The Garden Party

1283 Words

 Rose’s POV: I was apprehensive to attend the garden party.  I knew I was going to cross paths with Thorn, and that made me feel nervous and unsure.  Emily looked quite the picture in lavender muslin and scalloped lace, I was wearing a light green muslin dress with lace, as Thorn had employed a ladies maid for Emma, she had helped us both dress and did our hair.  She took our hair up with soft tendrils framing our faces.  I was the last one to come down.  I saw Thorn, he was already waiting at the coach, helping Emma in.  He just held out his hand for me to help me into the coach, he didn’t look at me, again.  As soon as we touched I could feel the sparks running down my fingertips up my arm.  His hand clenched around mine and he didn’t immediately let go.  As soon as I was seated he le

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