Chapter 24

2201 Words

    The first thing I felt was the sting of the ice-cold water, hitting me like a thousand needles all over my body. Then I felt my throat constrict, my lungs empty, all the air gone. I couldn’t swim up to the surface, I couldn’t pull against the heavy current, the fast rush that dragged me forward towards the oncoming waterfall. My vision was fading, the lack of air to my lungs making everything fade, slip away. I felt arms wrapped around me, yanking at my clothes. My heavy coat pulled away from my body, making me just light enough to rise, to get a shock of air into my mouth before we were dragged under again. Arms wrapped around my body, pressing me tightly against his, and I just knew, with all certainty, that this was Jem. We went over the waterfall together, pressed close to each oth

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