everything there was to know about rigging, trolling, and dragging with fishing boats. My mom died of cancer when I was eight, and since then, my dad only had me, so I helped as often as I could. I didn't have the heart to tell him yet that I had been accepted into the university four hours away. "You better hurry. I got this," he said. "Thanks, Dad. Love you," I said as I jogged off down the docks. "Be safe and have fun!" he called behind me. It was prom night. I had gone out with my father to help him pull in the nets and today's catch, and now I barely had two hours to get ready. I ran into the office and grabbed my shiny black helmet. I jumped on my army green Moped and took off as fast as the little scooter wheels would take me. As I pulled into my driveway of our tiny white cottage, I saw Dade's truck. "Crap," I mumbled to myself. Dade Bentley had been my boyfriend since the beginning of junior year. Before that, we had been friends pretty much our entire lives. His father was the mechanic down at the docks. As soon as I took off my helmet, he was next to me with his cheshire grin, his dirty blond curls, and his denim blue eyes taunting me. It was a stark comparison to my auburn shoulder length, stringy hair, and brown eyes. "Cutting it close, aren't you, Skeeter? Skeeter. I couldn't believe he still called me that. It had been my dad's pet name for me when I was little. My name, however, was Regan Oakly. "You're not dressed either," I said as I unlocked the door. "My tux is in the truck. I figured I could get dressed here." "That's fine," I said as I hurried into my room. "Make yourself at home." "You know I could help you get ready," he said as I zoomed into the bathroom. I stuck my head out, and he was standing right at the door. I kissed him on the lips. I meant for it to be a quick peck, but he reached up and pulled my ponytail down. He kissed me slow and easy, but I felt a fire ignight inside my lower abdomen. I broke away as nicely as I could. "Not yet," I said to him as I placed my hand on his chest. "But tonight? " he asked with a sweet look on his face. "Tonight," I said. I had waited eighteen years to lose my virginity, and it wasn't going to happen with a quickie two hours before prom. I hopped in the shower and started washing my hair, thinking about what all tonight might entail. His kiss still lingered on my lips, and I found myself taking a little longer to wash myself than what was actually necessary. I thought to myself that maybe I should have let him come in. I pushed the thought away as I grabbed the razor and started to shave. I needed everything to be nice and smooth for later. An hour and a half later, we were in his truck, pulling into the gym parking lot of the school. I had not stopped smiling on our way. Dade was a hottie in a tux. "I almost forgot to give you this," he said as he opened the glove box. He pulled out a clear plastic container with a corsage in it. He slipped the red rose with the baby's breath onto my left arm. I kissed him gently on the lips. "Thank you," I said as he hopped out to come around and open my door. The perfect gentleman. My long black satin dress was just a tad bit too long, and I gripped it and pulled it up as we walked to the gym. As we walked in, I honestly thought that the night could not be more perfect. We mingled with some friends and danced and laughed. Dade went and got us punch, and then we took pictures. We danced more, and he kissed me over and over. I was soring with happiness. This must be what true magic felt like. After the last song we had just slow danced to, I told Dade I needed to go to the restroom. As I sat down, I heard someone a few stalls over crying. I almost spoke up to ask if she was OK when I heard another girl's voice. "Are you sure it's positive?" said the girl. "I'm sure. I've taken three tests today," said the other girl between sobs. "When are you going to tell him, Jessie?" Was it Jessie Maddox? She was one of the most popular girls in school. She was blonde, beautiful, and captain of the cheer squad. She was voted class favorite. I suddenly realized I was an intruder. I stayed as quiet as I could. The other girl was Rachel Ewing. Jessie's best friend. "I can't tell him tonight," said Jessie. "I mean, Regan is here with him." I froze. Surely she was not talking about Dade? My Dade? "It only happened once. It was the night of Chase's party. We were both so drunk." I suddenly felt sick like I was actually going to throw up. I remembered that night. We had all been there, and Dade had told Chase he would stay and help him clean up after the party, so I caught a DD home because I had drank way too many beers. I heard the stall door open and the two of them washing at the sink. "I think you need to tell him as soon as you catch him alone," said Rachel. "Yea, you're probably right," said Jessie. Then, the two of them walked out. I sat there for several minutes trying to process what I had just overheard. I finally found the will to move and went to the sink. I splashed some water on my face and washed my hands. I suddenly felt very hot and almost like I was going to faint. I breathed several breaths and dried my face and hands before I walked out. I didn't get far. I saw Dade standing against the far wall, and Jessie was in front of him. I saw him as he clapped his hand over his mouth and then raked both hands down his face as he looked up at the ceiling. He looked down at her, gave her a small hug, and said something I didn't make out. She hugged him back, and then her and Rachel turned and walked away. I stood staring at him. He looked back up at the ceiling and shook his head and then looked down and saw me. My face must have said a million things at once. When his eyes locked with mine, I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe, and without a second thought, I took off. My heels flew off like a heartbroken Cinderella fleeing the ball. I didn't even know where I was headed. I ran out of the double doors of the gym and across the grass straight into the woods next to the school. I thought I heard a male voice calling my name behind me, but I kept running until my lungs hurt, and I couldn't run anymore. I fell down, panting. Hot tears streamed down my face, and my insides clenched like they were about to burst. I sat there in the dark for God knows how long. Finally, I raised my head and realized I had no idea which way was which. I was turned around. "You are lost in the woods, and your boyfriend is a cheat. Great pickle, you got yourself in here, Skeeter," I said out loud to no one. I started walking in the direction I thought I had come from. I realized I was, in fact, actually lost. I kept walking, listening intently. Surely I could hear the music coming from the gym. I did hear something. I listened harder. It almost sounded like chimes. Bells, maybe? I walked toward the sound. As I got closer to the chiming sound, I felt slightly disoriented. In front of me was a clearing in the trees, and there in the center was a mushroom ring. I shook my head and listened harder. It almost sounded like the sound was coming from the ring itself. I inched closer and closer. The disorientation got worse. Something shimmered in the ring like water evaporating in the desert. I reached out and touched it as I stepped into the ring. And then I was jerked upwards. It happened so fast that I didn't realize what had actually happened. I was in a cage. It had snapped around me, and I was now way up above the ground. In a cage. A cage made from limbs hanging from the trees. What the hell?
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