
1100 Words
“Scotty, we need you to tell us what happened?” The Alpha begins. “Dad and I delivered all the notices like you asked. At the last pack though the Beta was angry. He started yelling at Dad and he told me to get in the car. Dad came running, and we left in a hurry. Wolves were chasing us, but I thought we went fast enough. I was playing on my tablet and suddenly something broke Dad’s window. He was in pain and told me I had to drive. We traded spots and he told me how to get home. I was listening to him, but suddenly he stopped talking, and I was shaking him, but he wouldn’t wake up and the car hit the tree. I forgot to watch it! I’m sorry, I’m sorry I crashed the car. Dad is gone isn’t he?” He was sobbing now. His head buried into my chest. I stroked his head and rubbed his back. I inhale sharply when the Alpha suddenly walks over and runs his fingers into his hair and takes his hand. “Yes, Scotty. I’m sorry, but he’s gone. It wasn’t your fault and I don’t care about the car, little man. You were very brave and did good bringing him home. Your mom is on her way, ok?” I study him as he is so close. Midnight black hair that gleams in the overhead lights. It’s thick and the top locks are a little shaggy. It will reach his eyebrows if he doesn’t comb it back. Deep blue eyes with thick black lashes surrounding them. His chiseled jaw and chin are smooth. His skin is tanned and he’s built like an Adonis. Tall probably six five with an impressive physique judging from the tight shirt covering him. “Yes, Alpha.” He sniffles and I hold him tighter. Losing a parent is awful and for him to witness it….my heart breaks for him. A knock on the door the Alpha looking at the door sharply. Two warriors come in and I see one of them hand him my phone. Ryan walks over to grab it and brings it to me. “Do you need to call your family?” “Yes, thank you.” I unlock it and dial Dad’s number. No answer. I'll try Dylan next. Same thing. I roll my eyes and call Liam. He answers on the first ring. “Where the f**k are you?!” “Ran away to the beach for a quick vacation. Where’s Dad?” I see Beta Ryan chuckle silently as he listens to me. “Out dealing with a rogue issue. Dylan is with him. I haven’t told them you are missing yet. Now where are you?” I cover the phone, “umm Beta, where am I?” He raises an eyebrow. “Amethyst Falls Pack.” “Amethyst Falls Pack. Look, it’s a long story, but don’t let Dad send out a search party, ok. I’ll be home soon.” “You’re lucky they will be gone until morning. Get your ass back here and I want details when you drag yourself in. I’ll make popcorn.” I see the Alpha leaving the office behind those two. “Fine. Heavy on the butter and salt or no details. Text you on my way.” I end the call and see the Beta staring at me. “Care to tell me how you got involved in this, Laura?” His tone is amused. I bet he’s exactly like Liam. I give him my story leaving out anything about Dylan and Caroline. He nods at the end. “Thank you for helping Scotty. He’d be dead or taken if you hadn’t done that.” “Glad I could help. Now I need to get home before my family loses their minds. If one of your warriors could take me to my car, I’d appreciate it.” “Alpha will want to speak with you first. He went to look over the towed car and meet with his mother. How about I take you to a guest room so you can shower and get you some bottoms too. He’ll be a bit.” “Sure. Lead the way.” I groan internally as I sigh out my answer. He takes me through the packhouse and points out different rooms on the way. “This is the playroom when guests bring kids. That’s the music room…” his voice continues, but I am distracted by the sight of the fancy piano I glimpse through the open doorway. I tear my gaze away and follow him up a flight of stairs to a simple bedroom. “Shower stuff already in there and I’ll leave some shorts or pants on the bed in five minutes. Come back down when you’re done.” “Thanks.” I rush through a shower hoping to go see if it is a Clavinova. True to his word a pair of black sweatpants are on the bed. They are a little long but will do. I hurry downstairs quietly and walk to the music room. It is a Clavinova! I walk around it running my fingers gently over the keys. I test two of them and close my eyes at the sound. Unable to help myself, I go close the door and sit to play. I strum through something easy but then decide to try my new song. It sounds better on this model than it ever will on mine at home. I am lost in another melody when his scent hits me strong and I turn suddenly to find him right behind me. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have touched it.” His arms are crossed, and he has a blank expression on his face. “You are very good.” He finally says. “Thank you. I need to go home, if you don’t mind. My father…” “Are you going to say anything about me being your mate?” He interrupts looking thoughtful. “Yes, I was going to mention that. Look, I know how you are feeling right now. But could you not do this tonight?” “Know how I’m feeling?” He looks confused. “I know you are planning to reject me.” I look right into his eyes mustering every ounce of courage I possess. “And I get it. I understand. I’m not trying to stop you but delay you. This is going to sound super strange Alpha but…” “Grayson.” He interjects.
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