Something is Coming

1124 Words
I watched the sun rise higher over the battlefield of victory. We had attacked the Unseelied at dawn. They were ill prepared and the battle only lasted for a brief while. We had managed to capture several of the higher ranked leaders and they had been taken to interrogation. We needed as much information as we could get on what the motive of all the disappearances were for. "Your majesty, one of them is talking. Your needed," said one of my soldiers. "What is he saying?" I asked as I followed him to the tent. "It's kind of gibberish. He isn't making much sense, but it's all we have." As I walked into the tent, I saw one of my soldiers water boarding the captive in question. "Tell me again!" he screamed as he pulled his head from the water. "Mallachtan is wanting to create a new race. One that holds the key to the most powerful magic. He wants to use this race as an extraordinary weapon. One that will not only take over our world, but the Earthside as well. "What does that have to do with the missing females?" I asked. "He's using them to breed and be surrogates. He's looking for the perfect combination of blood tand using magic to expedite the process." He has already created several very powerful beings by mixing Elvin and Fae. It's only a matter of time before he cracks the code and gets the most powerful of them all." "Do you know where he's holding them?" "Earthside. Good luck with that," he said drowsily and then promptly died. It had been three days on my side since I had been Earthside. That was nine days for Skeeter. I had forced myself not to think about her, but just now her smiling face crept into the forefront of my mind and I couldn't help but to think of her. I needed to get back to court. I left the soldiers to clean the battlefield and tend to the wounded and started back to the court on Gloriana. On my way I decided to stop in to my hillhouse and get a few of my items. When I went inside, what i found was a complete surprise. Someone had cleaned. It was almost spotless and my bed had been made. I walked to the wash basin and saw it was also clean as a whistle. I went to the trunk I stored my clothes in and on top where the pretty dress I first saw Skeeter in, was neatly folded. The dress was gone. I closed the lid and walked around. Who could have done this? As I opened up the hidden space where my weaponry was I realized I was missing a small boot knife as well as a short sword and belt. I gathered the few items I needed. mainly weaponry, and headed back to court. When I got there Mother was in her garden as usual pruning her flowers. "I heard the battle was a success," she said without so much as a glance at me. "It was. Also, we know why the females have been taken. Mallachtan is creating a super race by breeding our kind with elves. She stopped pruning then and turned to me. "We need to call the mage. There is something you need to be made aware of." ********** I hated sitting on the thrown. It made me feel like I was looking down on people. There was something about sitting high up that just unnerved me to the core. It seemed like the worse kind of snobbery. Dorcha entered the court. She was a little old lady with a slight hunchback and walked with a cane that looked like a black scepter with a claw top holding a crystal ball. Her hair was long and silver save one black streak on the side. "Your majesty," she said in a silky voice as she gave me a slight bow. "My mother says you have something for me to hear." "Oh yes, wise king I do. There is a reason that our kind made it a crime to mate outside of our race. It was told by my ancestors and mages and mages of many moons past that there would be a war to happen and during that war, the most powerful being ever created would become part of our world and change everything as we know it. This being would be the first of many and would allow humans to come to our realm. Our lives would never be the same." "So the law changed because of some old outdated prophecy? I asked puzzled. "Oh, no your highness. It's very much real and is happening as we speak. I'm here to tell you that it has already happened. The wheel has been set in motion." "Thank you Dorcha. Your dismissed." I knew what needed to be done. It was a horrible burden to bare. All of the halfling hybrids would have to be destroyed. I stood and faced the small crowd in the court. "By royal decree, I King Derek hereby call for all halfling hybrids to be destroyed when found. If possible before birth." I then retired to my chambers. I needed sleep. The battle had worn me out and tomorrow was my father's funeral. I needed my sleep. I was awakened in the middle of the night Skeeter's voice in my head. Derek, I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm going to get Helda back. I know you have royal obligations and that's why I didn't link with you until now. Just know that I love you no matter what happens. Just like that the link was gone. I suddenly heard movement beside my bed. I grabbed my dirk and pinned the person to the wall. I immediately realized it was a female. A very naked female. "What are you doing in my quarters?" I asked her. "I was sent here by the mage, Dorcha. She said you might want a woman's touch after such a harsh battle." She was very beautiful. Her eyes were moss green like most of the Seelie women and she had beautiful locks of strawberry blond curls that hung in tendrils around her very erect n*****s. But she was not Skeeter and after my bond with her I felt no need for any other woman's touch. "She was mistaken milady. Please recloth yourself and make your way from my room. Your king needs his sleep." She picked up her robe and put it on, then gave me a curtsy and left. I rubbed my hand down my face. I needed to get back earthside. As soon as possible.
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