The stairs creak under my feet, the sound deafening in the oppressive silence. I clench the banister, wishing for a flashlight to chase away the darkness. With each step, my dread grows stronger. How could Cassie be so heartless? At the bottom of the stairs, I trip over a landing and fall to my knees, but I refuse to let it slow me down. The glowing orb doesn't waver, leading me through a maze of tunnels and underground passages that reek of mildew and damp earth. Spiders scurry out of my way as I brush cobwebs aside, fear fueling my determination. But I push forward, driven by the thought of Emma waiting for me somewhere ahead. The glowing orb continues to guide me. Suddenly, I hear a faint sound up ahead, like the echo of footsteps. My heart skips a beat as I quicken my pace, followi