
821 Words

Grayson After waiting five minutes, I walk inside and see her dancing with her dad. "Reject her! Time to say the words! I, Alpha Grayson Brooks reject you Layla....Do it now!!!" I make a decision shoving the squawking rejection voice aside. The song ends and I walk over to them “Alpha James. I’ve been meaning to call you about the alliance idea you sent to us last week. I think we could both benefit from it.” He smiles “Alpha Grayson I am delighted to hear that. I would love for us to discuss it. Are you staying tonight? We could talk in the morning if you are.” “I wasn’t going to, but I could stay.” I see Layla fidget a bit out of the corner of my eye and want to smirk. “Excellent. I’ll arrange a room for you. Layla, have you met Alpha Grayson Brooks?” I watch her impassive face

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