The Royal Seelie Court

1200 Words
The Royal Seelie Court had always been a thorn in my side. My parents took great lengths to teach me court protocol. I took great lengths to break every protocol expected. I took Skeeter back to my hidden hill house and gave her more clothing. I then took her down to the stream to bathe in the pool as we were both covered in blood. We had both taken turns in the pool to rid ourselves of the stickiness and gore. I kept my back turned as she entered and exited the pool, but I could not help myself and stole a quick glance as she dried off on the towel cloth I had for her. She was a beauty like none that I had ever seen. Fae women had a tendency to be lean with slender features like our elven cousins. Human women had always amazed me at all the shapes and sizes they had. Skeeter was no exception. She was shorter than I was by at least six inches, but her build was extravagant. I had noticed how well defined her arms were when I first rescued her. My quick glance revealed it was not just her arms. Her legs were toned, and her breasts were round and perky. She turned away from me, and I stole another quick glance of her backside. My gods, what an ass. I turned quickly back toward the hill. It had been a long time since I had been in the presence of any female besides the occasional dealings with my mother. All of the lady faes at court were not my cup of tea. It was all about mind games and tricks. I had been alone for so long that I had forgotten what attraction was like. I had tried all day to deny what I had felt from the first time I laid eyes on Skeeter. The truth was, I was attracted to her. The proof was now protruding slightly in my pants and I had to casually adjust myself. She wasn't even my species. It wasn't possible to let myself even go there. It was forbidden. Sure, there were Unseelie fae that had been physical with humans, but the Seelie fae frowned upon it so much it was outlawed. The punishment was exile. Exile usually ended in a death sentence as exiled Seelie were usually outcast by all courts and they had no way to trade or make do. After we were both descent enough to go, we headed to the center of Beinnshire, where the home of the Seelie Royal Court resided. As we walked along the way, we talked about her life. I noticed she was skipping over the parts about her scandalous mate. Mate? Is that what humans say? What was it she called him? A boyfriend. I learned why she was so fit. Working on fishing boats was not easy work. Thinking about her hauling in nets somehow made me appreciate her toned body even more. I smiled as I thought about it. When we entered the court, I was greeted by Cornelius, a pixie servant of my mother's. He was much shorter than myself and a little pudgie around the middle. His face was round, and his curly short brown hair stuck out in odd directions. He looked like he needed to sleep. "Hello, Cornelius. Can you go announce to my mother that her son is here to see her and the king and that he brings a human female with him before it is announced publicly. I request a private meeting in regards to the hunting party I led this morning." "Yes, sir," he said as he unfurled his wings and flitted off towards the court. "What was he?" asked Skeeter. "A pixie. You might see several of them at court. My mother has a tendency to use them as the help any chance she can get," I answered. "Do fae fly as well?" she asked. "We can. Although usually it's ceremonial. You will see plenty of wings today. Not mine, however. I refuse to prance around here, flaunting any of my magical means. I'm more of a hands-on kind of guy." With my response, she had gone doe eyed, and her cheeks flamed red. I had caught her several times during the day with a blush on her cheeks. I could not help myself as I saw the pink light up on her face, my manhood twitched inside my pants. For some reason, today, my body had absolutely no manners. I felt an immediate guilt, but my arousal was short-lived as we had just entered the center of court and there on the throne sat Mother. She stood as we entered. At least she had dismissed the court, and we were alone. "Only kneel for a second," I whispered to Skeeter as we reached the throne. I kneeled, and Skeeter took my lead. "You can get up, son. You and I both know your formalities are just a patronization," said my mother. I reached out and grabbed Skeeter's hand, and she stood as well. My mother's face was a blank slate. She had over a thousand years of practice at hiding her thoughts, and she was well skilled at it. "Queen Taneisha, this is Skeeter. She is a human who came through the western portal last night on accident. She was caught in a trap that had been strategically placed directly in the portal itself. After we released her from the cage, a scout informed us that a hidden tunnel was found with a reason to believe some of the missing were inside. Mother, I will spare you the details, but after a quick eradication of the problem, two elven female bodies were recovered.I sent the bodies to Elderwood." My mother sat quietly, contemplating everything I had just told her. She turned to Skeeter. "Were you harmed in any way?" I saw Skeeter draw herself at her full height and take a breath. Good girl. Don't let her intimidate you. I suddenly felt a sense of pride over her. "I'm fine, Your Majesty. So is Derek," she answered to my mother. My mother turned back to me. She seemed to scan me over and nodded like she was satisfied with her evaluation. "Who was this problem that you mentioned?" she asked. "Eighteen Unseelie. It was an attack on the females like nothing I had ever witnessed." Her brow furrowed. "I will discuss this with your father. He's in a meeting with the Northern Knights. He will join us at dinner. Tell me you are staying to dine with us." I knew that it was inevitable. "Yes, but I must get Skeeter back to the portal tonight. She will have been gone twenty-four hours our time," I said. "I expect you will need your horse then. Unless you intend to fly?" She smirked as she said it. "I will indeed need her." "Very well," said my mother. "I will send for the groomsmen to prepare for your ride after dinner." I nodded and grabbed Skeeter's hand, and we turned and left. I needed to find a good meade. I knew just the place.
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