Chapter 29

2320 Words

    The next morning was slightly awkward. The guards woke me up by arguing with Doris, or trying to at least. I groaned, pulling my numb fingers out of Jem’s and shaking the tingles out of my arm. My whole body ached from this position and I blushed, staring at the scene before me. It was...different being here when it was daylight. What was it about the dark that made all these stupid decisions seem good? Jem was chuckling softly, his breath tickling my ear and making me shiver as I pulled away from him. He was awake? He never pulled his hand out of mine, and somehow the knowledge of that made my chest hurt again. “What’s going on?” I whispered, watching as the two guards stood there yelling at Doris while she angrily signed to them that they’re useless.      Jem chuckled again and I tu

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