The Skull and Bones

1166 Words

Thorn’s POV: I walked onto the deck, I was angry and annoyed as hell, I noticed Captain Jackson didn’t fair any better.  I saw the way he looked at my sister, and I wasn’t happy about it. His first mate handed Captain Jackson the telescope.  His first mate stood on his right with me on his left.  He shook his head and stepped back. He handed me the telescope “What do you think, Lord Alistair, I can see very little, I can just make out some light on the ship” I took the telescope, lucky for me I could see in the dark “Damnation, definitely Pirates.  What are they doing this far out, this is not their normal route” I looked at Captain Jackson. “There have been other passenger and cargo ships attacked in the area, we spotted this one yesterday of the horizon, I was hoping they didn’t not

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