Dylan's Issue

770 Words
I am still up when I hear Dad, Liam, and Dylan walking into the packhouse. I walk out of the music room and see them. Dylan looks stressed, his hair is a mess and his tie is already unknotted just hanging from his neck. Dad looks irritated and Liam looks like he is going to burst with whatever happened. A minute later I hear Missy stomping in and look to see her face is an angry irritated mask. She stops saying “really Dylan how could you? And now you are just ignoring me?! I can’t believe you.” She buries her face in her hands as I hear sobs come from her before she turns and runs out. Dylan just stands there looking bemused. I’m not sure he even heard her. He passes me still in his dreamlike state. “Goodnight sis.” he mutters out almost like he’s drunk. I watch in confusion until I hear his door shut. I whirl on Dad and Liam who is biting his lip to hold the laughter in. “Ok, what did I miss?!” Damn, I should have gone tonight. Dad opens his mouth but Liam’s tenuous restraint bursts. “He met his mate! And he dropped Missy like a freaking hot lump of silver. She got so pissed because he ignored her all night. But then she weaseled her ass in and told his mate they were together. The poor girl kinda took a few steps back from Dylan and refused to come home with him or talk to him anymore. Said she’ll come tomorrow to meet with him. Wants to meet you too!” “What?!” I breathe out. “Who is she? And why does she want to meet me? And why did Dylan let that fly from Missy?” Dad holds up his hand. “Caroline Brooks, Alpha Ben’s youngest daughter. She grew up with all the boys and wants to meet her new sister. As for Missy, I don’t know yet but we can all guess.” “So her brother is Owen Brooks. Wow. I can’t wait to see this tomorrow.” I grin. “I just hope it works out. Missy really set in some doubts. I’m going to bed. Liam, you earned a drink. It’s on the bar. We’ll have Alpha Ben and her here right after breakfast. You’ll be there.” Dad points at me, and I nod vehemently. “Wouldn’t miss it.” He kisses my forehead before walking upstairs. I turn and Liam just nods. We high tail it to his room and I collapse on his giant leather couch. “Alright details now.” He grins as he sips the giant drink Dad made him. “Hang on. I earned like ten of these listening to her b***h in the car both ways.” He takes another two sips and leans back. “It was great. Missy was being petty about every girl there. I wanted to tape her mouth shut. Dylan couldn’t stop rolling his eyes. Then I saw him sniff and go all tense. Eyes glowed gold for a minute and he started searching. Missy was too busy talking to notice, but I did. She was across the room, had skipped the family procession line with her parents and brother. He walked over there and they both said mate. Missy didn’t even notice at first. She was so pissed. She tried dancing with lots of other males, but Dylan never noticed. Probably spent three hours uninterrupted together. When he left Caroline to get her a drink, Missy went over and did her thing. I didn’t hear it all unfortunately so who knows what kind of damage she’s done. Dylan yanked her away and she was yelling at him, then crying and he was holding her comforting her. Damn manipulative witch. Caroline got pretty upset, was leaving and when Dylan ran after her she wouldn’t let him touch her again. We left after she finally agreed to come tomorrow. Missy whined and griped the whole way home about how he treated her. Your dad finally shut her up with the mate rules.” He shakes his head and I blink a few times. “Great. Tomorrow may be a shitshow then. Missy should be smacked with a baseball bat.” Liam just nods and goes back to drinking. “Alrighty then. I’m off to bed. Wish I could have seen that though. Enjoy that drink. Night Liam.” “Night Layla.” I let myself out and shake my head all the way to my room.
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