The Haze

1455 Words
Onyx’s POV I feel…numb. Where am I? Who am I? It’s so dark, how do I get out of here? Maybe if I walk around I’ll get somewhere? Can I walk? Do I have feet?! Well, here goes nothing. It would help if there was something here! “Hello?” “HELLOOOOOOOO!” “Onyx run! The haze!” Someone screams I immediately run as fast as I can hoping I end up somewhere safe. The haze. That means they really did it, they removed me from Arya. Despite the sudden urge to curl in a ball I keep running, tears running down my face. Suddenly there’s a huge gust of wind, like it’s trying to blow me over. It’s the haze. I need to get somewhere safe, and fast. Next thing I know I’m falling. After what seems like forever, I land on the softest grass I’ve ever felt, surrounded by a forest. I can hear a waterfall in the distance so I head there. After a few minutes I finally arrive and when I look at my reflection, I fail at holding back tears. It’s me, my original self. My jet black hair flowing down in waves framing my heart shaped face. My eyes as blue as the sky. Oh I’ve missed this, but I can’t stay like this. The haze. It’s when a dragon spirit is separated from its host, the dragon is thrown into a pocket space in the universe. The haze can sniff out our essence and power and it relentlessly chases us until we are reunited with our human. There is no grace period for when it comes, it’s instantly. And if it consumes you, that’s it. There is no record of what happens once it consumes you. I knew of a dragon that was almost consumed by it. He said it was like he was in a haze, surrounded by this mystical smoke. His train of thought got fuzzy, his whole body felt fuzzy like it was draining his very being and leaving behind an empty shell. He was reconnected to his human before it was too late but he was never the same after. He ended up being put down when he snapped and set an entire village on fire. I have to get back to Arya, but how? What if I never make it and the haze takes me? Why would Orion do this? I cry out in frustration, cursing him and everything he stands for. I hate him! “Onyx you must focus” the same voice says. Right. I need to focus, prepare for the next attack. Goddess help me… Arya’s POV It feels like I’ve been walking for hours. I don’t even know if I went the right way. What if I die out here? “I would never let that happen Ry.” Shadow says. She’s been getting stronger, I can hear it in her voice. “I should be able to shift soon so we can hunt, maybe find some water. I wish I could do more for you.” She says. “It’s ok Shadow, we are going to be ok.” I reassure her. I continue walking through the forest, I think I can hear a river somewhere. It doesn’t take long before it is dark out. After checking with Shadow I shift so I can hunt. I let Shadow take over and it isn’t long before she’s found her first target. After two rabbits and a fox, we are casually laying near a river enjoying the night breeze when I hear movement in the forest. Soon three vampires appear. One is tall and slim with pale skin, and icy blue eyes. The one on his right is a short curvy woman with tan skin and a black bob with purple tips and green eyes, and the third one an average height male with caramel skin and hazel eyes. They are all dressed in black. “Lost little wolf?” The pale one asks with a smirk “It’s been a while since I’ve tasted a wolf señor.” The other guy says. His Spanish accent in so strong I have to really concentrate on what he said to fully understand him. Shadow instantly gets into defense mode and sends out a earth shattering growl that makes the three of them back away slightly. “A fiesty one, I’ll enjoy chasing her…” the girl says. Shadow charges at the three, snapping her jaw at them as she gets closer when they all run away, disappearing in seconds. Shadow keeps running as fast as she can, effortlessly dodging branches and knocked over trees. I catch movement on my left and see the girl matching my speed smirking. On the left is the Hispanic on with a matching grin. I put in extra force to run faster, hoping to get out of the territory and somewhere safe. I notice a neon ** ahead and move faster to get there. I can smell humans up ahead so I know it’s somewhat safe. I make it out of the forest in my human form, just barely escaping their grasps and look back at the forest and see them glaring at me, eyes red with fury. I get up and walk towards the diner trying to catch my breath before I head in. I walk straight to the bar where there is an older lady dressed like she’s desperately clinging on to the 80’s. “How’s it going hun? What can I getcha?” She asks in between popping her bubblegum. “Which way to Los Angeles? I got a little lost…” I tell her “A little?! Hun, you’re just outside of Phoenix, Arizona.” She cackles out. “JOE IM GOIN ON A SMOKE BREAK!” She calls out before heading outside. Rude. “You’ll have to excuse her, she still thinks she’s the prom queen and can do whatever”, Joe says with an eye roll. “Does she realize how long ago the 80’s were?” I ask with an eye roll. “I don’t think so….”, he chuckles. “Are we really outside of Phoenix?” I ask “Yup. About 2 hours away. You said you got lost in…Los Angeles?” He looks at me like he’s trying to figure me out. “Yea…I was with a group of people and we got…separated.” I awkwardly explain. “Do I need to call the police?” He asks with concern “No! I just need to know where the closest bus station is?” I ask. He points me in the direction before handing me a sandwich, chips, and a water bottle claiming it was on the house. I head in the direction he sent me, avoiding the woods and the red eyes I see peeking through at me. Once I’m at the bus stop I find a bench to sit on and wait for the sun to come up. Once morning hits I head to the woods and shift before running back home. As I’m running all I can think about is what’s gonna happen now that Onyx is gone. Will they still want me? Will they shun me? Will they think I’m useless? The closer I get the more I can’t help but to think they won’t even care what happens to me now and the tears just keep falling. I’m suppose to be this special person yet, I got my dragon stolen from me just like that. What kind of savior am I suppose to be? Why am I even still here? I should just- “Oh no you don’t.” Shadow says right before kicking me to the passenger seat. “I’m sorry love but I can’t let you do this to yourself. They are our family, and I’m taking us home.” After a few hours we have made it to the border of Silver Springs. I watch as shadow walks through the pack. But something isn’t right, where is everyone? Why is it so quiet? Shadow walks through the pack lands quickly scanning each house, business, everywhere and nobody. We get to the pack house and still nothing. What the hell is going on?! Shadow tries sniffing for anyone and nothing. It’s like they just disappeared. After wandering around some more we head back to the pack house and make our way to our room. I try to shift back but can’t. What else could go wrong. “Hello?” “HELLOOOOOOOO!!” Shadow bolts up onto her paws. Was that…Onyx?

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