Chapter 6

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    I stomped out of the cavern and wiped my tears from my eyes, anger radiating through me. How dare everyone see me as a vessel to be used? I didn’t ask for these powers, but everyone wanted to covet them, to covet me. I looked down over the ledge the cave was sitting on and saw an encampment under it. At least four fires were lit and the heavy laughter of the people down below lifted to me, along with the delicious smells of whatever was cooking on their fires. I ignored the hunger pains in my stomach, I was used to it since Bellie made me eat as little as possible. I watched as people turned into wolves and slunk off into the woods, and I watched as others transformed into birds and flew lazily through the air. A shifter turned into a dog and started chasing around a wolf, while others stood by and watched laughing. I didn’t see any dragons unless they were part of the many people that weren’t transforming, but their kingdom was about as small as my shifter one and farther away. Dragons were more loyal to their king it seemed, or maybe more kept under lock and key so they didn’t run away.      I walked to the side of the cave and climbed up it, slipping a few times with my high heels. Finally, I was at the top and I sat down, sitting cross-legged so the others wouldn’t see my feet hanging over the mouth of the cave. I tried my best to flutter out the skirt over my legs to cover everything and stared down in remorse for the dress. It was so delicate, so beautiful, but now it was torn and ripped. I had wanted to keep it if I could. Honestly, the dark purple dress was made from material used in my mother’s dresses. I had wanted to take a piece of her with me for strength to stand up in front of the vicious werewolf king, hoping it would protect me.      I took a deep breath of the crisp night air, allowing some positivity to come through. The air was so much fresher here, away from the kingdom and the smells of burnt food and rotting fruits from the market stands, and of course the latrines. The stars were brighter as well, as if I could lay back and hold my hand out, I might take one from the sky. “Well, princess, are you finished with your hissy fit?” a calm voice came from beside me.      I jumped, nearly falling over as I felt a hand grab my upper arm and roughly yank me backward. I laid there on my back staring into the startling amber eyes of Jem. “You frightened me! I nearly fell!” I shouted at him. I sat up and shoved him away from me, surprised by how firm he was under his shirt. Then again they were all muscular here, even the women.      Jem sat down next to me, and I made sure to scoot over a bit to prove to him I couldn’t stand him. He didn’t seem to even notice, and it made me even angrier. How dare he not notice my hatred for him? “I said, are you finished with your hissy fit? Your friend down there is alone with Ren, and it didn’t seem like she was as happy for their true mate bond as he was. You didn’t think about her at all when you stomped away, did you?” He asked lightly.      I widened my eyes and looked at him, guilt pooling through me. I hadn’t remembered Ana at all, I was so upset over my predicament that I left her. She didn’t ask for any of this either, but I was only thinking of myself. I tried to play it off, shrugging as he picked up a pile of pebbles and threw one out into the night air. “Actually, I left her with you and Ren. It’s your fault she’s alone with him now.” I said stubbornly. He snorted slightly, but his face remained the same stoic hardened look as always. “And she’s not a friend, she’s my Omega,” I said firmly. I was a princess, I didn’t have friends, I had subjects.     “Well, princess, we’re a long way away from our destination, and none of us are caring to take care of you. I doubt Ren is going to want his mate treated like a servant either. You’ll have to figure out how to take care of yourself. Maybe if you made friends, they might help you.” He suggested.      I scoffed at him, the nerve of him. “You kidnap me, take me away from the life I’ve always known and lived, and then tell me I have to become a regular person like you? I’m a princess, I have no time or need for friends, and you were to bring me to prince Jackson alive and healthy.” I said to him.      I watched as he gripped the pebbles tightly, the corner of his eyes crinkling as anger flashed through his face. Almost instantly the stoic mask returned, and he threw another pebble as if nothing had happened. “I don’t give a s**t about what Prince Jackson wants. I won’t be taking care of you.” He said with a tone.      I tsked at him, lifting my knees to my chest and brushing the skirt to cover them, before wrapping my arms around them and resting my head on my knees. My hair annoyingly floated around my face, left free for probably the first time in my life. “Well, this won’t last long. King Larry will know I have been kidnapped when I don’t arrive at his kingdom. He’ll probably think my father did something until he happens along to the wagons on the trail. He’ll know my father had nothing to do with it and they will find us. My father’s people will join him in the search. Everyone will be looking after me. I am someone everyone keeps tabs on, I’m someone everyone wants.” I said to him sharply, trying to make him scared and regret his actions.     The silence was overwhelming for a while before he finally threw all the pebbles over the side and turned to look at me. The neutral stoic expression was the same, but it seemed like there was a hint of sadness buried deep down, deeper than he even realizes. “Yes, you’re the girl everyone wants. It’s funny you’re forced to sit here with me, the boy no one wanted.” He said with a smirk. I stared at him in confusion, watching as he stood. He said no one wanted him? But his father was Ren, or was there something I was missing? Maybe his mother didn’t die, maybe she left them. But he still was wanted by Ren, right? “Betty is taking your Omega down to the stream with some clothes to bathe and change. I suggest you join them, your dress is falling apart and the dried blood is probably uncomfortable. Once finished Betty will lead you to our campsite, where you can have dinner. In the morning, we have a task for you.” He said to me.      I gaped at him, but before I could say anything he had practically disappeared. How does he do that? Are all of them that silent in the woods? Then again they were assassins, they were used to being quiet and they were used to living in the woods. It made sense that he moved like the air. I contemplated what he said, how he said I had a task tomorrow. That no one would be taking care of me anymore. All my life I lived getting scrubbed and oiled, my hair brushed and braided. All my life I stood still as dresses and corsets were placed on my body, stockings pulled up and shoes placed on my feet. How was I going to do this by myself? And a task, what kind of task was he expecting from me? I couldn’t do anything, and if he was expecting me to build a tent or kill an animal, he had another thing coming for him.      I climbed back down the side of the cave slowly, my shoes finding it difficult to grip the holes and sliding more than once in the process. I nearly slid down the side and shrieked, fear flooding through me as I finally grabbed a foot hole with my fingers. I winced in pain as I felt my nail snap, wondering what Bellie would say if she saw me now. A princess, climbing down the side of a cave wall with her dress all torn and blood and her nails broken and dirt caked under them. Or my hair, I didn't even want to think about my hair right now. As stupid as it seemed to Dog and Betty, a princess was very prideful about her hair, and to have it chopped off so unnecessarily was like having a part of me cut away. Maybe it was vain of me but vain was my life, the palace was my life, and it wasn’t my fault these assassins wretched me away from it. They could think of me as spoiled and immature all they wanted, but I’d like to see them with full corsets and gowns, petticoats, and stockings and heels trying to curtsy as straight as they could. I’d like to see them try to remember which fork was for what type of meal and what spoon was for which soup or ice cream. I’d like to see them go with only ten bites each meal because their sister said they were too fat to eat more. None of them could live the life I’ve had to live, and none of them had room to judge me for being upset.     Once I was at the entrance of the Cave Betty and Ana came out. Ana had a tear-streaked face and I hugged her, apologizing to her for leaving her alone. “It’s alright, Princess Aislyn, It’s fine. You were very distraught, as you should be. These people kidnapped us, forced us against our will, and refused to release us.” She said bitterly. I felt the strength in her words and wondered what happened with her and Ren when they were alone. I wanted to ask her, but the way Betty was glaring at us made me remember she now saw Ana as a competition.      I stared at Betty, forcing her to stop glaring at Ana, and straightened my shoulders. “Take us to the stream,” I said with my voice full of authority. Betty snorted at me, making my anger flow through me, but she complied, walking ahead of us. Slowly Ana and I followed. To the side of the cave was a hidden path, the grass trampled on so much that it was obvious it was used daily. How long had these people been staying here, waiting for our wagons to pass? How long were they planning this kidnapping? Betty walked fast, and my aching feet were having trouble keeping up with her. I mentioned more than once that I was having problems keeping up with her but she just kept on walking fast, her long legs keeping a pace that seemed impossible for me. Ana did her best to help push me forward, but by the time we were at the stream I was out of breath.      Betty handed us each a worn bag, the material was loose on the sides. Inside the bag were some clothes, a bar of soap, and a brush. “Well, what do you think? I was so kind, I put together a welcome to the group pack.” She said with a grin.      I pulled the dark blue tunic out of the bag, and the pair of black men’s pants as well. “What is this?” I asked her, my voice coming out strangely. I looked at Ana, seeing an equally puzzling look on her face as she lifted the same things out of her bag. Were they really suggesting we wear pants? Sure Betty was wearing pants, but that was her preference, as strange as it was, but we were born and raised in a kingdom. Women didn’t wear pants in a kingdom, it was unheard of.     “It’s your clothes, of course,” Betty said, rolling her eyes. She was mumbling spoiled princess under her breath and I gritted my teeth at her.      “I require my dresses if you may, and I am willing to share them with Ana as well. It’s uncalled for to expect a princess to wear pants,” I said firmly. Ana was staring at me with a thankful expression. She reached out her hand and tapped my shoulder, thanking me for my kindness.     “Your dresses have all been taken apart for material for more practical clothes. We have a lot of people that need to be clothed, and you had trunks full of cloth. Your dresses are all gone, Princess.” Betty said with a chuckle. “Now get in there, I’m hungry and I have to wait for you.” She growled at us.      Ana squeaked, immediately dropping her bag and gently taking mine from me. I held out my hands as she helped me tie my dress and then the corset underneath. I slid out of them and Ignored Betty as she rolled her eyes at me. Ana slid my stockings down and took off my shoes, then helped me into the stream. I was surprised by how warm it was, given it was dark save for the torches around the water. I asked Ana to give me the dress and she obliged, then quickly got undressed and got in. “I apologize for bathing with you, princess Aislyn.” She said hesitantly, lowering her eyes.      I accepted her apology, it wasn’t her fault for everything that happened and she was trying her best to keep to protocol. “I will scrub this dress clean and try to mend it. It’s important to me, it can’t be taken away.” I said firmly to Betty as she stared at me with a raised eyebrow. She shrugged and I started to lather the strange hard soap, scrubbing it as gently as I could against the delicate material.     Once I was finished I laid it out on the rock next to me and allowed Ana to scrub me clean. So far what Jem said about Ren not allowing his mate to take care of me seemed false, and I shook my head in annoyance. I wasn’t wanting to think about that awful man with his piercing amber eyes. Once we were finished we washed our hair, the dirt and the blood falling away. My skin was tingling and an angry pink color from the hard soap, and I turned to ask Betty what kind of soap it was, only to see she was gone, along with our clothes. “Ana! Your dress, the corset and the stockings, our shoes! They’re all gone!” I said, standing up and climbing out of the water. Betty returned almost immediately with two blankets, wrapping one around me and flinging the other at Ana. I glared at her for her mistreatment, but she pretended like she didn’t notice.      I had no choice but to put on the strange boy clothes without a corset, and I felt awkward and loose the whole time. The pants were slightly tight, showing off my figure in a way I’ve never seen it before. It was strange to be seen this way, and I couldn’t stop blushing. Betty handed us boots and I frowned at them but allowed Ana to put them on and lace them up for me. We brushed our hair with the strange horse hairbrush, then gathered up our things and followed Betty to the campsite. 
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