Chapter 6

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Lily ‘Hey, look. The Campbell’s eldest daughter.’ ‘How lucky of her to have a daddy that rich.’ ‘Why she’s so boring when her sister is hot as f**k?’ ‘Maybe changing her look is useless with her daddy’s money. Look at her, all nerdy with those big and thick glasses. My d**k doesn’t even respond to her.’ Why couldn’t they shut their damn mouth? Didn’t they have something else to do besides criticizing someone’s look? Learn some manners from your parents, assholes. I entered this school because they said this school was great and the students were all nice and welcoming. No bullies with capital letters. What did I get? This. The second I step my feet here, all their eyes were on me just because I was Bruce Campbell’s daughter, the most successful businessman in the town. Also… Because of how simple I was. The target for the bully. This was my life. Always alone and be compared with my baby sister, Kylie. My sister and I entered the same school. I was in my second year of high school while she was a freshman in middle school. She might be younger than me but her natural beauty with her auburn hair grabbed everyone’s attention. She was also popular among boys. Me? No one wanted to get closer to me. The money didn’t scream so they would come to be friends with me. I was grateful though. Least of all I knew they didn’t want my father’s money. So, yes, I had zero friends. What a sad life. Everyone said high school life was the most enjoyable, but that didn’t apply to me. I wanted to graduate as soon as possible so I wouldn’t see them anymore. Hoping I could have a real friend after I entered the university. And since I didn’t have any friends, I always spend my time in the library – my safe haven. Reading some psychology books because I wanted to take that major at the university later. Or novels. I always adored a romance between a werewolf male with a human lady. They were so beautiful and I could read the book for the whole day. I’d always wanted a love story like that. The main male character was so possessive and protective over his woman. Oh, how I wanted a man to be all over me. His attention solely focused on me. Yeah, what a dream. Not when I looked like…this. Nerdy and so unappetizing to men’s eyes. I wonder if— “What are you reading?” a certain voice infiltrated my ears as I looked to the side. Oh. My. God. Was I dreaming? The Star of the school was currently standing right next to me. My eyes were wide open. I couldn’t believe he was right in front of me now! He was wearing a dark shirt underneath his dark blue jacket. His beautiful blue-green irises were looking straight at me. Oh, I could look into his eyes forever. They were so pretty. “You’re okay?” he asked. I blinked. Great, I was just staring at him. That was rude. Stupid, Lily. I immediately cast my eyes away from him, feeling so embarrassed. “S-Sorry.” “What are you sorry for? You didn’t do anything wrong.” “I was staring at you. That was…rude.” He chuckled. “I don’t hate it. I like it. I like your eyes,” he said. Seriously? I slowly looked back at him and he was smiling at me. Did he say that honestly or out of habit for flirting with girls? Wait, was he flirting with me? That was impossible, right? There was no way he wanted a girl like me. How the hell he found me anyway? Most people would never see me. I was like a bag of dust they could never see me. “Is that a novel?” he asked while pointing at the book I was reading. “Y-Yes.” “Oh? Here I thought you were reading some boring stuff. You’re still a girl, after all.” Excuse me? What did that mean? “A romance?” “Yeah.” “I see. Hoping for a prince charming or something?” What was his problem? And why the hell he was bothering me? “That’s none of your business,” I spewed. “Whoa, easy there, lady. I’m just asking. Are you nervous around me? Come to think of it, this is the first time we’re talking, right?” It was. Besides, I never thought a guy like him would notice me. Zack Miller, he was the most popular student in our school. He was one year older than me and currently in his senior year. To be honest, I found him quite interesting since I saw him play a football match last year. Well, who wouldn’t right? “Hey, Zack! Come on, we’re going to be late,” one of his friends called him. Didn’t he aware we were in the library now? No shouting, dumbass. Zack didn’t say anything. “Moron, we’re in the library,” he muttered. Oh, he knew the rules? That was shocking. He looked back at me and smiled – charmingly smiled. Jesus, would he stop? “Hey, if we ever meet again, tell me about the book, okay? That’s a promise,” he said while giving his pinky finger to me. A pinky promise? Seriously? I looked back at him and saw him still smiling at me. And I did the most shocking thing I’d ever done. Connecting our pinkies as he moved them gently. “Gosh, your finger is really small.” That was because he was really big. He let our fingers go and stood up straight. This guy was really huge! He must be around six feet tall, at least. “See you later, Lily,” he parted with me and walked away from me. Watching at his parting figure, did he just call my name? He knew my name? We were in a different year yet he knew my name? How? We never spoke to each other. We never crossed paths before. How? He was popular and a very nice guy. I never heard anything bad about him. The teachers liked him and his grade was perfect. So… How? Or maybe he heard some news about me and that was how he found out? Yeah, maybe that was it. It was not something important to him. ‘See you later, Lily. “Oh, God…” But I couldn’t deny myself that I was extremely happy for him to recognize me. From hundreds of students, he knew my name. Although it was not much, I had something to be remembered from my sad high school life. And I did want to see him again. I wanted to know more about him. Because I didn’t know why, there was something hidden there. Because he immediately shut me off by making a promise to him. He caught me staring at him too long so he looked away. I wanted to know. I wanted to know more about him. However, it was proven that I put too much hope in him. The result of me being too curious. ‘She sucks at bed. A nerd should stay as a nerd forever. Don’t try to f**k with her, it’s not worth it. You’ll be disappointed.’ What a cruel man you were, Zack Miller. I gave him everything and he destroyed me. He ruined me. But I wouldn’t let myself go through that again. I had enough hoping on a man. He would regret his decision for embarrassing me like that. I would make him pay. Just wait for it, asshole! I opened my eyes slowly, facing the ceiling. The sound of the alarm ringing in the room. Slowly raising my body while groaning, I shut the alarm off from my phone. Jesus, when was the last time I had that dream again? Must be the result of seeing Zack again two nights ago. Or maybe not. Maybe the dream was hinting at something. I hoped something good by Zack puffed from my life. That would be awesome. I got up and went to the bathroom, washing my face. Changing my t-shirt into my dark blue sports bra and black leggings. I wore my Reebok shoes. I grabbed my phone and earbuds, ready for a morning run. Even though I was currently free and had nothing else to do besides applying for jobs, I needed to keep my health and body in check. Running a healthy life was not that bad at all. I loved it. Although I wouldn’t go to the vegan road. I couldn’t stick my fingers away from my favorite steak. I walked out of the house after parting with my parents in the dining room. I turned on my Spotify as Big Bang’s Fantastic Baby started to play. After a few stretches, I began to run. Smelling the morning wind. Seeing some runners too – alone or with their dogs. How I loved this. Not until I felt a pat on my back. I slightly looked back. f**k no. I couldn’t hear what he was saying but I was sure he said hey. Without saying anything, I increased my pace and left him behind. Until he surprised me by grabbing my earbuds, stopping me instantly. “What the hell?!” “Don’t what the hell me. I’m talking to you, lady,” he said. I scoffed. “Get the hint, Mister. With me not saying anything means leave me the f**k alone.” He chuckled and handed me back my earbuds. “You put them too high. Do you want to get your ears to explode?” “If it means so I can’t hear you anymore.” “Stop being so childish, Lily.” Oh, f**k him. Whatever. I put my earbuds back…with the same volume and ran again. Zack was tailing behind me. Leave me the hell alone! Jeez, how I hoped a tree would appear and smashed his face and I would laugh at his handsome face. And he grabbed a single earbud from me. I stopped and rolled my eyes before I turned to him. And… Holy mother of God! I didn’t notice but he was running…naked. Well, not entirely naked. But he was topless and he was just wearing black shorts. f*****g seriously? How long had he been running anyway? His chest was wet. And those delicious six abs. Oh. My. f*****g. God. Lord, please have mercy on me. And he smirked. Turning my eyes to his blue-green eyes again. You’re a f*****g moron, Lily. I pulled my other earbud when he asked, “Have you found a job yet?” “Why do you ask?” “It’s still Friday and for you still running at this hour when this is the usual time where people are getting ready to work, I’m guessing you haven’t found one. Are you going to start anytime soon? Or on next Monday? Or next month?” Jesus Christ, this guy annoyed me too much! Could he stop talking? I wished he did because the next question, “Or you haven’t found one?” was that. I could have lied but instead… I stayed quiet. So, “Oh…” See? He knew the answer immediately. It didn’t take Zack too long to know. “I see. You haven’t got one.” “So?” I coldly asked. “If you’re going to mock me, then go ahead and leave me alone.” “I’m not trying to. Jeez, what are you? In your goddamn period? I wish you could go back as you were before in high school, so sweet and gentle.” “If you want that, go to Cathy instead.” “I don’t want Cathy; I only want you.” Hello, thumping heart. Damn it. “You didn’t ask your father’s help?” “No, and I’m not planning to. I want to get a job by myself. Not with my father’s help. I don’t want to use his connections.” Why the hell I had to tell him that? It was none of his business. “I see. You always work hard, Lily. It’s great but sometimes you need to learn to ask for other people’s help. You can’t do everything by yourself,” he advised. What was he trying to say here? And when I just looked back at him, he sidestepped me. “Good luck,” he said and ran ahead of me. I should be the one leaving me instead he did it first. Watching his broad back. I refused to admit it but still…he was hot as f**k. Right after I finished running, I returned home. Dad had gone to work and mom too. Both of them were always busy but they always made time for us, their daughters. Since long ago. And the result, well, we were loved by them. We loved them. We didn’t rebel. Some thought we would be but we didn’t. Kylie and I were raised properly. As I reached my room, my phone buzzed. I looked at it and it was an unknown number. “Hello?” “Hello, good morning. Is this Miss Lily Campbell?” the woman asked. “Yes, this is she.” “I’m Garcia from the recruitment of Connor Manufacture. We would like to invite you for a test and an interview on Monday at ten o’clock. Are you available on that day?” Oh, my God! Was this serious? I never had this kind of call before because all the companies I’d sent my application to rejected me through emails without even calling me. “Miss Campbell?” “Um, yes! I’ll be there,” I replied. “That’s good to hear. We will be waiting for you. We will email you the details. Please make sure you have everything on Monday.” “Yes, of course. Thank you so much for the chance.” “Well then, we will see you on Monday, Miss Campbell. Thank you very much for your time and have a great day,” she ended the call. I looked at the screen as I grinned like an i***t. It didn’t matter. I still couldn’t believe what just happened. I just received a job interview invitation! Oh, I would not screw this up. I had to make sure I got this. Bring it on!
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